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Previously: Hanzo fought his first gym match against Baptiste! ... and lost. They found a nifty way to get that badge to him anyway...

warnings/content: sounding; vibration kink


Hanzo waits until he is outside the city parameters to let Ponyta back out of its Pokéball. There is a second of nothing happening when the lid swings open before finally the white light appears that materializes back into his Pokémon. It feels like Ponyta has been reluctant to come back out.

It stands there on the side of the road with its head down, refusing to look toward its trainer. Hanzo can see small clouds of dust blowing up as it breathes against the ground, ears swivelled back. He had wanted to scold it for its pitiful conduct against the Shuckle, but seeing it like that, his annoyance melts away.

He knows too well the feeling of knowing one’s own failure and still being berated for it. There is a moment of him feeling as if he were standing at some kind of… crossroads, but it is gone again as soon as it came.

After the silence has stretched on for long enough, he sighs deeply and comes closer. “You did your best,” he says gravely, hand outstretched to awkwardly pet Ponyta’s back. A spike of heat has him almost jerk his arm away again but it ebbs off quickly.

He startled it again. The fact that it still reacts like this toward him is telling, he supposes. Multiple trainers have told him now that Ponyta’s trust in him in lacking, which is… not surprising. They haven’t been on the road for even a week yet, after all.

“We will figure it out. It is no use getting hung up on it now. The next gym will be more suited to you, I am sure.” He pauses for a moment, thinking. “We will have to look out for more members of our team as well. We will have to get stronger. Both of us.”

Ponyta does not look too convinced, but it follows him willingly enough when he starts walking. After half an hour or so of moping, its tread becomes lighter until it is strutting along the road once more, showing off its glittering gray-blue mane to whatever passersby would want to look.

Hanzo does not really mind. His thoughts are still back in Goldenrod City with what happened with Baptiste… and also with the night of Genji’s victory party. Surprisingly enough what keeps rearing its ugly head is the memory of this... Jesse daring to kiss him without his explicit approval.

What an irksome, nasty man.

A drop falling to his cheek jerks Hanzo out of his reverie. He blinks and looks up, startled to find that the sky has become a dark, angry gray without him noticing. Looking at his watch and then all around him tells him that he had been daydreaming for a few hours as he let his feet guide him along the path. Nobody can be seen around them; the other trainers and wanderers must have ducked out for shelter long ago.

Another drop hits his forehead this time. Ponyta must have felt it as well because it neighs shrilly and bucks once, a tiny column of smoke curling up from its back. Then another and another as more drops start to fall in quick succession.

Hanzo swears under his breath. He pulls out his Pokéball and unceremoniously calls Ponyta back before he grabs a tight hold of his backpack and starts to run, eyes searching for a place to find cover under that is not a damn tree.

There is nothing to be seen that looks anything like an overhang. He is cursing himself for not thinking on buying a rain cape or an umbrella before leaving Goldenrod. Idiot. Such an essential part of travelling and he just-

There is a sharp fork in the road and a sign pointing him to a park to one side and a cave to the other. As the rain begins to fall in earnest, Hanzo does a sharp turn and starts to run along the path toward the mountain. It is not far at all until he sees the gaping opening into Mt. Moon looming ahead. It would seem ominous at any other point, but right now it is simply a godsend in his opinion. As his shoes hit the dirt path with wet splats and droplets of mud start clinging to his pants, he leans forward to run faster.

Vision obscured, he can barely make out a streak of green and yellow at the entrance of the cave. It is moving but he has no idea what it is.

The rain hits him harder the last few steps until he manages to save himself into the mouth of the cave. He doubles over, bracing himself on his knees and panting while he stares at the ground that is darkening with the water drops dripping from his person.

“Oh dude, you made it just in time! I was just about to start a fire too! You could use a bit of a dry spot, yeah?”

Hanzo jerks upright, startled by the voice, and twists to look around. He had thought he was alone… but no. There is a young man smiling at him charmingly before moving deeper into the mouth of the cave where Hanzo can see his luggage leaning against a larger rock. It is the same yellow and green as the rest of the young man’s clothing.

“Honestly, I’m happy to see you. I thought I’d be the only idiot being caught out here in the rain… I didn’t mean that to be rude, though. I’m somewhat of a coward with dark places. I don’t think Pokémon from the cave will come out here, so we’re safe to just camp and get dry. I appreciate the company.”

