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Hawks/Endeavor – They're at a gala and Hawks is hopelessly drunk and horny (as usual) and  persuing Enji (as usual). Enji tries to just get this evening over with but when he gets accosted at the last moment, the thread on which his patience dangles snaps and he puts Hawks in his place.


“Oh my god, is that Endeavor?”

As Enji hears the stage whisper to his right, he winces and starts to walk faster toward the large double doors of the banquet hall. He had managed to somehow go the whole evening without being spotted by Hawks, but it seems his luck has run out at the very last second… as per usual.

“Oh my god, it is, it is! Endeavoooor!”

Quite a few people turn to stare now. Hawks has been drunk from the very get-go it seems and throughout the evening he has gone from simply drunk to absolutely wasted.

Enji grits his teeth at the way his name sounds coming from him. Endevaaaaaa-

He pretends as if he hadn’t heard the drunk idiot and steps out quickly. Red feathers rush after him, slipping underneath the lapels of his suit and pushing him up against the wall.

Hawks is there just a moment later, grinning at him with every tooth available, his eyes so bruised and heavy lidded that it looks like he was in a fight.

“Endeavor! I didn’t know you were here! Thought you were allergic to fun – sure fooled me, huh?”

Hawks has the decency to call his feathers back so Enji can rearrange his suit jacket again while looking down at Hawks. He is fairly unimpressed with his behavior so far.

“Where are your keepers?”

“My wha? Uh… You mean Rumi? I dunno, she was just here and now she…” he looks around himself, hand scrubbing through his wild hair. “... isn’t.”

Enji rolls his eyes and pushes past him. He just wants out and back home since he needs to be up and early tomorrow for work… but Hawks makes it difficult, of course.

He runs after him, hanging off of Endeavor’s elbow like a limpet and dragging his feet all the way down the hall.

“Hey! Where’re you going? The party isn’t over yet! Come on, come on… don’t be like that.”

“You are behaving like a brat,” Enji growls. He tries to slip his arm out of Hawks’ tight grip with no real success. The kid is hanging on to him tight, whining and babbling something about wanting to drink with him.

Enji looks around. He moves into an empty conference room just off to the side, his pulse pounding at the side of his throat.

“You behave like a goddamn brat,” he repeats, his chest tight with anger. “Let go of me.”

“No… how the Hell am I supposed to get you in bed if you refuse to drink anything harder than fruit punch?”

Enji grits his teeth. He finally pries Hawks’ fingers off of his arm and instead grabs him by the throat, pushing him up against the wall.

Hawks reaches up, grabbing Enji’s wrist, his face doing some weird acrobatics as he seems undecided about whether he absolutely loves this position or is a bit scared about the huge, hot hand on his scrawny neck.

“You are a disgusting slut,” Enji hisses.

“Yes, thank you,” Hawks groans back. He pulls his legs up and curls them around Enji’s hips, grinding against his tight stomach. “Yes, yes, I am a disgusting slut – shit, I love dirty talk. Go on, insult me-”

Enji pulls a face in disgust. He wants to let go of Hawks and let him drop to the ground but the boy is hanging on to him tightly. By now he can even feel his erection, pressing against him, needy and sloppy like its master.

“You disgust me,” he hisses, trying to take a step back, but Hawks sticks to him like a limpet.

The prominent bulge of the boy’s cock twitches against his stomach while his face goes slack.

“Oh yeah… yeah… go on, tell me more… fuck.”

Enji’s anger spikes. No matter what he is doing, Hawks seems to get off on it hard. He is not here to be some kind of… of whore for this idiot.

He pulls Hawks away from the wall and instead slams him down on a table. He wants to tell him again how he is an utter disgrace to heroes everywhere but he has the feeling that that, too, would just get this idiot off.

“I will teach you manners,” Enji growls, hot breath wafting over Hawks’ face.

The kid’s hips are humping up against him, fast and sloppy just like the rest of him.

Enji has to grab his hip and slam it down on the table.

Hawks wants to be a slut? So he gets to be a slut – and he will make sure the idiot won’t come a second before he deems it appropriate.

