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Previously: On their way through Mt Moon, Hanzo and Lúcio find new friends in dangerous and not-so-dangerous ways. They are fueled by the knowledge that the darkness soon will end.

warnings/content: blowjobsssss


By the time on their watches it is early in the next day when Hanzo and Lúcio continue on the last leg on their journey through Mt. Moon. Hanzo can already tell that the perpetual darkness is weighing on his naturally gloomy mind and that a life as a cave explorer is not for him.

At least Lúcio seems to feel the same way because as they check their luggage to make sure that everything has been packed up, he asks Hanzo a bit too casually if he wouldn’t like to let Ponyta out for the rest of the way.

Hanzo doesn’t argue the point. A moment later, Ponyta bursts out of its ball. It looks somewhat like a ghost Pokémon with its blue-grey fire flickering in the darkness, it’s coat looking white as bone.

Heart feeling lighter as Ponyta races around them in a circle with its head and tail held high, Hanzo turns toward their nightly visitor. Rockruff sits next to him and looks up with its tongue lolling out goofily.

He crouches down to inspect it now that he has more light. Ponyta does a dead stop when it sees the Rockruff and neighs shrilly just so they (and probably the whole of Mt Moon) know exactly what it thinks about this newest member to their team.

“Plump little fellow,” Hanzo mutters as he inspects the Pokémon. It is docile enough; very friendly, even, as it keeps trying to lick his face while he checks it over. It must have belonged to a trainer once upon a time.

His deduction is confirmed when he suddenly finds buried in the thick, prickly fringe of fur around Rockruff’s neck a collar.

Lúcio immediately turns when he hears Hanzo’s grunt of surprise and crouches down next to him to watch him fumble for a tag and read it.

Maddox it reads on one side. Hanzo turns it around.

JM it reads on the other.

“Did he run away?”

“Hmm either that or he got left behind on purpose.”

Lúcio reaches out and pets between the Rockruff’s ears.

Hanzo hesitates. He doesn’t want to steal a Pokémon, but there is nobody in the vicinity and the tag doesn’t really tell him where Maddox has come from. JM. Who the Hell would go to the trouble of collaring a Pokémon and not give directions on where to drop it off? What an idiot.

“I’ll keep it as mine for now. I can still give it back if it really has been lost…” Though he doubts it. The way Lúcio nods in agreement makes him feel a bit lighter and more justified as he takes a free Pokéball and presents it to Rockruff who doesn’t look worried in the least.

It stretches out and boops the button with its nose, practically catching itself. It must be relieved to finally be back with a human again.

And that is that.


“What’s that?”

Lúcio has just finished blinking into the friendly midday sun when he turned around and found Hanzo thrusting a few bills toward him.

“Take it. It’s for what Maddox ate last night. He tore through your provisions…”

“The Hell? That’s not your fault. Keep your money, Hanzo, really.”

Hanzo frowns, stubbornly pushing the money toward Lúcio who, equally stubborn, keeps shaking his head. They are at an impasse for a good three seconds before Hanzo’s hand slowly sinks back down to his side. He looks around them, but the area of the cave mouth is completely deserted.

He puts a hand to the middle of Lúcio’s chest and pushes him back until his back hits the cave wall.

“Then let me make it up another way.”

Lúcio looks honestly annoyed for a moment until Hanzo sinks to his knees in front of him and he realizes what he means.

“Oh! Well I mean… I’d be dumb not to appreciate that, right? Thanks, buddy!”


It’s selfish of Hanzo, of course; it’s not like it’s a big burden to open up nice and wide so Lúcio can slide his cock into his throat and make him gag. He had been thinking about it since that first night.

Lúcio had pretty much refused then to let him get a hand on him then but now… He has Hanzo’s head grabbed in his hands, thumbs gently rubbing his cheeks and cheekbones as he seems to get a grasp of what Hanzo is capable of and what not.

Pride stinging, Hanzo frowns as he tries to take him in deeper and faster than he is strictly comfortable with, repeatedly gagging on the warm dick keeping his throat stretched nice and wide.

Lúcio does not seem to mind. If anything, he obviously likes the nasty clicking sounds that Hanzo’s throat produces as he focuses on not accidentally biting down on the cock. His fingers are curled tightly into his pants, clutching them hard while his eyes are tearing up.

