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This week's fic is a 'blast from the past' fic! To see on why that is, please have a small look into the pinned post. As already stated there, I can't encourage you enough to link your patreon to discord to have a peek into the patron-only channel – or to DM me for further info if you can't/don't want to link. Thank you!

Readable for all tiers this time :)


This blast from the past is Patreon Comp Fic#8! Please enjoy this McCree/Genji :)

Trans Woman Genji; Fuck-or-die; Anal – During a fight, a drone messes around with Genji's circuitry, leaving her in dire need of help to help her cool down while her body recalibrates. What better way to do it than with some big fat McCree dick :)


Genji has been wild and unhappy once upon time; close to unhinged, even, if you were to ask Jesse who has been closer to her than most, having had to work with her in Blackwatch and see her face when she’s first been able to see the body Angela had painstakingly tried to recreate.

It had been so difficult, back then, to understand her and why she had been just barely sane; more a feral dog than anything else. Now, years later and after Angela has rectified her mistake, the issue seemed so glaringly obvious that Jesse sometimes marvelled at how blind he and the others could have been.

But alas – water under the bridge. They’re all older and wiser now, and Genji does not seem the worst for wear… quite the opposite, actually.

Jesse watches her from beneath the brim of his hat. He has settled down on top of the watchpoint, looking down on the others having a good time at the beach. Genji is a beautiful little silver fish in their midst, body curved in sleek lines that he has to remember to thank Angela for. She has worked absolute magic…

As he watches, a slight twinkling in the sky pulls his attention. One of Winston’s new experimental drones is zipping across the waves, moving erratically towards the little group at the beach. Jesse frowns and sits up, watching as it draws nearer.

It zips across their heads, making the little group pause and look up as well, watching it do an awkward little dance.

A silver flicker draws Jesse’s attention back to Genji. She is standing there in the sand, arms hanging limp at her sides. He squints, trying to catch a look of her face since she has taken off her visor and left it in the lap of her Master serenely floating in the shadows of the base directly underneath Jesse.

Her mouth looks slack, green eyes big and empty. As he watches, the vents on her shoulders pop out and exude a massive cloud of steam that now draws the attention of the others. Her upper body sags forward like a puppet with its strings cut, the green running lights across her body flaring and darkening in strange pulses.

Jesse nearly bites his cigar in half as he scrambles to get up from his leisurely slouch and run down to the beach.


The drone must have caused some sort of malfunction in her circuitry.

Winston’s explanation, accompanied with a lot of hand ringing and nervous huffing, still rings in Jesse’s ears when he carefully lowers Genji down onto his bed. She is groaning and twisting around, her body at least cooled enough that he had been able to wrap her in his serape to move her from point A to point B.

She whimpers, arching her spine and showing off the swell of her tits encased in the dark mesh. She had been adamant about getting as much of her armor off, earlier, and Jesse chastises himself at how the sight of Genji’s tits gently bouncing with her motions has him halt and stare.

“Jesse, please,” she whines. She should have been with her brother, maybe. Or with Angela.

Her body will re-calibrate itself. It just needs a bit of time and someone should keep a look on her so she doesn’t overheat again…

Her fingers scrabble against the plates protecting her belly, the tips digging in between small cracks, trying to peel everything off. Jesse jerks into action, leaning across her, one knee on his bed, large hands covering Genji’s.

“Hey now,” he croons. He can feel sweat forming on the back of his neck, but it is not because of the sweltering heat coming off of his friend. “None o’ that. You’ll just hurt yourself.”

“‘s so hot,” Genji whines, her slightly metallic voice breaking. Her cheeks are red, strands of black hair clinging to her skin.

“I know, Genji. It’ll be better soon…”

He trails off when Genji starts squirming, turning herself around until she can get her knees beneath her. Jesse backs off, watching while his belly does a slow, sensual flip.

Genji’s round ass is in the air, her thighs spread, and as he watches, a little panel hisses and the strip of black fiber mesh hiding all those treasures between her legs retreats, leaving him to stare at Genji’s synthetic cunt and her tight hole just above that.

