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Previously: Hanzo got a taste of bossing someone around as well as learning how to ride Ponyta. Will things continue or come to an end soon?

Content/warning: mentions of Pokémon death; blowjobs in tents


“Alright, estimated time of arrival is… kinda tomorrow around noon? I’m not running or anything…”

“No, that is fine. You made an impressive time, all things considered. It’s not anywhere near Saffron City and you still took only a week. I… appreciate your effort to come and meet up with me.” Hanzo can tell that the way he talks must sound very stiff – and that is because it is. He has no idea how to act around Lúcio; the only people around his age have been Genji who he has treated as a little brother, and the occasional Pokémon trainer challenging his father.

Lúcio takes it in stride, that is, he ignores that Hanzo still has to come out of his shell and just smiles brightly at him through the small telephone screen. The early morning sun is starting to shine through the canopy of trees and dapples his skin with shadow and light spots. It makes him look very handsome… well, everything does.

Lúcio is a very handsome young man.

“So what’re you up to on your last day with Mister Tall-Dark-And-Handsome?” Lúcio grins into the camera, eyes lazily gliding from one side to the other as he makes his way through the forest in a nice and steady pace.

Hanzo flushes slightly as he hears his description of Cole and just scoffs.

“I think we are to have a ride into the nearby forest. He said something about ‘grand finale of your training, sugardoll’.” He tries to imitate Cole’s broad drawl but probably doesn’t get anywhere near it. Lúcio laughs either way.

“Shit, never thought I’d hear you making jokes! Nice, nice. Alright; I don’t want to kill my phone too soon, the battery is kind of low. Talk to you tomorrow, alright? Have fun riding.”

There’s a teasing lilt to his voice as he says it and jauntily waves his fingers into the camera before cutting the connection. It leaves Hanzo sitting there for a few minutes, wondering whether Lúcio can somehow tell that Hanzo has been doing a lot more with Cole than just the vague ‘fooling around a little’ that he gave him before hastily changing the subject.


“Aw, I’ll miss ya, babydoll,” Cole croons over breakfast when Hanzo tells him that he will be leaving with his friend the next day. He watches him over the table, wanting desperately to get closer to him but having been banned from doing anything of the sorts… and while it itches him to finally try and ignore Hanzo’s orders and be a bad boy, he can’t deny that he’s become kind of addicted to not knowing whether or not Hanzo will want to start playing and push his little foot up against Cole’s cock to rut against…

He can’t think of anything other than mounting this mean little slut for the past few days. He’s never done any play like this before where he didn’t get to pump his load into a willing bitch whenever he wants – and it excites him immensely.

The way Hanzo pauses sometimes and looks a bit shy or embarrassed tells him that he’s never done shit like this before, either. He might not be a virgin… but he sure as Hell is completely out of his depth. He’s a snack. He can’t fault either Baptiste or Roadhog for wanting a taste of him.

“Where will you go next?” he asks when Hanzo pretends that he won’t miss Cole even a little bit.

“Hmmm. I will have to talk to my friend about it-” Cole notes how Hanzo slightly stumbles over the word but doesn’t mention it, “-but I had been thinking about Olivine City. It is close… and I want to see the sea.”

Cole is quiet for a moment to let that information sink in. Just behind Hanzo on the top of his kitchen cabinets, he can see that creepy Salandit of his perched like a gargoyle and staring straight at him with its sly crescent shaped eyes. He has no idea what to think of her. Hanzo seems surprisingly fond even though she does nothing but slink around the shadows and watch the two of them what feels like every second of the day.

He doesn’t trust her as far as he can throw her.

When he has himself back under control, he clears his throat a few times and tries for nonchalant: “So uh… you goin’ to fight D.Va?”

Hanzo’s eyes narrow. He looks so similar to his Pokémon in that moment that it is almost hilarious. He puts his fork down and leans forward a little, staring Cole down.

“And what, pray tell, is that tone supposed to mean? Do you think I can’t defeat her? She is specializing in steel type, is she not? Ponyta has learned quite a lot in the past few weeks. I am sure we will be able to defeat her.”

Cole winces a little, fingers drumming against the table as he looks everywhere but at Hanzo and his ever-present shadow.

“No, no, you’re right. It’ll probably be a uh… a cinch.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Cole can tell that Hanzo is about to get angry with him, but he probably will only get all the more pissed off when Cole tries to tell him that his chance of winning are probably pretty slim.

She won’t make it easy on him – especially since he will have a type advantage and is a rather skilled trainer all things considered.

She doesn’t like losing… and she will fight dirty, when she realizes that she Hanzo could ring her to the ground, that’s for sure.

Hanzo’s nostrils flare – as does his temper. Visibly. Cole’s cock immediately starts to take notice. The dumb thing is conditioned to react to Hanzo… especially when he is pissy and looking so damn gorgeous.

