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Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)

Hanzo/Cassidy – secret tryst – Hanzo is being a mean bitch and Cassidy is an unwitting victim... what is new? Oh yeah- Angela barging in on everything.


Hanzo is a menace. He’s a bully and an asshole and Cole has no goddamn clue why he keeps getting in these situations in the first place.

Only that he does know exactly why and it all revolves around the fact that he’s thinking dick first and Hanzo is the hottest bastard he’s ever seen and he just needs to put his cock into him 24/7.

Unless, that is, someone is talking to him about his goddamn report while he is doing it. He’s never been much of an exhibitionist and actually he’s quite surprised that he’s still got an erection but… well.

Here he is, slave to his need to fuck Hanzo Shimada every which way, staring glassy-eyed at Angela while Hanzo’s mouth begins to slide down farther and farther, engulfing his cock little by little in wet, irresistible heat.

This… slut.

He’s not aware of his hand still under the table until Angela throws him a weird glance; so all he can do is jerk it out and into view, shooting her a wobbly smile as nothing can hinder Hanzo any longer from doing whatever the fuck he wants to do.

He never sucks him down this far when Cole asks him for it. He never softly gurgles around his crown and scritches his balls. He always, always, ALWAYS is a mean son of a bitch that just lies back most of the time and spreads his legs with the demand that Cole work an orgasm out of him.

So of course when he finally puts in some effort and does all the nasty shit Cole has been begging him for throughout the past… year and a half, it is when Cole has to try and sit perfectly still and somehow hold a conversation with one of his friends.

He doesn’t want to traumatize her. He also wants to keep being an intact male and honestly he’s not sure what Angie is capable of doing when she is pissed off. He wouldn’t put castrating an old stud who’s run his course past her.

Cole is trapped between a rock and a hard place… or between two mean bitches that know how to grab a man where it really hurts.

Hanzo has swallowed him completely now. Cole hadn’t known he even had the ability to do something like it. One of his knees starts to bounce with nervous energy as tears spring to his eyes as he tries desperately not to make a sound and to remain nice and calm while Hanzo’s tight throat swallows around his cock and his nose keeps digging through the forest of his pubes.

He can hear the wet clicking of Hanzo’s throat. Can Angela hear it as well? She has paused speaking, he realizes now, her head cock to the side to stare at him with her eyes slightly narrowed.

Panic shoots down his spine like a bolt of lightning and he sits up a little straighter, his cock nudging deeper into Hanzo’s throat, if at all possible. It makes him gag underneath the desk, throat spasming around Cole’s dick in the sweetest embrace he’s ever felt… but he needs to mask Hanzo’s wet coughing so he says with a bit of a slur and a little too loud: “Everythin’ alright, sweetheart?”

Angela lifts one eyebrow. She looks him up and down, then around the room as if searching for the hidden camera.

“Are you drunk, Cole Cassidy?” she asks with the disappointed cadence of a mother. He inhales deep and sudden; it feels like he hasn’t been breathing in the last five minutes.

Hanzo has finally been pulling back and he can feel the thick saliva dripping along his throbbing shaft, left behind by Hanzo gurgling his cock like a pro whore.

He almost laughs at her assumption – he’s never been so acutely, perfectly aware of his surroundings in his entire life, it feels like. He shakes his head, voice shot as he promises: “No, ma’am. Just feelin’ a little under the weather, I fear.”

“Hmm… might explain your glassy eyes. I won’t be long, but you should come to my office afterward so I can check you out.”

Hanzo uses this moment to try his best of sucking Cole’s nuts into his mouth.

Cole’s leg jerks, knee hitting the underside of the desk. The pain shooting through his leg mingles with the sudden euphoria of having Hanzo Shimada desperately laving his breeder balls with attentive licks of his warm, silky tongue.

“Cole? Are you sure you’re alright?” Angela’s voice floats to his ears. He blinks open his eyes. He hadn’t even noticed how he clenched them shut, just focusing on not pumping his load out into Hanzo’s hair while Angie was just a bit further than arm’s length away.

He’s nasty… but he’s not that nasty.

God, shit, but Hanzo is, apparently?! He doesn’t know what he did to deserve such a punishment, but he can feel how Hanzo is trying again to suck at least one of his massive breeder nuts into his mouth, not caring about the fact that he isn’t shaved or hasn’t showered in a couple days… all things that have kept him bitching for so long that Cole had stopped asking in the first place and now…? He’s slithering his tongue through the forest of his pubes as if it is his favorite pastime.

By now, one of his hands is sneaking underneath Cole’s junk, fingers pressing against his perineum, tears shooting to his eyes-

A hand on his shoulder has him startle again. He jerks his head around, staring up into Angela’s concerned face.

“You look feverish and are occasionally unresponsive,” she tells him, unaware that if she were just to peer down under the desk now, she would be able to see Hanzo sucking on one of Cole’s nuts with his fat breeder cock lying square over his beautiful face.

He must not be noticing how close she suddenly is because he just keeps at it, now adding a mean little massage of Cole’s perineum to the mix.

Cole doesn’t know what the fuck he did to deserve this. He forces a wobbly smile onto his face, uncurling the death grip of his fingers from his chair’s armrests. Gently, he curls them around Angela’s wrist and lifts it off of his shoulder.

“‘M fine, Angie. Promised. I’ll go to bed as soon as we’re done here and I’m sure I’ll be right as rain after a good night’s sleep.”

She looks like she’s doubting him quite a bit but he must sound a little more lucid than he had the past few minutes so she finally relents and nods, walking back around the desk and sitting down in one of the chairs she picked one of his socks off with a disgusted expression and the very tips of her fingers.

“Well then. Let’s do it quick, then, alright?”

He nods along, trying to be attentive as he leans forward and firmly puts his forearms on the desk, hands clasped together. Like this, he is trapping Hanzo in the darkness beneath, practically boxing him in between his legs and the stink he exudes.

His own goddamn fault, in Cole’s book.

He feels Hanzo pulling away from his sac for a moment, his hot breath wafting against his crotch as he seems to realize the same thing… before becoming even more aggressive as if in revenge, his mouth greedy and wet as he pushes it over Cole’s cock yet again, letting it slide along his tongue and toward his throat, just shy of pushing through the tightest part. Head bobbing and hand on Cole’s wet sac, he milks him as if he were a cow…

Cole’s toes curl in his boots. He stares fixedly at Angela but barely hears a word she is saying as he focuses on starting to curl his hips upward as carefully as possible, trying to fuck Hanzo’s throat without Angie being any the wiser.

They’re egging each other on but Hanzo has certainly more power right now, his fingers mean as they grab Cole’s junk and all but force him into feeling like he’s about to shoot his load.

He’s never been bullied into coming… leave it to Hanzo Shimada to check that particular bullet point off.

The only thing consoling him as he pumps it out a couple feet apart from Angela who is currently reading with her head lowered is the fact that he manages to squeeze his arm under the desk and grab Hanzo by the hair, keeping him forced down on his cock so he doesn’t have any other option but to swallow down his load in desperate gulps.

Goddamn bastard. Two can play this game.


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