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Ganondorf/Thieves – Ganondorf has split from the Gerudo and is the leader of the thieves in their hideout. Naturally he gets into scraps with Link every now and then and whenever he loses he needs to let off some steam...


Ganondorf’s fights with Link become more and more violent. Each time this little damn twink shows up at the hideout of his clan with a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his face, the urge grows in Ganondorf to grab his head and crush it like a grape.

Or maybe have him eat him out before he smashes his head between his thighs like it was nothing more than a Hydromelon.

He has no idea if Link can feel his growing attraction to him, but it feels… plausible, given that he’s shown up more this past month than any prior. Or maybe he does not have anything better to do at the moment. No Princess to save, no monsters to slay. So he shows up at Ganondorf’s, pretending like the animosity between them is not palpable… looking smug and beat up from his way getting into the hideout in the first place-

Ganondorf aches from their fight but it’s nothing more than bruises. They’ve both pulled their punches. Still, he’s walking with a limp – though that stems from the rather obvious erection tenting the front of his harem pants.

He throws the doors to his private chamber open, pointing one finger at the burly guard at the entrance without really looking at them.

“You. Come.”

The door stays open so he can see whoever is strolling past as he… lets off some steam.

It starts easy enough; with the hapless guard trying to figure out where to put his hands as Ganondorf kneels in front of him, bowing his head with the beautifully braided hair, and suckles him into his wide, sensual mouth.

His men are not the brightest but they can follow orders suitably well… and all have nice fat cocks that he can play with when he is feeling agitated and horny like he is now.

Ganondorf’s broad tongue pushes out, cradling the cock he’s sucking on a thick, plush blanket. He’s staring up just to see how the guard’s chest is heaving, his hands helplessly fluttering around his leader’s head before he finally clasps them together behind his back.

They would not dare touch their boss without express permission – especially not his wonderfully braided hair with all the gold trinkets and jewelry woven into it.

He must be sweating bullets underneath that mask of his, but Ganondorf did not tell him to take it off… so he doesn’t. What a good boy. Maybe he ought to give him a little treat… and himself as well? That cock in his mouth is thick and veiny, throbbing against his tongue and pumping out salty pre-cum with every slow, virile flex.

Certainly it is much larger than whatever Link could offer him… that insufferable little thorn in his side. That young and undoubtedly fertile knight that would probably know a trick or two to push Ganondorf down and make him take it-

Ganondorf pulls back, thick strings of saliva connecting his mouth to the desperately flexing cock he’s just sucked. He slowly licks over his lips, hands dropping to the sash wrapped around his middle. He notes with a bit of a wry smirk how his fingers are trembling in anticipation of what is to come.

“You,” he says in a low, ominous voice, relishing in the burly guard jumping in surprise. “You will fuck me.”

“I… s-sir-” the man stutters, his Adam’s Apple bobbing jerkily as he swallows. He’s panicking at the prospect but Ganondorf only laughs. He gets up, his long sash dropping heavily to the ground. He only needs to lean over the side of his grandiose bed, his pants already dropping to his ankles and revealing himself to the trembling guard.

The fool doesn’t want to fuck up and be at the mercy of Ganondorf’s temper… but there is no alternative for him in this scenario. He simply has to do his best – and pray to the Goddesses that it is enough to satisfy his Master.

Just then another of his goons walks past the open door; this one shorter and slimmer than the burly guard that is slowly stepping behind his Leader.

“You! Get in here and satisfy your Master!”

It is all Link’s fault. All of it.


Slowly but surely, Ganondorf’s private chambers are filling with members of his Clan as he takes care of each and every one of them. Where the first two idiots had still been stuttering and nervous fools, the more time passes, the more brazen his underlings become.

Mayhaps it has to do with Ganondorf’s body buzzing from orgasms, or how his holes are dripping with sticky cum fucked into a froth… but a good two hours after starting to let off some steam, he’s getting face fucked and pulled onto the cock by his ears while another goon is riding his ass like a damn ape.

It’s nothing that he couldn’t handle. He is large and strong and perfectly capable of taking pounding after pounding… it just becomes harder to assert his dominance when his mind is filled with the rush of blood and the thought of cock.

Someone grabs at his chest, squeezing his pectorals and manipulating the beautiful golden rings that are currently adorning his nipples. The fingers playing with them are rough and mean, sending shockwaves of pleasure through his system.

Someone else is tugging at the equally golden bar pierced through his belly button and the wonderful, glittering stone that is usually nestled inside it. It makes it feel like his nipples and stomach are connected by a taut wire, trembling and sending out shockwaves of pleasure into his abdomen.

Yet another hand is on his balls, weighing them in a curious palm and gently manipulating the fat nuts against each other until Ganondorf’s toes curl against the roughly hewn stone floor and his cock is flexing out a long, dripping string of pre-cum.

His cock. Nobody is paying attention to that. They’ve managed to fuck a couple orgasms out of him, all hands free and intense, laughing like they are in awe about the sight of the massive, powerful man trembling through his pleasure.

“Oh G-Goddesses! Fuck!” He can feel the slim hips fucking in a quick, sloppy staccato against his ass before grinding into him, long slender cock flexing against Ganondorf’s swollen, clenching walls. He must be getting filled with yet another load, but he could not say until the man pulls out and cum starts dripping freely from his swollen pussy.

“You’re sloppy, sir.”

Ganondorf would lift his head if he could. His throat is still being grunt fucked, though, and his eyes are glazing over with the pleasure of having his regal nose buried in the thick pubes of the stud over… and over… again. He can smell them. He can smell them all; their thick arousal makes the air in his chambers feel like a heavy blanket that’s settled on his skin. It becomes increasingly more impossible to think about why he was so angry in the first place.

A fight, maybe…?

Someone grabs his leg and pulls it up. His foot slips out of his loose harem pants, allowing his knee to be lifted out to the side, opening him up to the hungry looks of the rest of the room. Yes… they will worship him. Their leader. Their King. They shall look upon him as if he were their deity. Later, when everyone has pumped their load into one of his holes, he will make them clean them back out of him. Each and every tongue will lave his hole and suck their creamy, cummy messes right back out of him.

“Here- Take it,” the deep voice behind him murmurs, a large hand easily keeping his heavy, muscular leg held up and him opened for the fat cock that slides into him.

Ganondorf’s eyes roll into his skull as he is filled to the brim. It feels impossible after taking so many cocks… that there would still be one among them that could stretch him and make his intestines feel full of dick. But there it is.

The sudden stretch and immediate sharp thrusts that follow disrupt his careful breathing enough that he starts to choke on cock. His throat clenches around the swollen shaft. It must be enough to send the stud over the edge.

Someone grabs his long hair and pulls on it. Another one slaps his ass.

Ganondorf gurgles pathetically as another orgasm rolls through his system, cum starting to drip from his nose as he chokes on the load getting pumped down his spasming throat. His scalp tingles pleasantly from whoever dared to touch his hair, and his intestines are getting warmed up by the giant currently ramming into him.

Yes… he’s forgotten all about Link.




Job perks for working for Ganondorf: Get to fuck him every time he loses against Link, and he loses a lot 🤭 Love the way you characterized him here, it was so hot 🥵


They‘re both scared shitless of him and extremely turned on 😩👌 thank you!! I‘m glad you enjoyed it!!