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BNHA – free use/exhibitionism AU – Class 3A makes an excursion to a zoo and Aizawa oversees them having fun... mostly by fucking the shitty attitude out of Bakugo in the middle of a lawn.

Part 1 (Patreon link)

Part 2 (This part)


Bakugo starts swearing again when he sees Sato starting to lumber toward them.

The other boys laugh, holding him down in good humor.

Aizawa would let them all be but he can see a few mothers making shocked faces at the filth spewing forth from Bakugo’s mouth, so he has to get up and tell him off… which he only does reluctantly.

Goddamnit, he had planned these two hours to be the perfect nap opportunity but instead he has to go and chaperone his students as if they were kids instead of hero’s in the making…

As soon as he has wandered close enough, his capture weapon shoots out and slaps itself over Bakugo’s mouth to stifle the next filthy tirade that is just starting to approach a new crescendo. Two of the boys are keeping his shoulders pressed to the ground but nobody is holding his legs. He could easily kick himself out of the grasp… but that would obviously mean not getting the cock he not-so-secretly wants pretty badly.

His bulging eyes move to stare at Aizawa like he wants to rip his throat out or something.

Shota stares back deadpan, blinking slowly.

“You need to keep it down. Your potty mouth is traumatizing the children that are trying to have a good time in the zoo. If you can’t do that, we will find a way to shut you up.”

Bakugo’s bushy brows immediately angle downward even more fiercely, the fold between them steep.

Aizawa shakes his head and looks toward Sero who is currently standing right behind Sato and staring open-mouthed over his shoulder to watch as the big guy spreads Bakugo’s cheeks to guide his impressive cock toward the fucked soft and open gape of his hole.

“Sero. Would you please?” Aizawa calls over, voice long suffering. He rubs his eyes while Sero looks a bit confused for a second before getting the memo and coming over to help.

Soon enough, Bakugo’s mouth is taped shut by Sero, his face flushing redder and redder in his anger, the tendons in his neck standing out sharply.

“Alright. You boys play nice now. Don’t get him too worked up so he doesn’t choke, got it?”

“Yes, sensei!” they call back in a chorus.

He turns, intent on wandering away but… stays a little longer after all.

Sato has shuffled closer and is now slowly dragging the fat tip of his cock against Bakugo’s entrance.

It is always a sight to watch Sato fuck, so Shota wanders closer, standing back far enough to not make Sato feel self-conscious as he watches the muscles in his ass tense while pushing slow and measured forward into Bakugo’s receptive body.

Sato’s Quirk shouldn’t affect his cock, from a logical point of view. There are no muscles in there that could be affected by the intake of sugar – but the massive shaft with the bulbous vein running along the side is speaking for itself. If one were a stickler for rules, this aspect of Sato’s Quirk should have to be noted down in his Quirk sheet as well but…

Who the fuck cares about it as long as he isn’t auditioning to be a porn star?

Well, Bakugo cares, obviously. He cares enough that he still tries to scream his head off even with his mouth taped shut. His head becomes so red that it looks like it’s going to pop any minute like a grape.

Sato pauses, obviously unsure what to do about it while Midoriya, ever the good guy, tries to talk Bakugo out of it.

Oh, what a little… Can’t he just admit for once that he loves being stretched on Sato’s huge dick? Aizawa rubs the bridge of his nose again, feeling his pulse beginning to speed up.

It’s not like the others didn’t already know about it. A blind man could see how much of a slut Bakugo is for big fat cocks rearranging his insides.

“Okay, boys. Pack it up before-”

He halts, watching as Midoriya pulls off the tape covering Bakugo’s mouth again, but before he can properly pull in air to start screaming again, he has a new pacifier in form of Midoriya’s cock sliding over his tongue and down his throat.

Bakugo’s eyes bulge out of their sockets.

Aizawa inhales sharply, already fumbling for his pocket to call for an ambulance because one idiot boy bit the cock of another idiot boy…

Yet seconds later, Bakugo finally, finally calms his ass down. The brick red color of his face slowly fades away as Midoriya gently holds him by the ears and rocks his hips, cock slipping just past his gag reflex again and again.

Aizawa can see how it bulges the top of Bakugo’s throat.

Well… he probably could have thought of that option himself, but he also wouldn’t have thought any of them would be crazy enough to try it. Leave it to Midoriya to be the bravest in the group once more.

“There you go, Kacchan. This is much better, isn’t it?” he says kindly, hands carding through Bakugo’s wild, thick mane as if trying to distract him from the massive cock slipping in from the back.

For a good of five seconds it even seems to work… until Sato suddenly slides the rest of his shaft in with a low grunt and the calm is shattered by Bakugo gurgling on cock while doing a weird little back-and-forth as he tries to do… whatever it is he is trying to do and just finds himself speared on dick no matter where he goes.

“Uh… what’s smelling so weird?” Sero mutters, looking around to find the source.

Indeed, it smells like something is burning…

Shota’s tired eyes flick back to Bakugo who is struggling to keep his Quirk under control, his palms starting to ignite the grass they’re on.

“Oh bother…” he sighs softly under his breath and sits down with a grunt so he can keep the boy’s Quirk under control while they fuck. The things he does for this class…

At least the whole situation calms down after that. Once Bakugo notices that he is well and truly restraint, he gets his head in the game and stops pretending like he hates getting fucked.

Instead he moves eagerly between the cocks, spearing himself of his own volition again and again. He even starts balancing on one hand, demanding one of his friends to put a cock into his palm…

It’s a much nicer day like this. The sun shining, people walking past, kids screaming to watch this or that animal… and his class in the middle of it all, behaving like normal young adults for once and having a good time fucking each other.

Shota closes his aching eyes and rubs them to stave off a headache. Bakugo does not seem to notice his freedom, or he just doesn’t care anymore now that he’s well and truly getting filled with cock, his hole stretched deliciously around Sato’s fat cock.

So he glances back just to make sure the girls are still good under the tree where he’s left them. Yaoyozoru has materialized some inventive strap-ons from the looks of it. Good for them. At least they can fuck like normal people without having a temper tantrum every single time like some people present.

“Aizawa sensei? Don’t you want to try him out too?” Midoriya’s voice suddenly pulls him out of his thoughts. It’s a bit breathless. When he turns back to them he can see why: Bakugo is busy swallowing the load being pumped down his throat.

Midoriya is pinching his nose just to make sure he gets everything down… Bakugo’s eyes are heavy lidded. When Midoriya pulls out, Bakugo’s mouth just stays hanging open, tongue flopping out and strands of saliva mixed with cum dripping from the tip of it into the grass.

Shota is about to decline when he thinks better of it. Why shouldn’t he indulge every once in a while? He’s pretty sure Vlad King fucks himself through his class every other day. He could use the relaxation…

“Why not,” he mumbles and wants to shift closer, but his students, as always, are very accommodating, pulling Bakugo around so all Shota has to do is slip his cock out into the warm air and let him have at it.

And oh does he have at it…

Bakugo leans down, sucking him down without a hitch. He can feel his tip slipping past the tight ring of his glottis and right into his throat, everything around him warm and wet, holding him nice and snug as he leans his head back and sighs, enjoying the peace and quiet for once.

Birds chirping, children screaming in the distance, a little wind blowing… and Sato as he keeps grunt fucking into Bakugo, still not looking like he is nowhere near done pumping out his energy into the slut’s belly.

Those new crepe recipes really must be packing a punch…

Good for him, really.


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