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Ganondorf/Link – virginity kink – Ganondorf has been sent by the Gerudos to complete his training in Hyrule Castle. Link has some peculiar thoughts about what that should entail...


The Gerudo’s training is a tough one. Maybe the toughest in all of Hyrule – but it does not include everything.

Which is why their most prestigious and infamous recruit has been sent to Hyrule Castle to be under the tutelage of their most prestigious and famous knight.

However, it seems fighting tactics is not the only thing that the Gerudo miss in teaching their trainees, Link finds as he pushes this goliath of a man up against the side of the equipment shack and watches his pupils dilate when he feels the much shorter knight’s thigh pressing against his cock.

It’s not that Hyrule Castle makes it a point to ensure their knights are getting well and truly fucked. In fact, Link isn’t even sure the royal family is aware of what is going on in the barracks…

But… well… it helps morale is what it does. It’s a way to blow off steam, to relax muscles and to bond with their fellow team mates. It’s fun in a branch of work that has both very little of that and is confronted with the possibility of death at every turn.

It’s not exactly the reason he’s doing what he’s doing now, though. He’s not as noble as Castle Town – and the Princess – seem to think of him, even though it would be easy to brush it off as an act of purest altruism.

No… what pushes him into bullying the large young man against the equipment shed and delighting in the nervous, coltish throw of his head is unadulterated, pure lust.

He’s wanted him since laying eyes on Ganondorf; seeing him on his huge black steed, riding into the courtyard with his fiery red hair braided into wonderful little strands and his muscles glistening under the sun beating down on him.

The thought that Ganondorf might never have spread his legs in the first place hadn’t occurred to him until this very moment as he presses against this behemoth and hears his rough, confused voice grunting: “What are you doing?!”

Link cocks his head and lifts his brows up at him. He watches his face as he slowly moves to palm the other’s cock; meaty and fat in the loose harem pants that the Gerudo warriors wear.

Ganondorf inhales sharply through his large, regal nose, dark eyes flicking around the small space of courtyard that they can see from their vantage point.

“It is the middle of the day…” he says haltingly, though Link can feel his dick warming up eagerly. More than ready to finally perform for someone.

He smiles slowly, going up on the balls of his feet and fitting his mouth around one large, dark nipple to suckle on it like a babe. Ganondorf seems to immediately forget about his worries, instead pressing one large hand to his mouth to stifle a pathetic little whimper before it can really burst forward.

He’s staring at Link with a mixture of anger, hate and grudgingly eager admiration; something Link has come to associate with the proud young warrior.

He will very much enjoy corrupting him.


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