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Geralt/wealthy merchant; (Geralt/Jaskier) – once again Jaskier couldn't keep it in his pants so now Geralt has to get him out of the predicament :)


“AAAhh Witcher! You come at last. I have been worried you might not be interested in the little bard anymore. Would have been very bad for my informants. Very bad, indeed.”

Geralt grunts in acknowledgement, coming to a stand in front of the lord, loose hipped and with a hand idly resting on a dagger strapped to his belt.

Jaskier’s eyes look like they are about to pop out of his skull. He keeps wriggling and trying to talk despite the filthy looking gag they have stuffed into his mouth until one of his retainers gives him a hard tap against the back of his skull that leaves him slightly dazed and quiet for the moment.

Geralt narrows his eyes minutely but does not react otherwise, turning back toward the lord who is smiling at him like a cat that got the cream.

“What did he do this time,” he asks with a monotonous voice that still betrays how done he is with this particular scenario.

“It is not so much what he has done but who he has done, I am afraid-” the lord begins and Geralt’s jaw sets tight, eyes jerking back to Jaskier and boring into him while the bard suddenly is very interested in the ceiling.

“I think an eye for an eye is appropriate,” the lord continues with an angry twinkle in his eye. “Or… a wife for a wife, I should say?”

That gets Geralt’s attention on him again, brows slightly twitching.

“I see you do not understand. Let me help you.” The man leans forward, the leather of his outfit creaking in the sudden silence engulfing the room. Geralt can feel the anticipation suddenly thick in the air, all eyes on him as he stares at the lord and waits with a feeling of impending doom. “The idiot bard has fucked my wife. So I will fuck his.”

He looks Geralt up and down, licking his lips. “Drop your pants, Witcher. This will be… interesting.”

Geralt jerks his head back like a spooked colt’s but before he can tell the lord where he can shove it, one fat, heavily ringed hand gestures toward Jaskier who now has a dagger against his throat.

“Do as you are told and he won’t have his idiot vocal cords snapped,” he hisses, “though I would be doing the world a great service.”

Jaskier’s head snaps around and he stares angrily at the lord until Geralt lifts his lip in a growl and starts to unbuckle the sword from his back.

“That you would,” he hisses. “Do us all a favor and cut his cock off with it.”

Jaskier is now staring at him with an expression that is not quite shocked but desperately trying to make him look very hurt.

Despite Geralt’s harsh words, he begins to undress for the greedy merchant with jerky, angry movements.


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