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Reaper/Soldier; Akande/Soldier – Direct Continuation – Jack is a sturdy housewife and Akande has power. It's good to be able to just let loose every once in a while and really give it to a bitch.


Sooner rather than later, Akande gets bored of having to do most of the work for Jack who struggles to get a hang of how to use both of his holes in a way that won’t bore the two of them to tears. So he decides to change tactics.

Giving Gabriel a small glance, he stops Jack’s hips and pushes him away until his cock, glistening wet and heavy, smacks against his thigh.

Jack’s head immediately turns, his mouth flushed bright red and pulled into a perfect ‘o’ of dismay.

“I can get more action if I go to one of my regular whores,” Akande drawls. He looks Jack up and down, lingering on the sight of his gaping, buttery soft hole. “They’re less fucked out too. You’re a sloppy girl, huh? A lazy little bitch.”

In seconds, the flush returns to Jack’s ears full force. His cheeks become splotchy with it too as he struggles to find words. Akande clicks his tongue, his hand snapping out to give him a meaty smack to his right ass cheek.

Gabriel’s eyes are practically glowing, his usually broody face lighting up in a satisfied looking grin.

“Oh, isn’t that the truth. Hmmm I spoiled her too much. Let her lie down and spread her legs for it when she could’ve worked for that load.” He thoughtfully looks at Jack who is still bent over and looking dismayed. It never fails to arouse him to see him play along and become a stupid himbo. Let someone bully him like a dirt cheap slut on the side of the road.

Jack swallows hard, his prominent Adam’s Apple bobbing. He looks like he wants to protest, but another slap, this time to his thighs, has him shut up and instead just gasp.

Akande clicks his tongue, the sound thick and precise. It sounds derisive and scolding at the same time. He reaches over and grabs a nice hand full of Jack’s furry tits, groping just for a second before pinching his nipple and pulling on it until Jack cries out and has to turn around the way Akande wants him to.

Akande looks at him with a cool, calculating look before he very calmly and very precisely spits into his face, the spittle hitting Jack’s left cheek.

Immediately, Jack’s face smoothes out from his grimace of pain into quiet shock as he stares back at Akande. Gabriel shifts, sitting up a little straighter, his cock flexing. Akande throws him a side glance, gauging his reaction before turning back to Jack again.

He lets go of his nipple and instead gives his other cheek a slap. Not too painful, mostly for the loud sound that startles Jack like a spooked horse.

“Apologize, whore.” Akande lifts his brow at him. When Jack doesn’t do anything but keep staring, he grabs his short blond hair and pulls his head back a little, slapping him once more. “Apologize!”

“I-I uh… sorry. I’m sorry.” Jack mutters, out of his depth.

Gabriel shifts forward, watching the whole exchange with a small frown of intrigue. He looks ready to step in if things got out of hand, but Akande nods, his tight face smoothing out into that handsome smile he usually wears.

“Very good. Now turn around and show me your sloppy cunt.”

Jack is breathing harshly. He is flushed red in odd places; everywhere he caught a smack of Akande’s huge hands. His cock is hard, the tip glistening wet beneath the foreskin.

He doesn’t even look at Gabriel as he turns around and bends forward obediently, his hands grabbing his cheeks to spread them for Akande.

For his trouble he gets spat on again; this time directly against his hole. He shudders visibly, his cock swinging obscenely between his thighs as it flexes.

“Spread it open properly. You want my cock, don’t you? So work for it. I’m not here to stuff your sloppy cunt while you go brain dead and just roll over for it. You know your husband and I have been doing hard work, don’t you? Nasty little whores like you should be properly thankful.”

Jack sounds utterly dazed as he croaks: “Y-Yes, of course, sir. I am… I am sorry. It won’t happen again.”

As he speaks, his fingers move, hooking into his hole to spread the buttery soft rim.

