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Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This part)

Jaskier/Geralt – watersports – Jaskier writes a letter to his good friend Alistair, regaling him the tales of his newest exploits.


Alas, you might be able to surmise that since this missive has reached you, I have somehow managed to dodge the wrath of Geralt. You are a rather astute fellow like that, after all.

Allow me, if you will, to paint you a picture so that you may put yourself in my shoes. I am sure you will be delighted – do not think I have not noticed your incessant questioning about our resident Witcher. You are quite smitten with his physique and temperament though I can only reiterate: you would lose pathetically in an endeavor to woo him.

But I digress.

Imagine, dear Alistair, Geralt of Rivia, body slicked with sweat and the softest flush of pink starting to spread along his shoulders and over his impressive chest. You would have come to know quickly, as have I, that it will mean he is close to his peak. His eyes have gone glassy, no longer shining like torches in the night, his mouth soft and hanging open as you will be taking him through his paces.

He is a beautiful specimen, if not in any traditional sense. It is breathtaking to behold him opening up for pleasure and taking cock like he has never done anything else in his life. His own manhood engorged with blood, testicles looking swollen and dark like ripe fruit… I could write so many songs about the heft of his cock and the softness of the hood hiding its tip –

At first I had thought mayhaps Geralt is even deeper entranced in our coupling than I and that he would not be privy to what my failing body was doing to him until far too late. It had been difficult for myself to realize the happenings, if I am frank. I find that words are failing me when I try to describe the blankness that had overcome my mind the moment I lost the fight and started emptying myself into Geralt.

The warmth encompassing my body and the relaxation with finally being allowed to piss like a horse had taken a hold of me more surely and more damning than any orgasm ever could. I could not hear anything other than the rush of blood in my ears, Alistair. It was so loud, for a second I feared it was the sound of my piss streaming into Geralt’s guts.

So yes… I had hoped the throes of extasy into which I have managed to push Geralt would have been enough to distract him from… well… being filled up, but alas – I do not think anybody would have been able to ignore it. I remind you, I have been drinking the whole day, trying not to dry out in the unmanageable heat of the day.

I could hear his breath stuttering, then saw his head snapping around, his eyes wide as he stared at me, mouth opening… and no sound coming over his lips. Geralt is a very scary man, Alistair. Especially when he is not making any sound.

He was clamping down on me all of a sudden. Just a nervous reaction of his body, I am sure, but that reaction meant that not a single drop of hot liquid could escape his body as I kept pissing like a horse, our eyes now locked in stares of shock and dismay.

I could feel my mouth moving, undoubtedly stuttering excuses and begging for my life… yet I could not hear a single thing. And you know, my dear friend, that I am the first to admit that I quite enjoy the sound of my own voice.

“Stop it!” he had growled finally.

And I didn’t. I looked Geralt straight in the eye as I emptied the last drops of liquid into him, an unwitting victim to my body’s own depravity.

It is your fault. It is because you have put all those thoughts in my head during our last meeting; whispering about these exquisite carnal pleasures despite my begging you not to. I had known the moment the word ‘urinate’ left your lips that I would be absolutely doomed.

And I had been. I had kept thinking about your words day and night. They grew louder whenever staring at Geralt.

I am absolutely certain that a part of me, one that has sadly no will to live whatsoever, has just been driving me into the direction of where I had been stuck: cock deep inside a very confused and very angry Witcher.

No emotions my ass.

Excuse my vocabulary, Alistair.

So we were staring at each other, my dick acting as a stopper for the hot fluid I had pumped into Geralt – one he had been very explicit in the past about not being interested in receiving whatsoever… because of course I’ve had to ask, Alistair. You fiend. You absolute menace, playing with my naive, underdeveloped mind.

Just when I was starting to come down from the mind numbing high my release has given me and began to wonder how I could escape the situation both with my life and my genitals in tact, Geralt’s face began to have a… rather peculiar expression.

I had not known that a Witcher could blush; nor this furiously as he slowly reached down and curled his big hand around that big, rather beautiful cock of his. As I was watching, dumbstruck, he began to cautiously milk himself, his brows furrowed as if in concentration.

He must have tried to figure out how he feels about a belly full of piss…

You might have figured out to what conclusion he had come, Alistair – though he made damn sure to let me know exactly how magnanimous his decision had been, grabbing me by the throat and digging his fingers into my windpipe until I could hear an angel choir singing.

“Don’t you dare think you’ll get away with this shit all the time, bard,” he had growled and left me in his choke hold for but a moment longer. Possibly until my face had taken on the hue of purple that he desired.

He had let me go and ordered in no uncertain terms that I may keep on my efforts of pleasing him – and that I would have to be the one not only having to explain to the proprietor of our inn what had happened, but I would also have to be responsible for coughing up the coin needed to rectify my little faux pas.

A small price to pay for the opportunity to fuck Geralt of Rivia while hearing his tight belly slosh with my hot piss, for you know I have no shame and regaling a tavern full of patrons with the tale of how I emptied my bladder into a Witcher is… well. I am sure it will be one of my most requested songs once I have perfected it.

For all that he had been growling and… choking, Geralt rather quickly started to enjoy himself. His tongue lolling out and eyes rolling into his skull, he started grabbing me by the shoulder and giving me quite lovely bruises indeed. Mayhaps the added liquid generated all kinds of interesting sensations for him. I am not entirely sure, he is currently passed out on the bed and I am… honestly a little too afraid to ask.

This encounter feels like one of those things that I should keep my big mouth shut about, but if I tell you the sound he made when he started to reach his peak, Alistair. This rough, guttural whine that I am absolutely certain only a wolf like him can produce. He sounded like a wounded animal; like the sensations were simply too much for him to handle-

What an ego boost that is. We both know that I do not need it, but it was a welcome thing nonetheless. My hand shakes as I recall humbling this fierce warrior with naught but my manhood and incredible skills in bed. You will excuse my poor penmanship, I am certain.

Every now and then, a dribble of piss would slip past the stopper of my cock, wetting his rim just enough to drive home once more what has transpired that night.

He howled like the wolf he is when he came on my manhood like a harlot. I could hear some drunken patrons cheer underneath our feet.

Oh Alistair when I tell you about the sounds his body made as I pulled out to rub myself to completion and mark his belly with my seed – I had not been thinking clearly at that point, not putting two and two together… so yes. I pulled out and my hot piss came streaming out of him with vengeance. Not that he seemed to care, mind you. He was still deep in the throes of his own orgasm, eyes clenched shut and a muscle in his jaw jumping-

It is all the better, I suppose. Maybe it will get stuck in his mind like it has been on mine since you planted it there – until he comes around and orders me to relief myself inside him once more. Mayhaps even on him…

A man can dream, Alistair. A man can dream.

For you have truly put a demon inside my ear that night.

I shudder to think about what you might have in store for me the next time we meet. Our encounters are always very enlightening… and disturbing in equal measures.

Yours truly,




This second part was just so good! I've really enjoyed these two so much 😊🙏✨✨