“Well? I asked you a question!”

“Nothin’! It’s not supposed to mean anythin’, babydoll. Ya can handle yourself just perfectly so don’t let me dissuade you or anythin’.”

He can feel a drop of sweat rolling down his spine as he stares back at Hanzo who looks pissed off at the mere insinuation that he might not be up to the task of fighting one of the gym leaders.

Cole waits to feel his mean little foot stepping on his cock in retaliation and holds his breath, hands curling around the armrests of his chair… but Hanzo just huffs and stands up, lifting one arm to let the mean little Salandit crawl onto his shoulders before he stalks outside with the air of a king that got slighted.

Cole looks after him, starving for attention already, cock twitching against his thigh. Fuck, he’s so greedy for Hanzo’s mistreatment…

Just before the door closes behind Hanzo, the Pokémon on his shoulders turns around and throws him a look, mouth open in a sly grin – like it thoroughly not only enjoys Hanzo being annoyed with him but also his desperate need to get his dick stepped on.

It’s expression is weirdly intelligent; like it wants to say ‘You’re fucked, buddy’.

And he is. He really is.


He putters around in the kitchen for a bit longer, trying to distract himself from his desperately pounding erection.

By the time he finally goes outside, his cock hasn’t quite gone down… but at least he can walk without too much of a limp.

Hanzo must have fed the Rockruff; they are not accosting him for food and instead are lying in a patch of grass, warming their bellies in the morning sun. Maddox is not to be seen, but that does no longer surprise Jesse. As expected, when he turns around the corner of the main building, the chubby little guy is sitting at the fence and watches Hanzo and Ponyta doing their rounds and still getting used to the feeling of working together like this.

They are stupidly gorgeous together. Ponyta moves like a showpony without Hanzo having to ask it to. It struts like it wants to impress some kind of crowd… and Cole can feel his chest aching some at the sight. Absentmindedly rubbing it, he calls over: “Hey there, sugar! You wanna go for a ride later since you’ll be goin’ tomorrow?”

Hanzo comes to a halt in front of Cole on the other side of the fence, looking down on him much like what feels like any of his Pokémon are. He does not seem angry anymore, though. “That was the plan, was it not? Go and pack our stuff so we can move out soon.”

His dark eyes flick down, watching Cole’s hand on his chest. A faint frown appears between his brows but he does not say a thing, and Cole takes his hand down anyway, absentmindedly petting Ponyta’s silky nose while he grins, flushed and excited at getting commandeered around by a pretty little thing about five years his junior.

“Alright then. Will ya grab Mudsdale fer me?”

Hanzo’s expression softens minimally and he slides off of Ponyta’s back.

“I will.”


Hanzo has walked the route multiple times since arriving at Cassidy’s ranch. The stable is a weirdly calming environment for him… he hadn’t thought it possible, really. But it is quiet and warm and smells like earth and loam just because of Mudsdale’s presence.

As he grabs the halter for the huge Pokémon, he walks past the deserted stall once again, throwing a cursory glance at the sign hanging on the door simply reading ‘King’. His eyes tend to move toward it every time he walks past. There is something weird about the stall that he just couldn’t put his finger on – he doesn’t know which Pokémon it belongs to, either since Cole has yet to call any of his Pokémon by such a name… but he can feel that there is something ‘special’ about it either way.

Just like every time, he does not dwell on it and moves on with his day. He has other issues to worry about other than Cassidy’s overall weirdness. Though… if he is honest… all those issues do directly revolve around the stinky bastard.

Not that Hanzo hasn’t been responsible for more than half of them. Like his damn obsession with keeping Cole on a nice, tight leash and wanting to know every step that he takes… or wanting to micro manage every drop of pleasure that he gets.

You shouldn’t be so harsh on him, that little voice in the back of his head chimes up. It has been a constant companion the past days and getting progressively louder the more Hanzo denies Cole his relief and instead keeps teasing him. Just remember last night. Give him a break.

The games of the other evening had ended on somewhat of a sour note on Hanzo’s end… Cole had gotten up after an hour or two of sitting on the couch and letting Hanzo play with his swollen erection, just over and over teasing with the prospect of pumping his warm mouth over it and sucking him down his throat… until everything must have suddenly been too much. He’d caught Hanzo’s wrists in his hands and gently pulled him up his body to lie on him and kiss the corners of his mouth, slack in surprise at being so easily manhandled by the ogre…

Only for Cole to then tell him that he needed to go to bed – and proceeded to do just that, limping something fierce with his cock swinging obscenely out of his opened jeans.