Hanzo is following him slowly, feeling taken aback by the sudden onslaught of words. The young man does not seem bothered by it, though. He takes it in stride.

“The name’s Lúcio. Get comfortable; the rain’ll probably keep going through the night.”

Hanzo forces his muscles to relax, his eyes watching as Lúcio crouches down and starts to pull out little essentials that will help them put up a small camp. For some reason, seeing that this trainer is so prepared for a life on the road has him relax more than knowing he has company in this strange environment.

He slowly lowers his own backpack down next to Lúcio’s.

“My name is Hanzo,” he offers in a quiet, serious voice and earns himself a grin from Lúcio and a blink-and-you-miss-it once over.

“Hey Hanzo. I’m really glad we met. It feels… special, doesn’t it?”

It kind of… does.


“There you go, Ponyta.” Lúcio puts a bowl of food in front of Ponyta who huffs softly and leans in to sniff on it.

Hanzo’s back stiffens. “Ah, you really don’t have to-”

Lúcio waves him away with a bright grin. His Lotad and Kricketot are already eating their share, Kricketot making a trilling, song-like hum that reminds Hanzo comfortingly of the Cicadas in Hanamura.

“Don’t worry! I got enough. And it did help make the fire.”

That is true. Hanzo accepts the gift for what it is, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ as he sits down close to the warmth to try and dry his clothes. Lúcio hums softly as he putters around on the other side.

He too has just recently acquired his first badge and is basically on the same path as Hanzo. He does not know what to think about it. He can tell that Lúcio would like to stick around; his eyes had lit up so bright when he realized that they are both on the same level.

Hanzo shifts a little. His gaze keeps sliding off of Lúcio and toward the Pokémon lurking just outside the circle of the firelight. He had never seen a Politoed in person; it is a lot bigger than he had thought; roughly reaching to his hips.

The Pokémon looks happy enough, bouncing from one foot to the other in an endless little dance that is not as annoying as it probably should have been to Hanzo. It hits him all at once why the sight of it has taken him aback as much as it has.

Gaze moving back to Lúcio he clears is throat.

“May I ask you a question?”

“Yeah, of course!” Lúcio is smiling at him bright enough that the fire is causing dancing shadows in the charming dimples in his cheeks. They remind him very much of Baptiste. The reminder heats him from the inside.

“This Politoed… is it not a bit too strong for trainers of our experience?”

Lúcio frowns and turns around to peer behind him toward the Pokémon in question.

“Ah. Yeah, that’s true. It’s not my Pokémon, though.”

Hanzo’s brows lift. He is intrigued but does not want to pry too much… luckily Lúcio seems more than ready to divulge the information as he comes around the fire and sits down right next to Hanzo, their knees touching. He has his backpack brought around with him and reaches in, offering Hanzo something wrapped tightly in plastic foil. It looks like something wrapped in a leaf. He wants to decline but Lúcio already deposits it on his thigh and goes looking for something else.

“It’s not that I didn’t try to catch it. I found it like… three or four days after starting my journey. I woke up in the middle of the night and it was kind of there, jamming out to my beats.” Before Hanzo can ask, Lúcio pulls out small speakers which he gently puts on the ground. The Politoed bounces a bit harder on the other side of the fire, not coming closer due to the heat that could dry out its skin.

“I thought I was dreamin’. It was super chill, didn’t look nervous at all when I grabbed my backpack to get out a Pokéball. I threw it but-” he shrugs his shoulders laconically. Hanzo has by now unwrapped the green package, mouth watering at the smell of herbs and spices. The large leaf used to wrapped the meaty stuffing is a little sticky to his fingers. “Well, it just slapped it away. The second and third as well. Didn’t look put out but just… yeah, it wasn’t having any of it.”

Music starts playing; Hanzo has not a single musical bone in his body but he supposes it is nice enough, though he suspects it would need to be a lot louder to give the thumping bass any credit.

Lúcio probably is just being considerate, not blasting it full force, which Hanzo appreciates.

“So I got the message and left it be. To be honest I wasn’t in the mood for a disobedient Pokémon anyway. Got my hands full enough with Lotad and Kricketot, here. It just… followed me ever since. Doesn’t engage in any fights; just stays around and vibes, which is fine by me.”

