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Reaper/Soldier76 – bathing suit/tan lines kink – Gabriel and Jack are on a private getaway, sponsored by Overwatch, and Jack has decided to be unhinged about it.


Gabriel steps out of the automatically opened hotel doors without looking up from his phone. Once he does, he recoils as if he had ran against a wall.

“Morrison!” he hisses, voice an undefinable mixture of impossibly annoyed and kind of embarrassed. “The Hell are you doing?!”

Jack lazily turns his head and pulls his sunglasses down just enough to peer at Gabriel over their rim. His pale blue eyes are heavy lidded and sleepy looking.

“Enjoying my much needed vacation. What about you?” he replies with a drawl, eying Gabriel up and down. “Looking good.”

He pushes the sunglasses back up his nose and puts his head back onto his arms. “When you found a place to lie down on, you can help me with the sunscreen. I can already feel my skin trying to peel off.”

“Wouldn’t be a fucking problem if you were actually wearing something,” Gabriel mutters under his breath. He’s not sure if Morrison actually heard it. If he did, he simply chooses to ignore the remark.

Gabriel walks to the lounger right next to him and dumps his stuff there. Nobody is around the pool anyway; Overwatch went above and beyond accommodating their two star commanders during their much needed vacation. They’re nice and alone.

Which means Gabriel can just stand there, scratching his head and staring at the sight of Jack Goddamn Morrison in a tiny pair of speedos. He still doesn’t have much of an ass but it still looks damn fine like this. There are… way more freckles than he ever thought possible.

And tan lines. His ass is so lilly white that it is almost blinding. There are sharp lines along his hips and thighs, giving a stark contrast between where he’s been clearly wearing shorts during farm work and where the sun had been able to hammer down on him.

“You haven’t been on that farm in more than a year,” Gabriel hears himself say, voice sounding muffled to his own ears. “How the Hell do you manage to keep those tan lines?”

“I run outside whenever I get the chance.”

Gabriel isn’t all that sure whether that is an answer he can accept but what is he supposed to say? Call him a liar? He can’t. Not when the truth is right there to see.

“Go on… I won’t be able to sit for a damn week if I get my ass sunburned.”

Morrison reaches back and does the most unhinged thing that Gabriel has ever seen: he hooks his fingers into the legholes of his speedo and pulls it up until the material vanishes between his cheeks.

Like that, even Morrison looks like he’s got a fucking dumptruck of an ass. Gabriel’s mouth becomes decidedly dry. He grabs the bottle of sunscreen in a death grip and steps toward Jack – cock first.


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