Maybe… he should go a little easy on him after all and let him have some release. It is not like Hanzo isn’t looking forward to it as well. To seeing Cassidy become completely unraveled while eating out of his hand like a perfect little toy.

The thought is… electrifying.


Soon enough, they are on their way. Mudsdale is carrying the supplies Cassidy has brought on its back, bound into a neat little roll just behind its saddle.

If it is bothered by the added weight, it does not show it, trudging along with its head slowly bobbing in time of its steps – much different to Ponyta who has thrown his head and huffed when Kikuri had caught a ride on Hanzo’s shoulders. Her weight is negligible, but Hanzo is still surprised that Ponyta has been able to feel her… even if he threw a tantrum and didn’t want to carry her in addition to Hanzo.

Ponyta has to trot to keep up with what looks like a fairly easy pace from the draft horse Pokémon… which is just as well, Hanzo supposes. He does not think that Ponyta would have been entertained by anything less. Like this, his young companion doesn’t feel bored, at least, letting him figure out the new terrain and feeling underneath him.

It has taken him quite a bit already not to desperately clutch at Ponyta with his legs and make it upset with him on his back. He has to focus to stay nice and relaxed now – something Hanzo is rather bad at in general.

His face must have looked pinched at any rate since Cassidy chimes in: “Don’t ya worry none. Before long, your buddy will evolve and be a good bit taller than that.”

Hanzo scoffs but looks down in contemplation at Ponyta’s ears, swiveling from side to side and taking in the sounds of the area around them. They are not quite in the forest yet so it isn’t too different from the paddock they had been training in so far… but Hanzo does start to worry about what will happen once they are in a new area that Ponyta undoubtedly will want to investigate – especially with its penchant to wanting to be the first everywhere and anywhere.

It’s good to take his mind off of this, so he decides to engage in Cassidy’s inane chatter.

It’s not like he enjoys the sound of his voice… or the company of this big, stinking brute of a man.

“Will they change a lot when they evolve? I mean… their personality.”

Cole reaches up and scratches his chin. Hanzo can hear the coarse texture of his unkempt beard when he does that… and it makes his insides go warm and sensitive. His hands tighten around the reins and he has to take a deep, calming breath.

“What do ya mean? You’re the son of a gym leader… thought you’d be around evolving Pokémon left an’ right.”

Hanzo throws him a sharp glance but is somewhat appeased by the downright panic stricken look on Cassidy’s face when he realizes that he might be in it for another earful. He decides to let it slide and not make things so difficult – his thoughts from earlier still fresh in his mind.

“One might think so… but no, surprisingly not. My father’s champion Pokémon is a Corviknight that has been evolved for so long that I can’t remember her being anything else than what she is today. He rotates the others, but those, too, are already evolved.

We have somewhat of a farm much as you, training Pokémon and seeing which would be up as gym leader entries but… I do not spend too much time around them before or after. I could not tell you their personalities or quirks.”

Cassidy relaxes visibly when Hanzo does not bitch him out.

Hanzo can’t deny that he… enjoys this quiet companionship right now. In honesty, it is the first time that they simply and calmly talked to one another without him feeling defensive or playing with the big body of this stinking cowboy… which-

Well. It is a bit embarrassing, to be quite honest. It feels as if they have done things quite backwards.

Cassidy speaks and he has to shift his focus quickly to follow along with what he is saying.

“Hmm I see. It sounds a bit sad but I suppose it can’t be helped. Gym leader business is nothin’ to scoff at, that’s for damn sure. I’m not really made for it; so when my run as Champion is over, I’ll prolly just stay on my farm and let the kiddos ride my Pokémon.”

Hanzo can imagine it well. There have been quite a few travelers on the farm since he started his stay there and he had been able to see firsthand how Cassidy enjoyed talking to them and letting them use his Pokémon as temporary companions along the route.

It fits him.

“That does remind me… I suppose Mudsdale is one from your team, is it not?” Hanzo replies after a moment of quiet contemplation. When he doesn’t immediately hear an answer, he looks up at Cassidy – but the man’s face is difficult to read with the shadows of the canopy of trees now playing tricks on it. They have entered the forest and are making their lazy way through the trees.

When Cole does answer, Hanzo gets the distinct feeling that he is reluctant to talk about this.

“Yeah. Yeah, he’s part o’ my winnin’ team.”

“So what about the other members? I haven’t seen any of your Pokémon yet. Just Skiddo, Gogoat, Mudsdale… and Rockruff.”

At that he glances behind them. Some fair distance away, Maddox is trotting after them, curled tail wagging with every step. Nobody has invited him along but for some reason he seemed compelled to follow even so.

“Well… hey, how about a little race?”

Cassidy grins down at him roguishly, reaching forward to drag his palm over Mudsdale’s neck beneath the heavy locks of its mane. “Ya know, this boy doesn’t look it but he can haul ass if he wants to.”