Lúcio shrugs one shoulder. He is now eating as well.

Hanzo feels like that his carefree attitude is so alike Genji’s that it should bug him to no end, but… he finds that he kind of enjoys this chance encounter with the other trainer. Lúcio is talkative without being too noisy, and happy enough to sate Hanzo’s curiosity without being too prying of his own.

“I see.” It is a weird enough situation but Politoed genuinely seems to be into it for the music, dancing just outside the light with a big goofy grin on its face.

Lúcio waits until they are done eating before wiping his fingers on his pants and looking Hanzo up and down.

He can physically feel the kind brown eyes on him. It gives him goosebumps.

“Do you wanna battle before we go to sleep?”

Outside of the cave, the storm is still in full force. Despite that, the fire – and Ponyta – have done a very good job of keeping the vicinity of the entrance nice and warm.

Hanzo blinks slowly, his brain taking a second before he realizes what has been said to him. He frowns, glancing toward the Lotad and Kricketune that have stopped eating and started hopping around to the music from Lúcio’s speakers.

He then glances to Ponyta. The embarrassing defeat in Goldenrod had just been this very morning but he can see how its ears are swivelling back, its long legs stiffening with indecisiveness.

He should nip that particular development right in the bud.

“That is an excellent suggestion,” he replies. “I will take you up on it.”

Lúcio is beaming. He looks so laid back and happy, sitting there and looking up at Hanzo who has already pushed off the floor and is stretching his limbs.

“Great! How ‘bout a little somethin’ to make it more interesting?”

Hanzo immediately narrows his eyes, looking at Lúcio distrustfully while the other trainer just grins back at him and shifts in one smooth motion until he is kneeling in front of Hanzo, one hand on Hanzo’s hip, the other gently slipping fingers underneath the hem of his shirt that has ridden up with him stretching, sensually rubbing into the crisp black hairs beneath his navel.

“Loser has to treat the winner to something nice,” he murmurs. His chocolate brown eyes are hypnotizing as they peer up at Hanzo from the vicinity of his crotch. Just for good measure, Lúcio leans in and presses a kiss over the soft bulge of Hanzo’s cock.

Heat surges through him. While part of him is incredulous about the sheer gall of this man he hasn’t known for more than two hours, he can’t deny that he is… impossibly tempted by the wager.

He usually is not a man easily swayed by his carnal instincts, but it feels like something has… snapped since he went on his journey. He’s gotten more orgasms the past three days than the last five months. His belly burns as he stares down at Lúcio and finds his mouth saying: “It’s a deal.”


Ponyta’s legs are slightly shaking, standing in front of Kricketune. The other Pokémon looks just as relaxed as its trainer despite the fact that it is type wise more than behind the fire Pokémon.

Hanzo just hopes Ponyta will at least try to fight before balking again.

“Ponyta. You got this. Just think of Viridian Forest.” They have left a row of hapless bug Pokémon fainted in their wake, after all.

Ponyta’s fire sputters for a moment as if about to go out before it shuffles its hoofs apart, visibly steeling itself, its fire roaring back to life.

Hanzo inhales deeply, his heart slowing from its rapid throb inside his chest. Good. It’s on.


It is… easy to be with Lúcio. Hanzo usually does not have time for the happy-go-lucky sorts (or… anybody, really; he is a notorious lone wolf), but something about Lúcio makes him feel a bit more relaxed.

A bit more confident.

Lúcio never loses his stride, never stops smiling, even when Kricketot after just a few seconds runs around with its butt on fire, and he calls it back to its Pokéball. He just shrugs and laughs.

Just wanted to try it, you know? It’s good if they get some experience under their belt. Good and bad.

It sounds like something Hanzo should incorporate in his daily routine. A thought that is worth remembering when the road gets rough… like losing his first gym battle within seconds of it starting.

He can see Ponyta’s chest swelling, confidence starting to return to it – and he smiles back at Lúcio, close lipped and small but a smile nonetheless.

Lotad, of course, is no surprise when he lobs his Pokéball up into the air and easily catches the empty shell.

It is definitely more dangerous, being able to squirt water at Ponyta; but it’s short little legs mean that it is rather slow on the dirty ground of the cave floor.