One of Genji’s hands appears, fingers deftly sliding between the dark fiber mesh lips of her cunt, spreading it open wide for Jesse to see into her green glowing insides. His cock surges up rudely – it does not care that Genji is out of her mind, that she is a friend

Genji whines, her middle finger – long and slim – rounding the tender looking opening for just a second before she slides it in deep. She gurgles, then sighs, her knees sliding farther apart and her back losing its tension as it sags downwards.

“Oh God… yes…”

“Ah… Genji?” Jesse tries carefully. His voice is so deep and throaty, eyes glued to that sweet little space that obviously looks so extra because Genji is a rich bitch that likes to show off.

“It’s better like this,” she whines. Her ass is swaying left to right. She pushes a second finger into her, spreading her silky hole apart, and Jesse groans at the sight. “Help a girl out, Jesse?”

Her voice gets all high and soft. She sounds so miserable that he says yes before he can really think about it.

“What you want me to do, girly-girl?” he croons and slides closer, one big hand landing on her ass, thumb so close to her sweet cunt. Here, too, he can feel the feverish heat radiating off of her.

Genji’s breath stutters out of her. She fucks herself, her wrist awkwardly crooked as she tries to catch that sweet spot inside her. “Fuck me,” she whines long and pathetic. Jesse is already working at his pants, his cock feeling like it is about to burst. It’s not like he hasn’t thought of Genji like this; wondered how it would be to pull her smooth synthetic cunt over his ruddy dick and have her work all those tight ninja muscles on him.

“You think that’ll help?” he grunts, like his feigned reluctance makes this all somehow better; like that’ll justify how he is about to fuck that sweet, molten cyborg cunt and put his cream where it’ll probably fuck up Genji’s delicate insides-

“Yes, fuck… here… c’mon,” Genji whines. She pulls her fingers out of her pussy, slick with her faintly green juices, and slides them up to the tight clench of her asshole. Jesse watches, jaw going slack, as she drags them across that pouting little muscle. “Fuck my ass, Jesse, c’mon, c’mon!”

Her hips sway as if trying to hypnotize him into giving her what she wants, and Jesse curses roughly because he’s a goddamn slave to his dick’s needs, and Genji can be goddamn convincing.

“Damn… Damn ok just… fuck… just stay still…”

Genji does, miraculously. She freezes in place with one of her little fingers up her pouting asshole, pulling it open just so

Even there her insides are a glowing, toxic green, Jesse realizes while he fumbles to get his dick out. There’s no slick anywhere to be seen and the thought of having to get up and search for some is bringing him damn near to tears.

Genji acts before he can move away. She snatches his cock and drags him forward with her mean grip. When she looks back her eyes are huge and desperately greedy. She looks like she is going to get crazy if she doesn’t get dick in her soon, and Jesse wisely stays put and lets Genji bounce her surprisingly fat ass to drag her cunt along his cock and share some of the generous amount of slick she has produced.

Genji is not shy about just using him. She gurgles low in her throat, shoulders coming to rest against the mattress as she lifts his cock and starts stuffing her ass with it. There’s still not enough slick – unsurprisingly – but she sounds so happy, purring like a little mechanical kitten as her pouty rim stretches around the fat tip.

Jesse can’t do anything but watch, awkwardly shuffling closer on his knees. Genji has taken the whole thing upon herself. He is suitably sure she would have let him join in the playtime if she weren’t practically burning up on the inside. He hisses and bites his tongue. He debates taking his cock away from her in fear of having burns on his dick, but she sounds so peaceful and content in that moment that he can’t bring himself to do it.

Genji’s life had not been an easy one. She deserves to have whatever she wants – and if that something is to get her ass split in half on Jesse McCree’s cock, he is not going to argue that.

Her hand finally falls away and she wriggles her hips.

“Move.” It’s almost not a demand. She already sounds a lot more like her usual self. When Jesse grips her hips and leans across her back, he can see the profile of her face. She is finally smiling again.

He carefully starts to move, feeling the odd sensation of her insides cooling down around his cock from the feverish, inhuman heat to something more manageable. He’s more used to him heating up the guts of whoever he’s dicking down, but he won’t argue that one, too.

She’s tight and slippery, her synthetic insides as silky as the silicone on those little finger pads Mercy has given her cybernetic hands.

“Angela is a goddamn genius,” Jesse groans.

Genji giggles.


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