Tucked away in the pocket of Hawks’ suit pants he can find a package of lube. Of course he can. He isn’t even surprised; in fact, he had hoped this little sloppy whore would come prepared.

Hawks sounds like he is about to hyperventilate. He is all over Enji, grabbing at him, holding on for dear life and whispering about how Enji please shouldn’t stop and please just do it and they don’t need any lube because of course he came fucked open and soft and ready to take it any second.

Enji pauses for just a moment to let that sink in, shocked despite himself about the sheer audacity of today’s youth.

Hawks uses Enji’s brief moment of inattention to somehow manage and pull one leg out of his pants. He’s not wearing any underwear. His cock is just there, the tip flushed a dark red, lying against his belly.

Everything is so very naked and vulnerable looking… Enji never had never wanted to know that Hawks shaves himself completely or that he has a sleek, circumcised cock.

But here he is; completely ignoring the way it dabs wet, sticky spots against Hawks’ skin in favor of opening his fly and fumbling out his own erection that slaps heavily against the young hero’s junk.

Hawks’ mouth opens in a stupid, round ‘o’ of surprise as if he were honestly shocked at how big and heavy Enji’s cock feels.

He doesn’t let him start babbling. He figures that he just has to be quick and precise to circumvent any of Hawks’ stupid monologues, so he reaches down and helps his wide crown to drag through the meager ass crack of the young man.

His hole is wet and just as butter soft as he had made it out to be. He really did come prepared. He really did spend some unaccounted amount of time fucking his rim soft and open before coming to this official end-of-the-year party.

What a nasty… slut.

Unfortunately there’s no way in Hell that he – or anyone, really – will be able to discipline him. Hawks probably has a kink for anything and everything under the sun.

Still, he can at least try.

Enji grits his teeth, hands around Hawks’ hips tight enough to make him feel like if he squeezes just an inch more, he’ll shatter his bones as if they were brittle as a bird’s.

Not that that makes Hawks any less horny for any of this. He is panting, heavy lidded eyes focused on Enji’s chest for some reason.

When he begins to push in, Hawks’ wings stretch out and start to tremble. His eyes go wide like he is surprised by just how far he has to stretch to accommodate the obscenely swollen crown Enji has for him.

There’s no room for him to look sleepy and gloating when he is getting his intestines filled by a cock the size of a baseball bat.

Enji’s nostrils flare, steam shooting out of them as he digs his thumbs into the sides of Hawks’ belly and begins to push deeper inside.

Hawks is holding on to his lapels with a white knuckled grip, mouth open and unmoving.

Yeah. Yeah, that’s it. There’s no place in his stupid little birdbrain to come up with any wisecracks when Enji is fucking him good and proper.

He starts to pump his hips, sawing his erection through Hawks’ insides until he can all but see the stars exploding in his eyes. A high-pitched, bird-like noise is trilling out of Hawks’ throat whenever Enji pushes in nice and deep to try and rearrange the position of his stomach.

His sleek cock is flexing against his stomach, dribbles of pre-cum drooling onto it and sliding down the sides in little rivulets. Oh, how wet this boy is…

He takes him like a champ, somehow. He takes him better than his wife ever would have, his legs trembling in the air and his insides feeling like a hot fist around his shaft.

Enji fucks him like the slut he is. He doesn’t need to be careful when Hawks has been nothing but a goddamn whore since the moment he laid eyes on him.

He fucks him and Hawks takes it, trilling and gurgling in equal measures, his wings looking like they’re about to cramp with how tense they are.

Will he come like this? Speared on Enji’s cock and blessedly quiet for once?

Oh, he can’t have that. Not yet.

Enji grabs his cock, squeezing it tight at the base, trying to stave off the orgasm Hawks is so clearly barrelling towards… but just as with everything else, Hawks doesn’t listen to this as well.

He throws his head back, his scrawny throat trembling… and he just comes. Just like that.

Enji pulls a face of disgust and immediately lets go of the jerking, sleek cock.

Instead he grabs Hawks’ hips again and picks up the pace, face stormy and annoyed.

Oh, he will teach him.


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