“You’re really cute when you want cock… anybody ever told you that?” Lúcio suddenly murmurs. He sounds so… casual and unconcerned. As if talking about the weather instead of getting his cock deep throated by another man. Hanzo doesn’t know how to feel about it. He feels all kinds of twisted up inside himself, his belly tickling up a storm.

Lúcio carefully pulls him back a bit and off his dick, shining like silk with the slick of Hanzo’s spit. He holds him so only the tip of his cock is still lying against Hanzo’s tongue while his friendly eyes are boring into his face.

“You like it a bit rough, don’t you? You’re pretty controlled usually… but you’re crazy for dick.” Lúcio sounds thoughtful as he changes the grip he has on Hanzo’s head to only cup one side of his jaw and use his other hand to grab the base of his dick and slap the fat tip against Hanzo’s tongue over and over again. “That’s alright. ‘S pretty hot, even. You just need to be careful, right? Not let people trample over you.”

Hanzo stares up at him mutely. He wouldn’t have been able to say something even if he wanted to; not with his mouth wide open and tongue lolling out. Lúcio shifts his grip again until he can hook his thumb into his mouth and pull at the corner of it. It makes Hanzo immediately move his tongue awkwardly, his face slightly scrunching up. He doesn’t feel unlike a horse with a bit.

Lúcio must think something similar because he huffs a little laugh that sounds entirely too affectionate before he starts to slide his cock back into Hanzo nice and slow while murmuring: “I feel like you can be trained for riding even better than Ponyta… You’d look really cute in some gear, you know? Damn…”

He slides in deeper nice and slow, making sure to trigger Hanzo’s gag reflex as he pushes into his throat, thumb still hooked into his mouth and making him gurgle awkwardly as he shudders on his knees, angling forward, hands now curling around Lúcio’s ankles.

“Yeah, you’re really cute, Hanzo. Stay that way, alright? I’d love to play some more when we meet again. I’m sure I can pick a few things up in Saffron. You’ll stay safe until then, right?” He does small thrusts of his hips, cock slip-sliding against the very top of Hanzo’s throat, repeatedly pushing past his glottis until he goes cross-eyed and drool is sliding down his chin.

It’s a nice way to say good-bye for the moment. It makes it feel more sweet than bitter. He hadn’t thought he’d become attached to someone else this quickly… but Lúcio is damnably easy to like.

“We’ll meet again, Hanzo. Until then I’ll leave you with something to remember me by, okay? A nice warm load right in your belly…”


Hanzo feels… cautiously good after going separate ways with Lúcio and making his way to Lavaridge Town. His throat feels nice and used. It is easy to remember the feeling of Lúcio’s cock pushing through it again and again until his eyes were tearing up.

For some reason it makes him feel… centered. It is a keepsake of sort, at least. The sun shining only adds to his good mood. He had never thought that darkness could make him feel so… oppressed. Like he’s been in a pressure pot for way too long.

Now that the darkness is gone and fresh air is all around, he feels good enough to let his Pokémon out for a stroll. Three. He’s got three already. It feels a bit… unreal. Ponyta does not seem too jazzed about Maddox’ presence, but the Rockruff is not too interested in the other. It has its nose to the ground as it walks dutifully next to Hanzo’s feet while Ponyta keeps prancing forward to check out the trail.

Hanzo whistles whenever he loses sight of the blue-gray flicker of Ponyta’s flames. It then stops long enough to let them get closer once more before dancing off again.

Hanzo keeps looking toward Rockruff, wondering if it is searching for its actual master. He… honestly shouldn’t get too comfortable thinking of it as his own Pokémon. It’s not his, after all. It is ‘JM’s… whoever that was.

“There are no bodies of water around. I’ll let you out as soon as I see one,” he murmurs toward Magikarp’s Pokéball. He looks at it thoughtfully. He honestly hadn’t thought much about the Pokémon other than that he wanted to get it away from its cruel master. From his experience, Magikarp were… well. Weak.

It’s expertise with the Watergun in the cave had surprised him, though. Maybe there is more to it than met the eye?