Hanzo frowns at him but decides to let him go for now… especially since he knows that he can’t lose a challenge like this when he has a Ponyta underneath him, willing and eager to run his little heart out.

“If you wish to lose… we can do that.”

Cole chuckles. He halts Mudsdale, so Hanzo does as well. The trees are generously far apart, leaving enough room for even the large draft horse Pokémon to easily weave its way through.

“Well then. Some ways straight ahead is a small stream. First to cross it is the winner. Understood?”

Hanzo grunts in agreement, fingers curling tighter around the reins. Honestly, his heart is starting to pound in his chest, nervous that he might fall down and break his damn neck… but he can’t remember the last time he’s done something like this; something so childish just for the thrill of it.

It’s exciting.

Between them, Maddox suddenly barks. Hanzo and Cassidy both look down at the Rockruff sitting there and barking at them again. There is no way he will be able to keep up with their race. Without thinking much, Hanzo leans down and grabs the thick, coarse fur around Maddox’ neck, pulling him up and over his lap. In a way, this is even better… Maddox’ weight pushing down on his thighs gives him a feeling of security, at least.

“Alright. Now that that is resolved… let’s see about that li’l race of ours,” Cole drawls, shifting a little in his saddle and getting ready as well.

Ponyta is basically vibrating underneath Hanzo, digging his small, hard hoofs into the ground, fiery mane occasionally flaring up and nearly blinding him – all the while Mudsdale doesn’t look like it even knows what is going on.

“Ah… but how about we make it a li’l more interesting?” Cole suddenly says into the tense silence.

Hanzo lifts one brow and looks up at him, tongue slowly dragging over his lips. Part of him had anticipated this… even hoped that Cassidy would say something of the likes.

“Oh? What do you suggest?”

“Winner gets to come.”

It sounds like it just broke out of Cassidy, his smooth, deep voice gone rough around the edges. When he glances down at Hanzo, there’s a bit of a wild look in his eyes. Desperation. He wants to come so badly

Hanzo exhales in a soft puff, heart skipping a beat, then starting to race yet again.

“Okay,” he all but breathes. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Cole swallows, Adam’s Apple bobbing visibly. For some reason the sight gets Hanzo even hotter under the collar, his legs tightening around Ponyta’s belly and making the Pokémon jump forward just a bit, trigger happy and so, so eager to finally start running.

Cole counts down.

“3… 2… 1…” he pauses just a fraction longer, the anticipation unbearable. Even the Rockruff across Hanzo’s legs has stopped happily panting, ears flattening against his head. “Go!”

Ponyta is off like a rocket. Hanzo can barely feel him moving underneath him. It feels like his hoofs aren’t even touching the ground as he flies through the forest, grey-blue mane flaring and warming Hanzo’s face.

Behind them, Mudsdale has turned into a rockslide. The sound of its massive hoofs hitting the ground fills Hanzo’s ears like the drums of a war clan. He doesn’t know if the nauseating thumping in his chest comes from his own heart or the vibrations of the massive draft horse Pokémon as it starts to gain ground on them. It’s long strides must be double of Ponyta’s length.

This speed! From a Pokémon like this! Hanzo can barely formulate any clear thoughts in his head. Part of him is panicking and feeling like they are all about to be buried under a wave of earth, the other part just thinks over and over: This is what a Pokémon of the Champion is like.

Kikuri’s claws are digging into his shoulders. She must be holding on for dear life as Hanzo leans forward and over Ponyta’s neck, trying to give the wind as little surface as possible so he wouldn’t slow his Pokémon down as they race through the forest at breakneck speeds.

It takes surprisingly long until he can see the shimmer of the little stream Cole must have been talking about. He is out of breath as if he were the one racing his heart out. More than once, Ponyta had to do a little jump over some larger roots that nearly bounced him right off of his Pokémon’s back.

Mudsdale is still hot in pursuit of them; while it has not managed to overtake them yet, it is a persistent threat at their back and he can tell that it freaks Ponyta out quite a bit.

He must be seeing the stream as well, though, because he somehow manages to run even faster, the wind pulling on Hanzo’s hair and on Kikuri hanging off his back.

His teeth vibrate in his skull from the earthquake caused by Mudsdale’s hoofs.

They break out of the tree line. The stream is only a few meters away and Hanzo can hear Cole’s voice behind him, sounding much different than usual as he urges Mudsdale on to go faster, to put that little bit of oomph behind its run that is still needed to overtake them…

Hanzo couldn’t say what hits him in that moment, but his body moves without his head making a conscious effort of it. It’s like a maneuver in a dream: suddenly sitting up and pulling on the reins, his body swerving to the side and jerking Ponyta’s head with it, forcing him into a sharp right turn just before the stream. It is a matter if milliseconds… but it is enough to have Mudsdale barreling over the water, spraying glistening drops everywhere.