Ponyta only needs to be hit by the platter of droplets once before it starts to take great care dancing out of reach of the water spray.

It’s ears are swivelled forward in attention. Hanzo can see the focus on its face as it starts to really get into the fight. It’s an expression he hasn’t seen on it yet. It is… invigorating.

In many ways, this fight is more engaging than all his training fights with Pokémon his father had been with for decades. This is his fight with his  Pokémon, and Ponyta is doing great.

In fact, it is the winner, even though Lotad has been holding its own for far longer than Hanzo would have expected. It’s finesse in controlling water is something he hasn’t quite seen yet. The Hanamura gym does not have many water types other than the odd Magikarp his father had attempted to train into Gyarados.

Lúcio, to his credit, does not look particularly upset. He is laughing even, calling his Pokémon back and pressing a playful kiss on top of the ball’s lid.

“Aw bummer. You’re good for a re-match sometime, right? I planned on catching one of the critters here in this cave. Gotta widen my type coverage, you know?”

Hanzo does now. He finds himself nodding as he pets a hand along Ponyta’s back before calling it away as well. It looks indignant in the split second that it realizes what is happening, but he doesn’t really want eyes on them when they… he peers toward Lúcio who is still grinning, but… different somehow.

More intense. He looks Hanzo up and down.

“Guess I gotta treat you to something nice, huh?”

Hanzo feels warm. He almost backpaddles and tells Lúcio that he doesn’t have to do a thing, but… he looks more than happy to play, so Hanzo keeps his quiet and just nods.

“You ever tried sounding?”

Hanzo briefly pauses mid-stride. He shakes his head.

“You know what it is?”

“Yes,” he croaks. His traitorous cock is starting to fill already. Eager and greedy.


It’s like his body has already gotten used to this new exciting lifestyle he is experiencing. Is, in fact, even ordering him to cater to its needs.

Lúcio’s smile becomes lascivious, his eyelids heavier.

“Great. Come here… it’ll be awesome, trust me. Newbies are always so damn cute and nervous.” The last he says almost to himself, his voice a melodious lilt as he all but bounces to his backpack, Hanzo following cock first.


“Relax. I won’t hurt you. It’ll be good, I promise.”

Lúcio’s voice is right next to his ear. He is behind Hanzo, letting him lean back against his chest so he can curl his arms around him and have full access to his cock, standing hard and at attention.

Hanzo has never felt like this before. This… dick driven. What is this journey doing to him? Is this what a bit of freedom from his father is doing to him? Making him drunk and… slutty?

He had watched Lúcio prepare two thin rods; one a little thicker than the other. The music still coming from the small speaker next to them is making Hanzo feel antsy in a… weird way. Good way. Politoed is on the other side of the fire, still dancing. Still ignoring them as Hanzo gets his dick stroked by this friendly stranger murmuring calming nonsense in his ear.

Lúcio gently taps the end of the thin rod against Hanzo’s tip like a conductor would bang his baton to quiet the band. It makes him feel like an instrument about to be played. His legs shift restlessly and he haltingly lifts a hand, curling it lightly around Lúcio’s wrist.

The young man chuckles close to him but doesn’t comment on it. He keeps stroking Hanzo’s cock, distracting him.

“You got a really nice dick… It looks good on you…” Lúcio suckles Hanzo’s earlobe into his mouth and lightly digs his teeth in. “If you wanna travel through the cave with me… I’d love to do an encore performance, you know? I feel like we’re vibing.”

It’s when Hanzo is distracted with the thought of this… travelling and fucking and fighting and fucking… that Lúcio suddenly lifts his hand to straighten the sound and gently begins to let it down into Hanzo’s urethra.

Hanzo’s mouth falls open, his body going perfectly still all of a sudden. He’s anticipating pain, but there isn’t any. Just the weirdest feeling of getting his tender little piss hole stretched by smooth, slick metal.

Lúcio lightly twists the rod as he lets it slip down further and further, his other hand holding Hanzo steady.

The music is still beside them, still not blaring, but Hanzo can suddenly feel it thrumming in his dick as the metal rod picks up on the vibrations of the bass. Hanzo’s eyes bug out, his hips feeling so tight all of a sudden. Like he has to fuck them up into something.

