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Part 2 (This part)

Gabriel/Jesse – Blackwatch era; science gone wrong; tentacle monster Gabe – Jesse just tries to make him take his meds after Gabriel got in contact with questionable substances...

Happy Halloween!


Gabriel is hovering above him, his face tight and unreadable as more tentacles sprout out from his body and touch Jesse all over. He’s not brutal… yet… but he wants Jesse naked, that much is clear as he pulls and pushes at his clothes to try and shove them aside and get to skin.

Whatever Gabriel has injected into him, it has Jesse in some kind of paralysis that keeps him from doing much other than just… breathe and look at Gabriel while he transforms into some kind of horny tentacle monster.

Suction cups keep sticking to Jesse’s skin. Whenever they pull off, they do so with a little twinge as they pull on little body hairs.

Not that he could say ‘ow’. His tongue is lame in his mouth as he watches Gabriel sprout all those little tentacles that expertly push his clothes off and cover him in a wriggling, silky soft mass. It’s just how he always imagined a jellyfish to feel like…

Gabriel is leaning down further. His eyes are large and just staring unblinkingly at Jesse. It’s… pretty eerie. Especially since Gabriel has stopped talking as well. He probably doesn’t need it. All he needs is to do whatever he is imagining to Jesse… probably… oh boy.

That’s kind of worrying. That’s kind of scary. Will someone come looking for him? Ziegler knows that he’s here to deliver the medicine but she gets caught up in work pretty easily and probably doesn’t spend a second thinking of him again until Gabriel’s next dose is due…

He’s in here for the long haul it seems. Gabriel’s tentacles give him no privacy. They slide up his throat and over his chin, easily hooking into his unresponsive mouth to slither all over the insides of his cheeks and his tongue and even back to his throat. He doesn’t even have a gag reflex at this point. He wants to frown and can’t. He can only stare back at Gabriel as he is being inspected inside and out. He can feel every little slip, every writhing, every quivering… but can’t do a damn thing about it.

His legs get spread nice and wide. He can feel his cheeks opening and letting cool air into his hairy crack just seconds before it is filled with writhing tentacles that wriggle into his fur like they are trying to get nice and comfortable… or maybe they’re looking for his hole.

Holy shit… how do I get out of this?

It’s not like he isn’t insanely hot for the boss. He’s been jerking it off to thoughts of his body for literal months now, but he’s just unsure how this will… go. Would Gabriel get violent? Would he suffocate him just by being too enthusiastic about the tentacles stuffed down Jesse’s throat?

It doesn’t look like it for now, at least…

Jesse can feel how his cock is getting grasped in a few gentle tentacles that slip and slide along it. There’s something nice and wet that is smoothing the way but he can’t lift his head to see what the hell is going on. All he can do is lie there and accept what Gabriel is doing to him.

Which is… pretty hot. But that’s beside the point. Something that feels like a tiny little tentacle is lovingly rounding the swollen head of his cock. At this point it doesn’t even surprise Jesse anymore that he is having a hardon. It just seems par for the course at this point.

The tiny tentacle brushing over his crown starts to zero in on the very center of it. Jesse has no idea what it is doing until he feels it starting to carefully push its way inside his dick, using his piss hole to fuck him every which damn way. He tries to make a sound of protest… but nothing comes out. Especially past the tentacles wriggling at the back of his throat, as if trying to hype themselves up into finally sliding down. It’s like Gabriel wants to inspect every little crevice of his body.

The tiny tentacle slides deeper into his cock, making him feel full to the point of bursting. It tingles right down into his toes and fills his body with a nervous energy that just ratchets up higher and higher because he can’t move to get rid of the buildup. It’s just him being at Gabriel’s mercy and having to endure the sweet torture of being filled… now even at his backdoor.

There’s plenty of slick, wherever that is coming from. Gabriel hasn’t taken his eyes off of him for a second. He is some kind of unblinking god hovering above and looking into Jesse’s soul while he fucks a quickly fattening tentacle past his unresisting rim and fills his guts.

Everything inside him is… writhing. He wants to make a sound, something to explain how this is feeling, but he can’t do anything other than breathe. He should be thankful for that little mercy… but it is difficult to-

Oh, who is he kidding? He is thriving. This is a scary goddamn situation but he’s nothing if not horny for those near-death experiences. Getting it delivered straight from his wet dream and drip fed down his throat is… shit. It’s really good.

Gabriel tilts his head a little. He looks curious. Can he feel the change in Jesse’s body as his cock grows to its full size and his insides quiver without his input around the meaty tentacle fucking him? Maybe he is wondering what the Hell is going on inside his prey’s head. Is Gabriel even still in there or has he been overtaken by whatever strange chemical he has been doused with? According to Angela it should just be temporary so there’s at least…

Gabriel leans further down. He opens his mouth, tongue slithering out and out and out… it is the shape of yet another tentacle and is petting against his cheek while the other tentacles are fucking his throat and rub against every inch of his body that they can get their little suction cups on.

He’s just… he’s just so full. His body already feels close to bursting and he knows that he’s nowhere near that just yet. There’s still so much room for Gabriel to gently force his tentacles inside and make him lose his mind.

Jesse’s being molested by some chemically induced monster and he loves every second of it despite not being able to show it… other than the fat erection he is sporting.

His head is being supported to allow him to look down his furry body and watch how brick red his cock has gotten as he gets his piss hole stuffed by the smallest tentacle he’s ever seen. There are not even suction cups on this one… or they are so small in size that he can’t feel them suckling onto the inside of his urethra.

This is so goddamn wild.

Gabriel is staring at him up close, his pretty dark eyes glinting in that very Gabe-like way he has; mean and gleeful. Like he is in there and just a victim of the circumstances just as Jesse is. Maybe he is conscious of every second that his mutated body moves on its own and is stuffing Jesse more and more until he feels bloated with writhing, wriggling tentacles.

Oh, he won’t hear the end of this one, he’s sure of it. Gabriel will tear him a new one just for his utter lack of self-preservation instinct.

Can I even send you on goddamn missions or will you start jerking off on the boots of every fucking bastard holding a gun to your head?!

He can just hear it. That menacing and deceptively silky voice telling him off and giving him hard-ons all on its own. God, fuck, maybe he is not made out for this job. He’s too fucking horny for it.

Though honestly he could see himself having a career as a monster fucker too…

Gabriel growls and stuffs him full of tentacle so suddenly that Jesse can feel his eyes roll up into his head, his body alight with all kinds of sensations, good and bad. When he looks down his body, his belly is starting to bulge with the mass that has been forced into his intestines. His cock has flushed to such a dark shade that it looks like it is going to fall off if he’s not getting his release any time soon.

By the look of it, Gabriel has noticed his thoughts wandering and has not been appreciating the lack of attention one bit.

Alright, alright… Jesse can do this. It’s not like it’s difficult keeping himself in check while he is being filled with writhing tentacles that keep his mouth nice and open so Gabriel can stuff his tongue deep down his throat.

Goddamn. God fuck. Hopefully Angie won’t come looking for him for a while. He wants this to last.


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