Cole reacts immediately, leaning back in his own saddle and calling a sharp stop to his Pokémon which digs its massive hoofs into the ground and leaves deep grooves in the earth.

The silence that follows once Mudsdale managed to stop the trajectory of its massive body, is absolutely deafening. Hanzo can still hear the wardrum like thumping of its hoofs. His heart is pounding so fast that it hurts against his ribcage.

He stares over the stream toward Cole who has twisted in his saddle to stare back at him, his face slack in surprise.

Hanzo let him win.

Beneath him, Ponyta is… not amused. He can just about slide off of the upset Pokémon’s back before Ponyta can start bucking and throwing a temper tantrum, obviously very much displeased with the fact that his trainer has made him lose on purpose at the last second.

Hanzo can’t say that he is sorry for it… not when in his head Cole’s voice echoes the bet they have made earlier. Whoever wins gets to come.

Hanzo’s fingertips are numb. He somehow catches Ponyta’s reins and calms it down enough to murmur apologies at it, mumbling something about the sun having been in his eyes… he can tell that Ponyta isn’t believing a single word, though.

He stalks off, obviously needing more supplication from Hanzo later… but for now the crazy adrenaline rush from moments before is dissipating slowly.


Cole has brought a tent with him which he builds without complaint next to the source of the stream: a pond that allows Hanzo to let out Magikarp for once. It paddles around the circumference of the pond before moving to Hanzo who is sitting on its edge hanging his legs into it.

He lets his feet get nibbled on by his Pokémon, eying the way Kikuri and Ponyta are… he supposes they are playing, though it looks more like they are going to break out into a full on fight any second now.

Cole declares the tent build and the fire going. Hanzo can hear a slightly rough edge to his voice; the same as earlier when he had suggested their little bet.

The fact that tomorrow Lúcio will arrive and mark the moment Hanzo will leave Cassidy’s ranch is hanging over him… and apparently Cole as well. It is bitter sweet… and has his skin prickling with anticipation that seems to make the air around their small camp thicker and thicker by the moment.

He can tell that Cassidy is waiting for him to… do something, which keeps him from moving at all, his brain stalling with excited anticipation.

They eat. Cole has thought of everything… and Hanzo finds himself praising him in a low voice and enjoying the flush of pleasure it brings to the man’s ruddy cheeks.

He brings Ponyta his food personally, hoping it will smooth down any ruffled feathers… and thankfully he earns himself a light nudge of Ponyta’s nose in return. He has been forgiven.

When he turns around, Cassidy has moved into the tent, the flap of it left open suspiciously. As Hanzo moves toward it, he sees Kikuri about to move into the tent as well, pausing at the entrance and sniffing the air before making a face of utter disgust and turning to stalk away and spend her night somewhere else closeby.

He doesn’t know what she smelled in the air… though he can imagine it still.

He crouches down in the open entry, flushed with anticipation, body humming. Cole’s dark eyes are somehow luminous. He’s stretched out on his sleeping bag, broad frame taking up almost all of the space even though he obviously is trying to stay on his side. The tent is not made for two people and it shows…

Not that Hanzo minds. Not tonight. He creeps into the space and lets the flap fall down behind him. He crawls over Cassidy, sitting on his hips and listening to him exhale explosively as if the air had been knocked out of his lungs.

Hanzo can feel the warm length of his cock beneath his ass, twitching with obvious interest. He’s become very familiar with it over the past few days as he’s kept torturing this man.

Cassidy grabs his thighs with his big brutish hands, only to have Hanzo grab his wrists and pull them off. He makes a sound in the back of his throat as if he is hurting because of it.

“No touching,” Hanzo whispers. He leans down slowly until their lips are almost brushing together; just breath apart, really. He moves Cole’s arms up slowly, pushing his wrists into the cushioned part of his sleeping bag just above his head. It occurs to him just how big Cassidy is, all over again. He looks smaller when he is around Mudsdale, but he is indeed an ogre of a man.

An ogre that does not fight against having Hanzo manhandle him around just as he pleases.

“I did not say that you were allowed to touch,” he whispers, hips doing a slow, sensual twist that has their cocks dragging together through their pants, sparks of pleasure shooting right into his belly and warming it up from the inside.

He groans, but the sound is overshadowed by Cassidy’s rough moan, chin tilting up to steal a little kiss from Hanzo. Not as obedient a boy as he had shown to be the past few days… but that makes it all even more exciting.

He truly is just letting Hanzo play with him.

