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Part 2 (this part)

McCree/Hanzo – Jesse got infected through Hanzo so the others have decided they need to be quarantined together... Angela can see Jesse's change from a front row seat.


Hanzo has infected him. Winston and Angela explain to him the particulars, but Jesse’s head doesn’t function like it used to. Everything has become… other.

In the beginning he has been aware that he and Hanzo are being monitored in the space they have given him. He takes care of the pony for a week until his mind tilts and shifts and it becomes impossible to do anything much anymore.

Around the time that his teeth begin to change, he has lost all concept of the outside and electronics and has no idea how long he has been in the large gym area designated for Hanzo’s wellbeing. The others would be able to tell him that it is around two weeks when his teeth start to click clack clatter to the floor one by one, his gums bleeding profusely as new teeth, large and blunt begin to sprout in their stead.

For long agonizing days his head feels like it is about to split in half because there is just not enough room for them. But that changes too and he completely forgets about the pain. About everything.

The others have to watch it all. The grotesque shapes his body goes through on its journey to become just like Hanzo: a pretty pony. Ordinary looking.

He is larger than Hanzo, his fur not the glossy smooth coat that Hanzo sports; he looks like he is built with colder temperatures in mind, but that does not change the fact that he is easily bullied by Hanzo into whatever sexual favors the black pony wants to have of him.

The others can hear over the microphones the cacophony of Hanzo’s shrill, angry neighs and Jesse’s short screeches when the pony meanly bites at him to get him to either stay still to get mounted or make him mount Hanzo in turn.

It’s never entirely clear what Hanzo wants to do at any given turn, and Jesse seems to have a knack of losing the fifty-fifty every damn time.

At least it is not a surprising development. Hanzo hasn’t waited for Jesse to turn to bully him into being his bitch. More often than not he would be found caged in beneath the pony’s body, throat raped by the massive cock skull fucking him without a care in the world.

Pumping him full of cum until the mess dribbled out of his nose and his eyes had rolled up into his head.

More than once they had hurriedly been on their way to check whether he was still alive or not before being called back by Mercy because he just coughed out a thick dribble of cum and is pushing himself up off the floor.

So they leave them be, searching furiously for a cure and watching the grotesque changes that take over Jesse’s body and mind until he is finally just like Hanzo. In the end it is a relief. At least they no longer have to listen to his screams of pain or the awkward convulsions of his body.

The gym looks straight out of a horror film, blood splashes from Jesse’s transformation everywhere.

But it is done… and Hanzo molesting him at every turn really is not that shocking next to the pictures they have saved with Athena.

Jesse seems to enjoy it, at the very least. It’s… comfortingly normal. He’s always been pretty submissive in the face of Hanzo’s bitchy displays of dominance, whether in human or animal form; so it doesn’t come as a surprise that he would sport a fat erection bouncing beneath his round pony belly even as Hanzo stuffs the jiggly donut rim of his hole with an equally thick cock.

No lube. It does not seem to bother either of them.

The others are too disturbed by the proceedings, so Angela keeps watch most of the time. She is maybe… not working as hard on a cure as she could be. She is impossibly fascinated by the whole change, and during the times she is the only one in the surveillance room, she likes to conduct little experiments on her own...

Testing the boundaries of their minds and bodies.

While their physical attributes seem to indeed by identical to that of normal equines, their intelligence is on a different level. She is morbidly fascinated with trying to make Hanzo speak who is more than willing to try on most days. He’s been so tight lipped as a human but as a pony… It seems to have given him a boost in freedom, not only visible in the way he routinely rapes his all too willing victim.

She can’t tell whether there is any much thought behind what he is trying to say. Mostly it is him very badly repeating words she says, making her think more of a… rudimentary reflex of his erstwhile human brain instead of a real conscious thought.

It is as grotesque as it is interesting… especially since Jesse does not show any inclination to communicate the way Hanzo does. For all intents and purposes, he is only a horse now, acting nothing like the man he once was. There are no quirks to be seen that would remind her of the easy going, drawling fool.

Other than his weird soft spot for Hanzo that is, probably.

By the end of the first week, just before the changes to his body had properly begun, Jesse had been downright willing in getting beneath the pony and opening his mouth wide for the animal cock with the blunt, flared tip.

None of the others had seen how he had wrapped his hands around it in the end to start mouthing at it, dipping his tongue into the wide piss hole and smoothing it wet and needy against the soft edge of the flared crown.

He had made love to that cock. He had sucked off an overly aggressive pony that only ever calmed down and stopped snapping its large teeth at him when he got to his knees and opened his holes for it to use him like a mare.

No, none of the others had seen it… but Angela had. She had watched intently even, making sure that the cameras properly caught the sweaty shine on McCree’s face whenever he had to pull back for air and wipe Hanzo’s horse cock against his beard.

She had been there witnessing how his erection started straining inside his filthy jeans when Hanzo got too impatient and startet to rut into him, forcing his throat to expand for the painfully fat intrusion.

She had been there seeing Jesse fumble for his cock while tears were streaming down his cheeks, numbly jerking off as he choked on Hanzo’s erection until his eyes rolled into his head, coming explosively over the floor.

Both of them lack the opposable thumbs now but they do not seem to tire of fucking anyway. Maybe Hanzo thinks he can impregnate Jesse. Who knew what was going on in those heads?

They ate oats like horses and shat were they stood like horses. She doesn’t think they have any more brain function than ordinary animals. Of course they would just look to do what came naturally: eating, sleeping, fucking.

At one point she has to sleep and moves into her quarters. She ends up watching one of the older videos. Jesse crawling on all fours as his body began changing and his sense of equilibrium got skewered. How he stuck his face beneath Hanzo’s belly like a foal about to suckle from its mother’s teats only to lick and suck at the large balls of the stallion.

A little further back again. Toward the beginning of his infection and incarceration with Hanzo.

How even then he seems to have been… fascinated with feeling up the pony. Grabbing Hanzo’s rump and rubbing along his strong hind legs. Fingers occasionally slipping beneath the pitch black tail to dance over the soft donut rim of his hole.

He had soon been fascinated with Hanzo. Whatever infection has gripped them so spectacularly must have taken a very firm hold of their brains very early on in the incubation process.

It is utterly intriguing.

Angela fast forwards. When she presses play she watches Hanzo utterly dominate a freshly transformed Jesse. On the screen, the brown stallion’s legs are shaking like a newborn foal’s, fur caked with blood that had streamed from various wounds that had opened up and closed again all over his body as bones had rearranged themselves.

Hanzo mounts up, forcing Jesse to bear his weight, his hips hunching as he searched for the stallion’s hole to molest. It’s a bastard move with Jesse being too weak to defend himself and Hanzo just wanting to dominate the stallion to make sure he knows where his place in the hierarchy is… but it’s good. Really good.

She bites the tip of her tongue, eyes fixed on two horses fucking, her mind not really thinking of them as people anymore. It’s just so easy to forget that they once had been walking on two feet and sharing a breakfast table with her.

They’re just so… animalistic and dumb.

She loves it… and she doubts they can be helped anyway.


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