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Link/Sidon(/Yona) – virginity kink – Sidon and Yona simply wanted to properly thank the hero of Hyrule... they had not imagined to be presented with such a sweet trembling virgin.

(Yona doesn't fuck Link, she's just there for commentary and the nasty voyeurism >:3c)

Part 1 (This Part)

Part 2 (Patreon Link)


“Oh dear oh dear… look at him tremble.”

Yona’s voice is soft and gentle, her hand brushing over Link’s hair as Sidon slowly licks a strip up his cock. It’s so adorably small compared to them; a vulnerable pink with a dark, desperately red tip that slowly drips with his excitement.

“You’re being too fast, Sidon. Easy… he is clearly unused to this attention.”

Sidon pulls away slowly, a string of saliva connecting his lolling tongue to Link’s flexing cock. He glances up, webbed fingers gently squeezing the hero’s hips as he notices how he is hiding his face behind his hands.

“You might just be right,” Sidon exclaims with dismay. He slowly leans over the small knight, eying him from up close. “Sir Link!” He calls out as if Link had any trouble hearing. His ears are flushed the same shade of desperate red that his cock is. “Sir Link, are you alright? I did not mean to alarm you… It was simply my desire to thank you for your great services to… the…” Sidon trails off when Link slowly moves his fingers and peeks at him from between them.

They are the square fingers of a warrior, littered with nicks and scars that he has gained throughout his years of service to the Kingdom… and yet the blue eyes staring up at Sidon look as shy as a virgin’s.

“Sir Link,” Yona interjects gently. She kneels next to his head, her perfectly manicured claws carding gently through his hair and pushing it out of his sweaty forehead. “We truly only meant well. It is meant as a boon to you… but Sidon will stop if you do not desire him. Even though…” Now it is her turn to trail off, glancing at her husband. She had seen the way the Hylian had been looking at him – and Yona is no idiot.

Link desires Sidon.

His hesitation now has her stumped, though.

Sidon glances back at her, visibly dismayed. Link is his hero. He would not want to cause him distress.

“Maybe this was all ill advised…” he starts and begins to move away – when Link’s hands suddenly shoot out and grab him around one upper arm.

Sidon hesitates and stares at the sweaty, flushed face of the Hylian.

“Sir Link…?” he asks hesitantly.

Link swallows thickly and slowly moves his hands along the other’s arm until he is grabbing him by the wrist and guiding his hand downward. His cock, despite his obvious hesitation, still stands proud for the two Zora, flexing eagerly as Sidon slowly closes his hand around him.

It is so big, downright dwarfing Link’s cock inside his grip. The fine webbing between his pointer finger and thump wraps wet and silky across Link’s glans.

Slowly, Sidon gives him an experimental tug… and it seems to be enough for the Hylian as he suddenly throws his head back, first one hand, then the other returning to his face to hide it as he shakes through an orgasm, spurts of cum getting caught in Sidon’s large palm.

The Zora couple look at each other in speechless surprise. This… can’t have been all, could it?


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