“But… the race…” he croons back, trying to worm himself into Hanzo’s good graces. He rolls his hips up gently, crushing their cocks together again. The sheer power that Hanzo can feel beneath him in that moment is almost better than the feeling of pleasure-pain making him clench his knees around Cassidy’s hips.

He closes his eyes, just breathing through the sensation… but Cassidy does it again… and again… slowly rolling his hips, fucking up against Hanzo as if trying to show him how good he could dick him if he only just gave in and let him have his way.

God, and it is so tempting- but he can’t. Not now.

“You won,” Hanzo gasps, sitting down harder and grinning as the action forces a pained little grunt out of Cassidy’s throat.

“And I will give you your reward… but nobody said that you would be allowed to touch. So be a good boy and leave your hands right where I put them. So I can take care of what has to be taken care of…”

Cole looks torn; like the thought of having to lay there passively and not get his big paws on Hanzo is almost enough to be a deal breaker.

“You’re so mean, sweetheart… tell me at least what you’re gonna do so I can make up my mind,” he croons – like there is any chance that he would decline the chance of having Hanzo put his hands on him.

Hanzo smirks. He starts to slowly shuffle his ass down Cole’s legs until he can lean down and have a nice and easy access to his cock. It leaps out as soon as he drags the elastic of his pants down enough, slapping against Hanzo’s cheek and leaving behind a wet, sticky smear of pre-cum.

God, the way it smells… so thick and potent-

He can’t help but drag his fingertips through the wild bush of pubes at the base, scratching it as if it were a cute animal that he’s scritching under its chin. Cole’s cock flexes. It looks like it has a mind of its own; big and ruddy and drooling from the thick piss hole.

Everything about him is so… sturdy. Hanzo wants so badly to cram it inside him and feel it rearranging his insides-

“I will suck you off,” he rasps finally just to get his mind off of his own desperate need. “But only if you are a good boy… and stay nice and still for it.”

Cole gurgles softly in the back of his throat. He honestly sounds like he is dying, pushing his head back and showing off the weirdly sensual stretch of his thick neck.

Hanzo is stuck for a split second just staring at the tremble of his Adam’s Apple.

“Damn, babydoll… ye’re a mean little number, aren’t ya? Love bein’ in charge, huh?”

God, yes he loves it. He loves having the say. He loves how he can feel Cassidy’s gaze on him most of the day, obviously anticipating any of Hanzo’s moves; trying to figure out what to do just so he’ll get Hanzo to touch his stinking cowboy dick-

This attention… this power is giving him life.

“Are you good with my terms or not?” Hanzo asks, voice pitched gentle for once, fingers still gently scritching through Cole’s thick bush. He can feel the heat radiating off of his cock against his knuckles. It is wild.

His sac underneath looks even darker than the rest of his body. It keeps moving with his deep, chuffing breaths as he obviously tries to keep nice and calm so he wouldn’t pump the load he’s been holding on to for so long.

“No games… n-not now, okay?” he asks finally, his voice scratchy and vulnerable – much like last night when he’s left Hanzo alone in his living room…

Hanzo leans down and presses a single kiss against the sticky, wet tip of his dick. He can feel it immediately coating his lips which he lightly smacks as if he’d applied some luxurious lip balm.

Cole has lifted his head immediately when he’s felt the touch. His eyes look like they’re about to pop out of his skull.

“No games,” Hanzo assures him, his body vibrating and filled with magma. “Not tonight. Just you getting your reward.”

He lifts an arm but aborts the movement before it can really amount to anything. He visibly grits his teeth, putting it back where Hanzo has put it moments earlier. Obedient even now.

“Good boy,” Hanzo rasps, then pops the thick tip into his mouth. It’s not like he’s got much experience with it… but he feels like he is certainly getting better after trying it out on Lúcio and Rutledge.

If Cassidy notices that he is just desperately trying to not fuck up, he doesn’t show. He seems most of all just mindlessly happy that he finally gets to put his dick into Hanzo and feel the warm lashes of his tongue against his painfully throbbing cock. In fact, his dick feels unnaturally hot in Hanzo’s hands and against his lips. Like there is a fever centered in the swollen shaft, the veins bulging at the sides filled with some kind of poison.

Better suck it out, then. Better make Cole feel better as fast as possible.

He is directly responsible for his condition, after all. He has done this to him; playing with that big ruddy cock and not letting him shoot his load.

Hanzo does not often feel remorse… but he does now. At least a little. He’s seen how desperate Cole had gotten yesterday, after all. He’ll have to learn how far he can take this without going too far… though he supposes Cole is just happy that he can finally get that beast of a cock sucked by Hanzo.

