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Part 1 (This part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)

Hanzo/Reaper + Genji – (consensual) coercion – Genji made poor life choices and Hanzo has to help him out as per usual.


“You’re miserable at poker. I can’t believe you would bet so much on it, what the Hell is wrong with you?!” Hanzo hisses at Genji, finger digging repeatedly into his chest as they wait for ‘the boss’ to appear. He is suitably sure that they have microphones installed in the waiting room but it is either getting his frustrations out or explode.

Genji still does not look completely sober, blinking at him repeatedly and holding his hands up.

“I just felt like I had luck on my side,” he whines. “Come on, don’t be like that-”

“Don’t be like what, Genji?! You fucked up and now I have to find a way to get you out of this mess before this guy goes to father and tells him how many thousands you ow him because you can’t gamble your way out of a wet paperback!” He keeps digging his finger into Genji’s chest, feeling his face going hotter with annoyance.

Genji starts whining again but it is cut off when the door opens and a tall man enters the room, followed by two equally tall guards.

Hanzo stands up, hands smoothing down his suit briefly before extending a hand at the foreigner. His size is a little… intimidating, to say the least, but he seems civil enough from how he takes the offered hand and gives him a firm, cocksure squeeze of his fingers.

“Gabriel Reyes. You must be Mister Hanzo Shimada, if I am not mistaken? Your brother has been talking about you.” He briefly looks Hanzo up and down while he has to fight against the need of jerking his head around and staring daggers at Genji.

Reyes’ face, handsome but cold, softens to the smallest degree. “He has neglected to inform me on how easy on the eyes you are,” he says easily, fingers still wrapped firmly around Hanzo’s hand, not letting him go before he’s had his fill.

Hanzo inhales deeply, eyes briefly flicking toward Genji at his side who quickly looks away and pretends he hasn’t heard anything.

Deciding that he should not catch the bait, Hanzo chooses to ignore this and slowly pulls his hand out of Reyes’ grip.

“Thank you for making time for this,” he says calmly. “I wanted to talk to you about my little brother’s… poor life choices.”

Mister Reyes smiles a little which makes him very attractive, unfortunately.

“Understandably. You see, I too have someone who is somewhat of a… little brother to me. Could just strangle him whenever he makes any decisions at all, really.”

As he talks, he moves around to sit on the large leather couch in the waiting area, one arm extending along the backrest. He idly drums with a few fingers against his thigh. His very thick, muscular thigh, Hanzo notes, feeling weirder and weirder about the situation as it progresses.

“You… understand, then. Very good. If you would just refrain from taking Genji up on his idiotic bets, I would be very thankful-”

“I did not say that he’s off the hook yet.”

Hanzo slowly closes his mouth again, eyes narrowing slightly.

Mister Reyes stops drumming fingers against his thigh and instead curls them in a beckoning fashion.

“Come here, Mister Shimada. I’d like a more… intimate conversation with you. Maybe we can figure out what to do with your brother.”


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