“Lavaridge should come relatively soon. I heard they have a hot spring. We’ll check out the gym and then go look for it.”

A hot spring honestly sounds perfect right about now. The cave had been cold and damp the whole time and he still feels like his clothes are retaining some of that moisture.


True to what he said, Ponyta gives a shrill little neigh about an hour later. It is standing between two trees with its head held high and ears perked with interest as it peers out from the forest.

If what they’re going through can even still be called a forest. The trees had been rather sparse to begin with and have now thinned out to be few and far between. Still, he only sees the town once he has caught up with Ponyta and is looking down a slope.

The place is… absolutely tiny. He can see brightly colored roof of the gym as well as the Pokémon Center; the only two locations of note, it seems. The other houses are ducking mostly against the side of Mt Moon , all looking more and more shabby and old the closer Hanzo comes.

It’s a culture shock compared to the hustle and bustle he’s just left behind in Goldenrod.

As he gets into town proper, he feels like a giant amongst man; the population of Lavaridge, he realizes, is almost completely comprised of the old and frail that slowly go about their way as they heavily lean on their drutches. They seem happy enough, though, greeting Hanzo and stopping him for some smalltalk every now and then which he is happy enough to do. The town feels to be a place out of time.

As throughout his travels, Ponyta garners the most attention. It looks at first unsure as to what it should expect by the little bent people that start to crowd it slow as snails, but it settles soon enough as gnarled hands begin to pet it everywhere and it is offered a few cookies that come out of seemingly endless pockets.

“It’s a long time since I last seen a shiny,” an old woman cackles. “A darn pretty one at that! Last time it’s been a Pikachu, methinks… barely could tell it it apart from the regular kind, you see? Thought at first it were just a bit dirty!” She cackles again. Hanzo finds himself smiling a bit. Riding on the high of finally getting out of the cave and his last encounter with Lúcio, he finds himself unable to stay sour in face of these chipper elderly.

“You lookin’ for the gym, I guess?”

“I do indeed,” he replies to the old man that had sidled up next to him and startled him quite a bit. “Well come on, then! Let’s see if we can find the boy…”

Hanzo has… honestly no idea what the man is talking about but he already starts to hobble past him in the direction of where he saw the gym.

“Oh that won’t be necessary, I assure you. I can just-”

“Poppycock. Wouldn’t want you to go missing. Come on, then! Don’t get left behind!”

Hanzo shakes his head, incredulous. He can’t find it in him to argue with an older person, though. He throws Ponyta another glance, but it looks more than content to get coddled by the old folks, so he lets it be and follows the old man what feels like one step at a time.

He’s called Rockruff back into its ball a while back when it started to rather obviously search for food. He’d rather have it not wander off and get its snout stuck in other people’s backpacks… again.

The trek to the gym honestly takes way longer than it ever should have. Hanzo dutifully walks after the little old man, listening to him tell what feels like his family’s story.

By the time they finally come to stand in front of the gym, they are met with a little sign that has carefully been hung up.

‘Out And About’

“Ah. Well. Seems like you just missed him, son. You know, that happens around here. This boy’s pretty much our mayor and handyman…”

Hanzo scratches the back of his head. Another little man is just hobbling his way past them with his ancient looking Growlithe tip-tapping along behind. The old man comes to half a stop and throws them a small gaze.

“You lookin’ for the boy? I saw ‘im at Martha’s… lookin’ at her chimney, you know?”

So off they go. Hanzo follows behind once more. In the distance he can see Ponyta, still exactly where he left it, and very obviously enjoying the undivided attention and praise it gets of all the grandpas and grandmas living in this quaint little town.

They arrive at Martha’s, but ‘the boy’ is no longer there. She sends them to Samantha and her clogged drain. Samantha sends them to Marvin and his creaking doors.

It is getting late. Even Ponyta has started getting bored with the cookies and petting and has come looking for him for their track to Marvin’s house. Hanzo can already tell that once again they are too late because his tour guide moves at a snail’s pace, though ingrained respect for his elders keeps him from just ditching him and looking for the gym leader by himself.

“He said he’d be at the hot springs. Getting a nice soak after a long day.”