It feels so good between his lips; all big and sturdy, spreading him so well. It would be so easy to crawl up and sit down on it; cram Cassidy’s cock in his unprepared hole and feel the burn that’d arise from it-

But no. He has to keep his wits about him. It wouldn’t do to give in to his rude flirting quite so easily. It’s not like he ever completely stopped with it, after all. Maybe it really is just his way of communicating with Hanzo. All those pet names and little touches and roguish grins despite him knowing very well that Hanzo won’t give him the time of day-

God, his taste. It’s so thick on his tongue and makes the saliva shoot into his mouth until he is left swallowing again and again, trying hard not to let him feel his teeth and still failing at it.

Cole makes a choked little sound, his biceps trembling visibly as he fights against his own body and to reach down and grab for Hanzo.

“E-Easy, babydoll… watch ‘em teeth, will ya?” he rasps. He sounds honestly close to tears, giving Hanzo another rush of power.

Oh, this is dangerous. It could honestly get him addicted…

He tries to keep his teeth nice and away as he slowly starts bobbing his head. It’s a lot more difficult to keep everything coordinated than any of the little videos he’s seen made it look like. Lúcio had helped him along by grabbing his head and using his throat as a fleshlight, but this time he has kind of made it difficult for himself by not letting Cole touch-

Not that he seems to mind. Like.. at all. He groans low and rattling in his chest, hips starting to gently lift up toward Hanzo, offering him his dick like it is something very special… and not a stinking ruddy cock with a thick nest of pubes that Hanzo wants to bury his nose in and just inhale until he gets lightheaded-

He pulls off with a pop, licks his lips slowly, staring at the spit-wet tip of Cole’s cock, then pushes back again even before he can start pleading with him. His breath stutters to a halt in his lungs, cock notably jerking between Hanzo’s lips and spitting a bit of pre-cum right to the back of his throat.

Hanzo moves his own hips, trying to fuck his cock against Cole’s sleeping bag but not managing much of the sort. God… he should have opened his pants at least. Given his painful erection some room so he could just… take the edge off-

He’s so high strung all of a sudden. He hadn’t even noticed how badly he wanted to get fucked open by Cole until he got his cock out and his mouth on it. His fingers keep shaking as they pet his shaft like it was a warm, naked kitten. The strong pulse of his heart rate is making him all nice and gooey inside…

And then he really is gooey inside because Cole suddenly comes. He grunts low and rattling, his hips bucking up, forcefully sliding his cock down Hanzo’s throat exactly once before it starts to notably throb, pumping out magma hot ropes of cum.

Hanzo splutters, panicking that it would start squirting out of his nose like milk- then gets himself back under control almost as fast. Tears itch at the corners of his eyes as he pulls back just enough to not be choking on dick as Cole pumps a nice thick load out of his thick, ruddy dick…

He sounds so good, too; nearly sobbing in relief, hips doing the sweetest little humping motions-

It’s so good… better even than an orgasm of his own, he thinks. He slowly pets his fingers through the rough thatch of hair at the base of Cole’s cock as if attempting to gentle him down nice and easy while he finally gets to come… and come… and come… is this amount normal for him or more excessive because of the games Hanzo had played with him all week?

He can feel his belly starting to get nice and full from the warm load, at any rate… It feels just so hot-

When it finally starts to slow down, he pulls back to focus his attention on the swollen tip, sucking it and rounding the piss slit with the tip of his tongue until Cole makes a wheezing sort of laughing sound and tries to arch his hips away from him.

“E-easy there… got a bit of… got a bit of overstimulation goin’, babydoll…”

Hanzo doesn’t want to stop. But he’s being nice tonight, so he does, slowly pulling back and staring at Cole’s cock while it starts to soften in his grip.

“Shoot… can ya like… not stare? Not a man’s best sight…”

Cole’s eyes are glittering in the shimmery half-light in the tent, looking down at Hanzo as he finally glances up at him. He looks… very handsome in that moment. Hanzo still makes sure to scoff softly as he helps him tuck himself back in.

He feels antsy… but no longer desperately horny. His erection is still there, nice and present but when Cole tries to sneak his thick fingers toward it, he grabs him by the wrist and pushes the hand away again.

“Hmm… you got your fill for tonight. I don’t think that you deserve much more for now.”

“But I could give you your fill,” Cole croons, turning toward him. There is a strange mix of puppy eagerness and charming flirtation radiating off of him.

Hanzo scoffs again, pushing him away unceremoniously.

“Cute. Not cute enough, though. I won’t let you get away with just about anything.”

Cole sighs deeply and falls back down to the bedroll, just breathing for a while. Long enough that Hanzo thinks he might have simply fallen asleep before he suddenly shifts again.

“Wanna go outside a bit again? Don’t feel like sleepin’ much yet an’ with Ponyta’s help we can get a little fire goin’ real nice and fast.”