Gabriel is… fascinated, to say the least. He’s been mean to Jack before, slapped him around a little, but nothing like this. Who would have thought that he’d react so beautifully to a bit of harder play…?

The rasp of Jack’s voice trails off uncertainly. He has his hole spread wide on his fingers, allowing both of them an intimate view of his dark pink, glistening insides.

Akande grunts thoughtfully. He does not sound impressed which has Jack duck his head some, his knees locked like he is afraid he’d crumble otherwise.

Gabriel licks his palm and wraps it around his cock, leaning back once more. Ready to just sit back and watch it unfold. He likes the thought of whoring Jack off like a cheap slut. Bringing studs that home that he’ll have to spread his legs for.

When Akande stands up, his shadow falls over Jack like a mountain, plunging him into darkness. His cock is a baseball bat between his thighs, glistening wet from Jack’s hole. The swollen tip is flushed impossibly dark. It looks dangerous for some reason.

“You’re putting in some effort,” Akande says genially. His large hands grasp Jack’s ass, thumbs hooking into his hole and spreading it just that bit wider. Jack’s gasp is rough. It seems to come from deep within his body.

“I had been wondering about why Gabriel would keep such a used up slut around, but you do… show promise. A dutiful wife knows when to entertain her guests properly, hmn?”

He spits again; right into Jack’s gaping hole this time. His thumbs smear the added moisture around for but a second before he puts the swollen crown of his cock against it.

The sounds Jack is making go right to Gabriel’s cock. His wheezing sounds troubled, almost… afraid. It’s stupidly good.

When Akande starts to feed him his cock again, Gabriel can see how wide Jack’s baby blue eyes have gotten, bugging out of his skull like he can’t believe just how damn large this mountain of a man is. This new position must make it feel all the more intense.

His mouth opens and his tongue flops out as Akande crams more and more of his dick into him, a vaguely entertained expression on his handsome face when Gabriel peers up to look into it. His dark eyes are trained on the spot where he’s spreading Jack, his hands keeping a nice, tight hold of his meager little ass cheeks.

“Your wife is entertaining, Gabriel,” he says suddenly, his voice so civil; like he isn’t forcing low choking sounds out of Jack as he feeds him more and more dick. Gabriel can only imagine how Jack’s intestines are straightening out for that cock. “She tries so hard to be a good hostess… Can take a bit of abuse too. Hmm.”

Without warning, he suddenly jerks his hips forward, thrusting the last couple inches of cock into Jack who throws his head back and cries out hoarse, his hands clutching his own knees, trying to stand upright while that monster of a dick is reshaping his insides.

Very entertaining indeed. I especially like how sturdy she is. Got nice tits, too.” Akande has turned his head, watching their reflection in the glass doors of a cabinet. He starts to fuck Jack on just a couple inches of his erection, probably staring at the way his pecs jiggle like a pair of nice tits.

Jack is breathing heavily, drooling onto the coffee table standing in front of him.

“I like girls who can not only take a bit of abuse but also get so damn wet for it. The nasty slut might be crying now but I’m sure once I’ve pumped her full of a nice thick load, she’ll come crawling and licking my cock for more.”

Gabriel’s lips twitch at that. His cock does, too. Knees spreading a bit farther apart, he starts to jerk himself in the same sharp, brutal rhythm that Akande is displaying as he breeds Jack without a care for whether he’ll come or not.

“You are welcome to use her any time you like. I welcome a couple hands more to keep her sloppy holes satisfied.” His lips twitch into a feral grin, hips wanting to fuck up into his fist as heat stretches trhough his body tightly like a rubber band. “I can give you a spare key. So you can go and visit her cunt whenever you’re nearby.”

Jack groans low. He has one hand pressed over his mouth now, sweat rolling down his temples. He has his head turned to stare at Gabriel, shocked and turned on.

Akande barks out a laugh, his thrusts becoming harder. Meaner. Nearly toppling Jack.

“You are a very generous man. I would be a fool not to accept!”


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