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Nightwing/Superman – ass worship – nobody will ever believe Dick that Clark is nasty and loves eating ass... it is driving him wild.


Nobody would believe him. Nobody would believe him that Superman not only is a nasty bastard but also loves to dive deep into a sweaty ass and stuff his super human tongue into it until Dick is so sure… so sure he can feel it tickling the back of his throat.

He is overworked already. He’s not an alien like Clark even though he tries… he tries so hard to keep up with him. Teaming up with Superman has always been one of his dreams and it happens so rarely that he usually jumps at the opportunity.

He’d never thought that it would regularly end with him standing against a wall, the tight bottoms of his spandex suit peeled just far enough past his ass that Clark could spread his cheeks and dive in.

He doesn’t need to do this. Dick made sure he knew that he didn’t need to do any of this, but all Clark does is smile with those damn little dimples in his cheeks and look so charming… and the next time he will be deep in Dick’s ass yet again, tonguing his hole and holding his cheeks open nice and wide.

Superman’s tongue is hot. Very hot. And a bit sleeker than any normal human’s. It feels just alien enough that Nightwing can’t just forget who is so enthusiastically rimming him and teasing his hungry hole with just the very tip of his tongue. He can’t stop thinking about how this is Superman crouching in an alley, his cape probably getting dirty on the floor because he just can’t get enough from the taste of Nightwing’s sweaty ass.

Clark pulls back with a slurp. It gives Nightwing enough time to breathe a sigh of relief after unhinging his jaw from its tight clench in his glove. He can’t make a sound. He can’t let anybody know that he is getting serviced by Superman in a back alley…

Seconds later, there are thumbs gently hooking into his rim and spreading it open. Clark nearly bites his tongue. He closes his eyes tightly and goes up on the balls of his feet. It makes Superman chuckle; that nice boy-next-door chuckle as he breathes hot air against Nightwing’s wet rim and croons: “You’re so cute. I love how you twitch and writhe. You’re not used to this at all, are you? Hmmm I thought that Bruce would have treated you a lot better…”

“W-What?” It’s difficult to form a proper thought when he is getting lazily fucked on Superman’s thumbs. “I didn’t… we didn’t…”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re so cute… you taste like candy…”

As Clark moves back in, tonguing his swollen rim, Dick wonders whether the tastebuds of aliens are different than those of humans. Maybe this really is a treat for Superman. Maybe he is waiting for their team ups just as much as Dick is; thinking about pinning him down after whatever they set out to do is done and getting to snack on his hole like it is a damn feast.

The thought is as ludicrous as it is strangely endearing. Nightwing hides his face in his arms. He arches his back out far, feet sliding a bit wider. He’s not been an acrobat for nothing. He can arch his back like a damn slut and he will use that.

He doesn’t know if his effort is even noticed, though. Clark is so deep in his ass, still fucking him on his thumbs, trying to keep spreading him wider and wider…

“Oh fuck-” the sob just breaks out of him. He can’t help it. He presses a hand over his mouth and clenches his eyes shut again.

Superman is laughing at him. Is he not worried at all? Does he not fear that anybody might happen upon them and see how greedily he is worshipping Nightwing’s ass? How can he be so… careless?

“You think entirely too much,” Superman says amused. He pulls his thumbs out of Dick – instead he gives him two fingers that easily slide into him nice and deep, fucking him experimentally to find out the best angle on which to break him apart. This is not fair. This is… oh fuck…

“I’d even go as far as to say that you are overthinking this,” Superman continues conversationally. He is so close that Dick can feel his breath puffing against his wet, oversensitive rim. His belly is twisting in on itself again and again, ass clenching down on the fingers fucking into him. He’s whimpering.

His cock is so damn hard.

“You have the cutest ass I’ve ever seen… and you react so strongly when you get it pampered. So I do it. Nothing more… nothing less.”

Nightwing can’t keep up with it. For some reason the worst thing is to hear Superman say ‘ass’. It fucks with his head in a weird way. The way that will keep him up at night so he can replay the exact intonation of Superman’s voice as he said it while frantically fucking his fist against his mattress, jerking out his third orgasm of the night…

Oh, orgasm… orgasm… he wants it so badly-

Superman is nice about it. Like he is about just anything and everything. He doesn’t make Dick wait for it; he just fucks him harder on his fingers and kisses and licks his stretched rim, chuckling every now and then as if Nightwing’s desperately muffled whimpers are the cutest thing ever.

He comes hard, stars exploding in front of his eyes. He wonders which of them is Superman’s homeworld.



Holy COW this is good