The village is bathed in the warm orange glow of the setting sun. Hanzo’s guide is looking a bit worse for wear right now and he feels bad for not having insisted he sit down and rest, instead letting him walk back and forth…

“Oh well… it was a good workout, wasn’t it?” The old man has produced a handkerchief with which he wipes his brow. “The Pokémon Center is just over there, son. You can see it from here, can’t you? If you go through the back door you’re right at the hot springs. A lovely place. Might just… might just go there after having a bit of a breather.”

Hanzo bows to him multiple times as he thanks him profusely. He’d wanted to go to the hot springs anyway… it feels a little ridiculous that the long trek through the small town should have brought him to them in the end.

He greets the Nurse Joy and while he lets her treat his Pokémon, asks for whether the gym leader has come through here.

“He sure has! Mr Rutledge has been here just a few minutes ago. You can go and find him if you like.” She points toward a door framed by two large palm plants.

“Thank you, I will.” He pauses for a second, hesitating to ask and chiding himself for it immediately. “I would also like to know if you have seen this Rockruff before…”

It is not his, he has to remind himself. Unless, that is, its trainer truly has just abandoned it. Nurse Joy listens to his explanation of how he found it and looks appropriately shocked. She checks Rockruff over once again despite the machine just having finished its work, gives it pets and treats, and dutifully looks at the name tag that Hanzo points out to her.

“Hmmm no, I’m sorry… only initials is a bit hard to go by, isn’t it? No trainer has come to me looking for a Rockruff…” She pauses, looking thoughtful but ultimately shaking her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I suppose it is the trainer’s fault. I’ll take care of it for now.”

“That is very kind of you. Here – have an emergency medical pack. On the house.”

He tries to dissuade her, but Nurse Joy won’t have any of it. As he moves to the door leading to the hot spings, he wonders whether it truly has been a kind act of him… or just a selfish one. Rockruff are good Pokémon, if training intense. Maybe part of him has taken it into his care because of Genji… trying to show him up.

He feels guilty for the medical pack in his backpack, but he can’t do anything about it now.

In the small changing room he takes off his clothes and cleans himself in the small shower in the corner, then wraps a towel around his hips and grabs Magikarp’s Pokéball. He feels like introducing himself without clothes will be rather awkward but there is nothing to it; politeness has him greet the gym leader as soon as possible.

After all, he had only entered Goldenrod when it had been late in the day, leaving him unable to bestow Baptiste the same courtesy…

The steam wafting off the hot water makes it impossible to see more than a dark splotch at the far end of the hot spring. He clears his throat awkwardly, the small hairs on his arm standing at attention when the dark silhouette does not move or make another sound.

“Ah. Greetings. My name is Hanzo. Shimada. I do not want to intrude…”

He can hear the water splashing gently as the person on the far side moves slightly. It looks like he is waving him closer, so he inhales deeply and lets Magikarp out into the water before following suit.

“Mr Rutledge is it?”

“Mmh. Yes.” Hanzo pauses where he is inside the water. It is hot, lapping at his hips and belly, but it is nothing to the heat swamping through his inside and having his nipples pebble to sensitive peaks. He had not expected such a deep voice.

Mr Rutledge moves and begins to stand up, the water rushing off of his body as he does so. Hanzo almost expects to feel the water level to notable sink once he realizes just how humongous this man is, towering over him in the diffusing steam of the hot springs.

He takes an involuntary step back, breath hitching when through the fog, a huge, meaty hand is reaching for him, palm up. Waiting for him to shake.

“Knew you’d come.” The wheezing voice has his heart racing. It feels like Rutledge could crush his hand with a mere press of the sausage fingers he curls over his palm. “Heard from you. From your father.”

His belly immediately twists up nervously. What was that supposed to mean? Has father contacted this man with a specific goal in mind? Was this even more of a trial than he had thought?

“...also from Baptiste.”

His mouth runs dry. He can feel himself being slowly pulled through the fog toward Rutledge who sits back down on the roughly hewn stone step he had been perching on. The water level rises again notable.

“Actually… I heard a lot about you from Baptiste. Let’s talk.”


Next time: The talk with Lavaridge’s gym leader does not go as expected… or does it? Chores upon chores and Hanzo has to show himself… Oh my… also: A phone call from someone least expected!


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