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Part 5 (Patreon Link)

Part 6 (Patreon Link; timeline-wise the first part)

Soldier76/OC; Reaper/Cassidy; Soldier76/Reaper; OC/Cassidy – Two pairs, a bit of partnerswap, and a whole lot of sluts :)


Cole groans long as he stretches out his legs and folds his hands over the hairy expanse of his stomach.

“Damn, Morrison… that’s a sight for sore eyes.”

He doesn’t take his gaze off of the sight of their boys, stuck together asses first and wriggling on the toy Sonny brought with him for this outing. Cole loves this bimbo slut; he didn’t even look embarrassed – just stupidly excited about getting to cram one long, wiggly end of the doublesided dildo into his body.

He and Gabe look so good together… big, muscular boys with thick thighs slapping those and their fat asses together every time they spear themselves back on the slippery, long toy.

What it doesn’t have in girth, it makes up for in length. Cole tries to see an outline of it wriggling in Gabriel’s belly but his muscles are too thick and probably won’t allow for it. It is a bummer but nothing to get bent out of shape about.

Jack is next to him, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, face scrunched into a tight expression of focus; like he has to judge the performance of the sluts or something.

Cole reaches over and slaps him on the shoulder hard enough to jostle him and get him out of whatever laser focus he’s slipped into.

Jack throws him an annoyed look.

“What is it, Cassidy.”

“What’s with that expression, bud? Just relax and enjoy the show. It’s not often I get Gabe to do this kind of shit, he’s not a fucking bimbo like your boy. Got a few too many brain cells and a bit too little slut gene in him. Just get your dick out and have some fun.”

Jack looks annoyed for a moment longer… but his expression thankfully softens within moments and he nods, his body starting to slowly relax out of the tight lock its been in.

“You know… you’re right. How about we play with each other’s sluts? I kinda wanted to get my hands on Gabe for a while now and Sonny loves fat bastards like you for some reason.”

Cassidy chortles, not in the least bit offended. He knows he’s put on a few pounds in the last few years… and he knows that sluts like Gabriel and Sonny go nuts for his fat, tightly muscled belly and the coarse hair covering him all over. It’s not like he cares about what others think anyway.

So he nods and slaps Jack on the shoulder again as he gets up and starts to open his belt, made a bit more difficult since he has to reach around his own thick gut.

“Well boys… you wanna keep fucking each other on that toy or do ya want a nice fat dick to sit on?”

Two heads turn toward him, Sonny looking fuck stupid and slack jawed as his gaze flicks down to Cole’s dick slipping out of his pants, no underwear there to constrict the heavy swing of it; moving left to right like a lazily wagging tail.

Gabriel, much in the same fashion, though a bit more put together, focuses on Jack walking closer as well.

He doesn’t need to tell them what he wants – Sonny speaks for the both of them, breathless and needy: “I want that, please-”

Always so very polite. He got trained well by his daddy… no matter how much Jack insists that Sonny is a little brat and will do anything to get his legs spread and slutty whore hole filled.

“Laps it up like a dog. Doesn’t care whether it’s gentle or rough; just wants to get pounded like a bitch.” The words ring through Cole’s head as he grabs Sonny by the back of his neck and urges him to move off of the cock.

He’s seen the toy earlier, of course, but it’s length hasn’t really hit home until he watches it pulling out of the boys slowly and showing no sings of stopping anytime soon. It’s surface is wet and shiny and Cole just knows that if he were to grab it to help the sluts out, it would be nice and hot to the touch after they kept it snug inside their bodies.

Finally, the double sided cock falls to the bed like a damn snake, allowing Jack and Cole to grab each other’s boys. They’re big and beefy but so damn eager, it is like moving around a twink.

Cole gets on his back and slaps Sonny’s thigh, watching the relaxed muscle jiggle hypnotizingly.

“Go on… take what ya need,” he croons.

Sonny swings his leg over him without needing to be told twice; but instead of sitting his ass down on his beercan dick, he takes a seat on Cassidy’s gut, cock bouncing over his hairy chest and right in his face. It’s just as handsome as the rest of the kid… probably a bit smarter, too.

Sonny grins down at him, dimples and all, eyes looking feverish. For how much he’s been bouncing his ass, trying to fuck himself into a frenzy when he was stuck with Gabriel, he is now rather calm while his companion gets put to the task by Jack.

Jack has his hand curled around Gabriel’s throat and uses that as leverage to pull him on his cock. That he’s choking him as well seems to be just a happy coincidence.

“Did ya like playing with my boy?” Cole drawls, hands grabbing Sonny’s thighs, fingers digging slightly into the thick muscles. He likes fucking guys that can take a good dicking… and Sonny definitely is sturdy enough for a nice, long ride.

The smile he gives him is happy and handsome and without any notable thought behind his airhead eyes.

“I loved it!” He’s starting to rock his hips now, dragging his sensitive, wet hole over Cole’s hairy gut as well as dragging his cock along his hairy chest; getting himself off nice and slow just from rocking on him.

“Good to hear,” Cole croons, fingers digging a bit harder into his thighs, urging him to slide his trim waist back so he can finally fit his cock into him and not only feel that slutty hole of his rubbing against his belly. It’s driving him insane… “I can see about arranging some more play dates. Ye’re a good influence on Gabriel, ya know? He’s never as slutty as when you’re around and get him nice an’ jealous-”

Gabriel growls, baring his teeth at Cole because he probably can’t talk while getting choked – his angry stare is also not really effective when he can barely keep himself from toppling over because Jack is fucking him so doggedly, hips slapping in a fast staccato against Gabe’s fat ass-

and Cole wants that.

Sonny might be an airhead but he knows when someone wants to fuck and he smiles at Cole all sweet and boyish as he finally slips further back, leaving behind a trail of sticky pre-cum and lube in Cole’s copious bodyhair as he gets himself situated over his beercan dick – and sits down with gusto.

His smile immediately slides off his face, expression going nice and slack when he gets cock to stretch him far wider than he is used to.

Cole grins crookedly, hands reaching around to get a nice hold of Sonny’s ass cheeks and spread them apart, adding to the feeling of getting split in half.

“Hey Morrison! Your boy enjoys a fat dick, you know?”

“Shut your damn mouth, Cassidy.” Jack throws him a short, annoyed glance but he can’t focus long enough to really put any heat behind it. Not when he is focused on deep dicking Gabriel. “Gabe doesn’t seem to mind a proper long dick for a change as well.” He turns to Gabriel to talk to him directly, voice getting even rougher as he says: “Isn’t that so? Touching all those spaces that Cassidy can’t reach, am I? You love being ridden properly for once…”

Cassidy takes it on the chin, not really minding it when he got Sonny bouncing on him like his life depends on it.

He might not be the brightest bulb in the shed but he can work that hole of his like nobody else, squeezing down on Cassidy’s dick as he drags himself up and down in a fast, mind-scrambling rhythm.

He doesn’t mind if he has to do all the work… he probably isn’t bright enough to really be bothered by it. All he enjoys is fucking and getting felt up by Cole’s big, rough hands as they rub all over his body, squeezing his ass and thighs and tits and pinching his nipples until he whines like a cat in heat.

Cole wouldn’t want to give Gabriel up for anything… but it is nice once in a while to have an idiot airhead treat his cock to an incredible ride while looking the way Sonyn does. Absolutely perfect.


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