“Damn, you’re cute… just listen to all the noise you make,” Lúcio whispers, hot breath fanning the side of Hanzo’s face. “I’m glad I lost to you. Honestly. I knew you’d love this.”

Hanzo really is making noise; a low whining sound worming its way from his throat. It sounds so pathetic… he can’t do anything about it, though. His body isn’t his own anymore. It’s an instrument for Lúcio who is starting to slowly move the rod back and forth, up and down, fucking Hanzo’s cock with the faintly vibrating stick.

The vibrations travel through his body, tickling in his teeth and behind his eyeballs. It is like ants are crawling beneath his skin in the best and worst way. Hanzo wants to fuck upwards, but he can’t. His legs keep moving, heels digging against the dusty floor of the cave, digging grooves into the dirt as he gets his cock fucked.

The rain starts to slow down outside but Hanzo’s body is only ratcheting up higher, tighter. His balls are throbbing.

Lúcio gently pulls out the thin sound, giving Hanzo but a small reprieve before he is back with the thicker one. He keeps kissing Hanzo’s ear and the side of his neck. He keeps whispering at him, the calming nonsense becoming filthier slowly.

“You’re a natural, you know that? So damn easy. You could make a lot of cash if you like… sold your body? But I get it. ‘S not about the money. ‘S about the feel, right?”

Hanzo’s hand is curled even tighter around Lúcio’s wrist, just holding on. Just feeling him. His words resonate within him almost like the vibrations of the fatter rod. He can’t keep his eyes off of the sight of his little piss hole stretching around it, the lube smeared over the smooth metal causing everything to glisten.

“You looked really tight up, you know? When I saw you running here earlier? You looked like you got a lot of pressure on you. Like you’re ready to burst. I feel like you are. Ready to burst, that is. It’s spectacular, isn’t it? Trying stuff out? Just… just floating with it. Being spontaneous. Trusting others. It’s like a drug.”

Lúcio is right. Right, right, right. Hanzo is about to explode. His cock is a swollen, fat rod, vibrating against Lúcio’s palm, and he is going to cum so hard it will shoot to the damn ceiling of the cave. He’s never felt so antsy. Like he should be walking around. Like he needs to do something and move even though he is fixed to this spot and can’t do any of the sorts.

He’s breathing in long, wheezing drags of air; almost a bit hysterical sounding ‘haaah’ ‘hhhhaaahhh’s as he digs his heels against the ground and pushes his shoulders into Lúcio.

“The first time is overwhelming, right? You’re doing so damn good. You’re beautiful.” Lúcio’s voice is rough. He’s fucking Hanzo’s cock with the steel rod, sharp little bounces of the thing that have Hanzo going insane. He’s going crazy. He’s going to lose himself in this.

“You know, I’m not looking to become a Pokémon Master. It’s fun and all; travelling and collecting badges. But what I really  want is to touch as many people as possible with my music. Get my name out there. Have them vibing. Kinda like we are vibing now. Bring some positive energy into the world. You like the track, huh? Feels good, don’t it? I got a few more. We can try them all out if you want.

“Damn… damn, you’re about to shoot, aren’t you? Wanna let it all out? Huh? Go on, go ahead. You can come all you like.”

Hanzo doesn’t know if he needed that permission or not. It might just be a coincidence that he’s convulsing at that very moment, mouth open wide without a sound coming from him. His nails are digging into Lúcio’s arm. He wants to tell him urgently that he needs to pull out the sounding rod – but he can’t. And he doesn’t need to.

Lúcio suddenly pulls it out with a flourish. It’s the last Hanzo sees for a good solid five or ten seconds as his eyes roll up into his head and he comes in thick spurts that he can feel distending his gently aching urethra.

By the time he opens his eyes again, chest heaving, he can see how far he’s pumped his load; four ribbons streaking out in front of him in the dusty ground as Lúcio gently coaxes the last, oozing remains out of his aching cock.

“Holy damn! That was awesome! You’re great, Hanzo! I’m really looking forward to travelling with you for a bit. I feel like we can really have fun together, you know?

...Do you have a measuring tape or something? I kinda want to see how far you managed to shoot…”

Hanzo doesn’t. Just like he doesn’t have the breath to do anything more than to slump back and pant.

Next time: Lúcio and Hanzo travel through Mt. Moon. Many new Pokémon await them!


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