Hanzo hesitates. He had indeed not really known how they’d uhm… end all of this. but with no other alternative – he doesn’t feel particularly sleepy himself, after all – he consents. “I’d like a bit of warmth.”

So they actually make their way back out the tent. The night air outside makes him shiver, realizing anew how thick Cassidy’s scent is up close… now probably clinging to him as well.

His mouth is dry, and he thankfully takes a few sips of water from a bottle that Cole offers him.

Everything feels strangely… well… nice. Calm. Normal. As if he hadn’t sucked him off desperately just minutes before.

Or like they could get back at it at any moment… just casually. Without needing to feel bad for it.

Hanzo relaxes. With Ponyta’s help, they indeed have a fire going pretty quickly and it warms his feet and hands in moments.

As he glances to Cole he realizes that he hasn’t said a word since slipping out of the tent, but is actually just quietly staring at Ponyta.

“You keep watching him. Why is that?” Hanzo asks with a level voice.

Cole jerks out of his reverie and blinks at Hanzo. It visibly takes him a few seconds to understand what Hanzo means. He pauses, and in that moment Hanzo gets the distinct feeling like he debates whether to just brush him off or tell him… something, but in the end he nods and clears his throat.

“It’s just… it reminds me a lot of my old partner. Not difficult, really – was a Rapidash, you see. King. That was his name.”

Immediately, the name plate that Hanzo has walked by so often this past week is flashing through his head. King. Yes, the name is weirdly familiar now even though he’s not met the Pokémon yet. The Rapidash.

“Is it part of your team?” he asks with interest.

“Was. Was part of my winnin’ team, yeah.”

Hanzo swallows thickly, sweat starting to tickle the back of his neck. He wants to ask but does not know how to do it tactfully.

Cassidy sighs explosively and drags a hand over his face.

“Aw what the heck. Okay. I’ll tell ya, if ya wanna know. But… I don’t really wanna talk about it, alright?”

Hanzo snaps his mouth shut and nods mutely, slowly dragging his palms against his pants as he notes how wet they are starting to get. He feels dread creeping in at the edges but it’s too late to tell Cole to not tell him whatever it is he is about to say.

“You’ve seen… or more like haven’t seen my winnin’ team. The reason is, that I set ‘em all free. More or less. I was bein’ a shit o’ piece trainer an’ got one of ‘em hurt. Pretty badly. So I told ‘em to go and do their own thing but they refuse to be wild after I spent so much time trainin’ em. Uh… yeah.” His speech is choppy, as are his movements. He looks like he wants to just scratch his arms and face – like there is something crawling underneath his skin. He continues hastily when he sees Hanzo’s head snapping around to stare at him in surprise. He set them free? His whole team of champion Pokémon? Has he gone mad?! “King was one of ‘em. He… he died ‘cause I wasn’t payin’ enough attention. That’s it. That’s the story. Afterward I felt like a fuckin’ piece of garbage and set all of my Pokémon free. They come visitin’ every now and then. And Mudsdale doesn’t leave at all.”

Hanzo’s back has stiffened. What does he mean by ‘that’s it, that’s the story’? That most certainly could not have been ‘it’! Not after dropping a bomb such as that-

“Told ya I didn’t wanna talk about it,” Cole says sharply after noticing Hanzo staring at him like that.

Hanzo slowly drags his palms along his thighs. He wants to honor Cassidy’s request… but it is difficult not to just ask him about it anyway.


Cole sighs deeply. He reaches up and rubs his face a few times. By the time that he takes his hands away again, he looks more like himself once more. Not on edge and borderline aggressive but calm and… a bit sad, honestly. His voice gentles down considerably as well as he tells him: “I just wasn’t careful enough. I know it’s easy t’ think that you’re invincible. Or that they are.” He nods toward Ponyta who has lain down a few feet away, getting settled in for the night. His blue-grey fire as diminished almost to nothing.

“They get hurt in a fight, you just pop by a Pokémon Center and get ‘em fixed up, yeah? But the Center ain’t a miracle station. And they aren’t available just anywhere. I don’t mean ta frighten ya, but ya need to be careful, alright? They get hurt just like we do. An’ they can die just like us.”

Cole grabs a stick and throws it into the flames of their campfire.

Hanzo’s gaze follows the movement of his arm, then back up to his face where he notices that Cole is once again staring at Ponyta, his face going through all kinds of weird expressions due to the shadow and light dancing on it.

“I have to say though… it really does remind me of my King. So proud and feisty. Smart li’l fella.”

Hanzo does not reply anything. He looks at Ponyta as well, trying to imagine that it could die… and quietly pulling his legs to his chest and curling his arms around them.

Next time: Armed with a lot more knowledge about his playmate, Hanzo meets up with Lúcio and together they make their way toward the coast where a new, formidable foe lies in wait…
