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Reaper/McCree/Genji – Jesse and Genji sometimes need some extra alone time and Gabriel can't say no to them. They're just too cute sometimes...


Gabriel knows that they snuck into his room but he is engrossed in the report and actually doesn’t really care anymore what Jesse and Genji do. Trying to keep them from doing something that they absolutely 100% want to do is energy that he can put into other more productive endeavors.

It’s also not like he can’t use them here. He kind of counted on it even as he skipped milking himself during lunch. His pecs are filled to an uncomfortable degree right now, skin taut and nipples aching with the need to release the pressure. Knowing that their hungry mouths are just there, creeping around the edge and trying not to get spotted is making him antsy.

He can wait, though. Unlike them, he has discipline and can pretend to be unaffected as Jesse crawls onto his bed first. It’s always Jesse first. Genji is still a bit shy when it comes to nursing; shy and stand-offish, though usually he comes around fast enough. He’s so ravenous for his milk that Gabriel has found himself craving the sensation of that half-synthetic mouth latching on and sucking hard enough to hurt.

Jesse is unconcerned with all of it. He’s been a baby pretty much the moment Gabriel dragged him into Blackwatch, demanding his milk right from the start. It had been him that had made Gabriel even consider nursing them in the first place. Jesse doesn’t have any fucking shame.

He grabs the lower hem of Gabriel’s sweatshirt and begins to push it up. Gabriel, despite actively wanting their mouths, grabs Jesse’s wrist and stops him with a low grunt of annoyance.

“The fuck you think you’re doing?”

“We’re hungry… come on, boss.”

It’s a mystery to him how someone with such a nice, deep voice can have such an annoying whine. Jesse keeps pushing against Gabriel’s grip until he lets go of him with an irritated huff. He doesn’t want to keep them away, after all. He just doesn’t want them to think that he’s waited for their needy mouths…

The moment Jesse has rucked up Gabriel’s sweatshirt and exposed his swollen chest, Genji is crawling up on the bed as well. He’s non-verbal as usual, but not quite per-se. They’re whiny little brats, whimpering like puppies as they slot in nicely on either side of Gabriel and start to nose at his dark, plump nipples.

Gabriel closes his eyes. The pain-pleasure of getting his tits touched his making his fingers almost numb enough to let go of the tablet. Fuck… he’s kind of forgotten how intense it can be when he skips a milking like that.

“Damn, boss… they’re burnin’ up. Whatcha do to ‘em?” Jesse murmurs. His big wet mouth is just… right there, touching his swollen nipple until Gabriel feels taut enough to snap in half.

“Just get on with it…” he whispers back, just shy of sounding needy.

Jesse shifts. Gabriel can’t see him through the table but he has the feeling that the brat wants to draw this out and make it more heated than it really needs to be… but Genji nips this all in the bud by simply closing his lips generously around Gabriel’s pudgy, hot areola and starting to suck.

“Oh f…” Gabriel closes his eyes and breathes deeply.

Jesse hurries to latch on to the other nipple. He knows that Genji has no qualms about taking a double helping if Jesse is goofing off too much.

The sensations flooding Gabriel’s body… God… indescribable. It is not necessarily sexual, just… a lot. It forces him to put his tablet down after all, his body going hot and loose like it is just naturally preventing him from trying to stop the boys from nursing.

All he can do is curl his arms up behind their backs and brush his fingers through their hair while they press closer, latched on to him like leeches, mouths so wet and warm and greedy.

The pressure slowly, incrementally recedes. It leaves behind a feeling of light headedness. He hadn’t even realized just how pent up he’s been until the impossible ache finally dulled into something a lot more manageable.

Genji is the more perceptive of them as usual. He makes soft puppy sounds as he nurses as if trying to comfort Gabriel. He drinks in big gulps, trying to pull as much of the creamy milk out of him as possible to make him more comfortable.

It is honestly… heartwarming.

Jesse, meanwhile, takes his goddamn time and draws it out with luxurious, slow pulls. His stubble scratches Gabriel’s skin just enough to make him hyper aware of the nursing boy.

Man. Jesse is a grown man, just as Genji is… but they are just too sweet when they come to him to fill their bellies and be pampered by the feeling of his nipples in their mouths.

It doesn’t take long until Jesse starts to shove a leg over his thigh so he can better rub his cock against him. Genji is following soon. They are clutching to him like needy vines, holding him nice and still so they can both nurse and rub their hot little dicks against his muscular thighs.

It’s not surprising. None of this is. It has happened often enough that he had wondered when it would start and who would be so impatient this time. It’s Jesse most of the time. Genji doesn’t really like to initiate things when they are not about bloodshed. But he’s very much into it now, his lips stained white with Gabriel’s milk are half-open and no longer nursing as he breathes out little moans while his hips rut.

Jesse is surprisingly quiet. He hasn’t stopped drinking, just putting his head on Gabriel’s bicep like a particularly luxurious pillow while he moves nice and slow. He’s so fucking unhurried that it almost puts Gabriel’s teeth on edge.

It’s just like in training and actual missions. Jesse always has his own way of doing things; his own inner clock that he will not change, no matter how much Gabriel might rage at him.

Not that he would raise his voice against his boys now. They’re both nice and heavy and warm, deep down in their space as they try to rub their pretty little cocks off on him while licking at his nipples and latching on to suckle.

When Gabriel cranes his neck to try and see their faces, both boys have their eyes almost completely closed. They look so damn sleepy… and cute. He brushes over their hair, his own body feeling so heavy and satisfied from finally having the pressure off of his tits.

He wants to reach down and help them tug their pants down and get their cocks out, but they are wrapped around him so tightly that he can’t move his arms without dislodging their sleep heavy heads.

“Come on… pull your pants down, babies. This ain’t no way to properly rub off. You’ll just chafe.”

He has to try it a few more times before they finally follow suit. He can’t tell whether they are just being bratty or whether it just takes that long for his words to penetrate the thick fog that has descended over their minds.

They just about manage to follow his orders. For such highly skilled agents, it takes them incredibly long to figure out how to tug the elastic band of their sweats under their balls.

He’s only wearing boxer briefs, so he comes into the pleasure of feeling their wet cocks slipping against his skin as they continue their rutting, breathing soft, needy gasps right against his milk wet teats. They’re nice and quiet; even Jesse doesn’t make much noise as he rubs himself off in between licking at Gabriel’s nipple or trying to sloppily latch on once more.

He doesn’t think he has much more milk to give, but they’ll try even so until he has to push their heads away from his aching teats.

For now, though, it remains nice and calm… just him and his boys, just barely awake as they try to fuck their warm little loads out. With their bellies full of warm, thick milk, it surprises Gabriel that they can even still manage to do as much as wiggle their hips to try and get any friction out of this experience.

He’s not helping them. He would, usually, but he just likes their little sounds of confused frustration as things don’t quite work out the way they are imagining it in their sleepy sub-drop minds.

This is nice, though… it’s so calm and peaceful. Even Jesse seems completely unable to be a goddamn brat when his cock keeps twitching against Gabriel’s thigh, blood hot and so damn close to shooting its load...

Gabriel has the best little boys. He is… glad that he can provide for them the way he does.



This is so perfect I love how soft they get