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Matt/Mothman – Matt had only wanted to have a quick vacation in the Digiworld... but he gets captured by... a Digimon?


Matt had planned this to be just a small trip. A few days. Maybe a week. Get out of the job and into the Digiworld to relax and visit Gabumon.

It’s… a few weeks now. Or a few months? It’s difficult to tell the time when he is inside the cave complex, wandering around and looking for a way out. At least he had done so in the first few days before accepting that he just wasn’t smart enough to figure it out.

There are murals on the walls, not unlike the ones Izzy had been able to decipher so many years ago. They don’t tell Matt anything other than mock him when he is being… when he is…

He’s never seen a Digimon like this one before. He doesn’t know its type, he doesn’t even know its name. He calls it Mothmon in his head because that is the thing it resembles the most; tall and with lanky extremities; soft fur everywhere… and those large insect eyes, glowing bloodred in the bit of light that catches in them every now and then. Mostly when it is bent over him, Matt’s knees somewhere next to his ears, his insides stirred up by the Digimon’s long proboscis-like cock slip-sliding in and out of his hole.

Rearranging his insides until all thoughts and pesky worrying is right out of the window and all he can do is lie there and let himself get fucked.

He’s never dabbled in anal play… he hadn’t thought that he would like it this much.

Mothmon isn’t saying a word. Sometimes it’s brown wings are vibrating and causing a hum, though Matt isn’t sure what that means quite yet.

What does it want from him? Is it trying to mate? He never has bothered to try and figure out how the Digieggs were created. Are they just an amalgamation of old data? Of Digimon that died coming back to life in an endless circle?

Do Digimon fuck to procreate? Mothmon has cum. It seems a bit weird for a digital creature to have. Who programmed it… or did they do it themselves?

It’s difficult to think the more time passes by. In the real world, not even an evening has gone by. It would be very long until anybody was going to miss him and go look…

Mothmon provides for him, though. It brings him fresh meat and fruit and plenty of water. It’s the very first signs for Matt that Mothmon isn’t as feral as he had first thought it might be.

At least it is trying to take care of the mate it has caught for itself.

Matt sometimes wakes up to the low hum of Mothmon’s wings, the Digimon standing in a dark corner, ominously hovering and watching him until he shows off that he is awake… and then it will proceed to seduce him, putting him on his belly and slip-sliding its proboscis in his hole until he is begging for its cock.

It’s… honestly as much of a vacation as he would have been able to get. His situation seems a lot less frightening once he has grown used to it and no harm has befallen him.

That is… until he realizes that Mothmon is, in fact, not a Digimon.


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