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McCree/DVa – McCree and DVa play in a public setting with a vibrator. All consensual; DVa is over the age of consent as well.


DVa has her jaw clenched hard enough to hurt as she makes her way through the aisles of the store, willing her knees not to buckle beneath her as the vibrator speeds up and slows down at completely random intervals.

She’s not sure if Jesse can even see her. She wouldn’t put past him to have hacked into the store’s cameras just to try and catch her off guard with the relentless vibrations of the little toy he stuffed her pussy with earlier in the car.

Or maybe he’s just sitting out there, smoking lazily and looking just marginally better than a bum as he idly moves the dial up… and down… and UP… and down…

Her skin is prickling into goosebumps. She just knows that her nipples are pushing against her little top, the fabric so thin that even the pebbled areola can probably be seen through. She does not dare to look down, trying not to pull too much attention to the fact that she’s not wearing a bra underneath.

She doesn’t have big tits, not by a long shot, but even she can feel the vibration of them bouncing as she walks, the jiggle unfamiliar in this environment. It just adds to her overall feeling of being… exposed.

Her eyes move around without actually seeing any of the products lined on the shelves which is why she has to backtrack a few times, standing in front of pasta and vegetables and just staring at them while her body and mind is abuzz with the wicked little machine humming away inside her.

Her whole abdomen is vibrating with it by now. Her organs. Her eyes. It all culminates in her clit, swollen to a painful degree, sensitive and occasionally rubbing against her skirt if she moves just the right way. She could come just from rocking her hips, she realizes dazedly. Just stand there next to the condiments and take a hold of the shelf as she fucks the air and tries to get off…

She can just imagine the little old ladies shaking their heads, scandalized, mumbling something about the youth of today…

Keep going. Jesse’s low, drawling voice echoes through her head unbidden. She’s so under his thumb… she’d never imagined a guy having this much sway over her. But here she is, presenting her tits to the store in a way that is just legal, and fearing that her slick might start running down her thighs and giving her away completely.

DVa jerkily moves around, clutching the grip of her shopping cart like it is the only thing keeping her upright at that moment. (It is).

Her knees are stiff as she keeps moving through the aisles and toward the register with a pitiful haul of random stuff she’s thrown into the cart. She had gone into the challenge a bit too cocky, she realizes. As Jesse had proposed the game, she had thought it would be easy to just breeze through… yet now here she is, almost doubled over the cart as she waits in line, legs shaking and pussy feeling so damn swollen and sensitive. Her clit is throbbing in time with her heartbeat, fast and hard. She keeps thinking with yearning about Jesse so far away… outside on the parking lot… with that big fat cock of his that fills her up like it wants to tear her apart pussy first…

God, she wouldn’t mind having him with her right now. Flip her skirt up and fuck her right at the cash register, onlookers be damned. She needed him so damn bad.


She startles upright, staring at the man behind the register who looks back at her with an impassive face. Every now and then, his eyes flick down and she just knows he can see her fat nipples pressing against the fabric of her little top. She just knows that he knows she’s seconds from unspooling and having an orgasm right there on the spot.

There’s whispering all around her. She feels like people are judging her for what she has decided to do today, though she can’t really hear anything they are saying.

It feels like the man behind the register is being deliberately slow, ringing her pitiful few items up. She slams some cash down. She has no idea how much, only that it is enough. She needs to get out of here. She needs to get to Jesse and his cock.

She must look like a robot as she makes her way out of the convenience store, but she doesn’t give a damn. Her thighs are glistening with her juices, she just knows it; they have been slowly slipping from her pussy more and more the longer the vibrator has been humming away inside of her. By now, Jesse’s thumb has become absolutely merciless on the remote.

The large SUV seems impossibly far away. Sweat is beginning to pearl along her hairline, her knees feeling so very weak… Hana can see McCree’s long legs sticking out of the driver’s door, one booted heel idly stomping against the ground in the rhythm of the music he’s listening to from the radio. She stares at the motion and becomes inexplicably even hornier.

When she’s at the back of the car – finally, oh my god – the trunk opens with a soft pop all on its own. She knows an order when she sees one. Grabbing one of the bags, she is insanely aware of McCree finally moving out of the car. He stuffs the remote into his back pocket as he makes his way around.

DVa’s nipples are tingling again. Her whole skin tickles as he comes to stand right behind her, towering and warm. She nearly loses her grip on the bag she’s putting into the trunk.

“Did you get everything?” he murmurs right into her ear after bending down low, one hand on her shoulder, the other moving deeper… slipping her skirt up and over her ass to expose her to the cool autumn air, her clit aching for a touch that comes so sudden she chokes on her tongue.

Hana’s body lights up like a Christmas tree, her knees locking stiff so she wouldn’t crumble to the floor as she angles her upper body forward a lot more than is needed. Her toes are curling so hard in her sandals they are near cramping.

“O-Oh,” she breathes, “Uhm… yeah… I guess so…” It’s difficult to form any coherent sentences as her brain is occupied with the feeling of his large hand cupping her cunt, broad, rough fingers slowly rounding her impossibly swollen clit.

And all the while, the little pill shaped vibrator is still thrumming away… slower than earlier, but still enough to never make her forget that it is there.

“Very good. Good girl,” Jesse drawls. He gives her two fast, little circles around her clit that have tears shooting to her eyes. She lets go of the handle of the bag that she had been clutching for dear life and instead grasps her tit, massaging it, pinching the fat nipple through the fabric.

Jesse’s breath is hitting the back of her neck warm and a bit humid. It makes her feel oppressed in a… really good way.

“Hmm such a cute little plum… You’re almost gushing.” His deep voice is skittering through her body as much as the incessant humming of the vibrator. It’s as if she can feel every rough whorl on his fingertips as they keep moving around her clit, flicking and rubbing it until her thighs are trembling and her whole body is impossibly tight and aching.

She’s so close to coming on this parking lot that she could cry.

Jesse is merciless, his large hands cupping and squeezing her plump pussy as if it really were some ripe fruit that he’s testing out. He keeps murmuring about how sticky she is, coating his palm and his fingers. How he can’t believe she went along with this whole thing, showing everyone in the store what a nasty little girl she is.

“I was watching you, you know,” he croons. “I could see how wet you were. Others could too. They turned around to watch your back and how slippery your thighs were. They knew exactly that you’d go out and stuff her pussy as soon as you could.”

Hana’s eyes roll up into her head. He only needs to rub her clit once more before she is coming, legs spasming hard enough that it’s only his arm around her chest keeping her upright while she comes, squirting onto the ground between her sandals, mouth hanging open and drool slipping from the corner of her mouth.

It feels so good and so monumental, she is completely losing the agency of her own body.

Just when the vibrations of the little toy start to edge into the painful… it stops humming. Her body still feels as if it is thrumming along.

Jesse scoops her up like a damn toddler and puts her into the backseat. He’s as gentle as can be. He even kisses her forehead.

“Still need to go to the post office, baby,” he whispers into her ear…

and starts the damn vibrator up again.


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