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Doctor/Link – somnophilia – Link has been found unconscious just outside the oasis. Lucky for him, the Gerudo are in the process of allowing one doctor into their city for a check-up... so he has someone to take care of him :)


“Doctor! A patient!”

The old man turns around bit by bit, fist pressed into the small of his back to somewhat alleviate the ache of his bent spine. He glares at the Gerudo guards that have barged into his little on-site room.

It is too hot for this. He can’t wait to finally be let into Gerudo Town proper to have a look at whatever it is they need his expertise for and then travel back into cooler regions. Maybe somewhere around Zora’s domain.

“What do you mean?” he snaps. “There is nobody here in this damned Oasis!”

“A little vai,” one of the warriors says stoically. She steps to the side, her huge frame making way for another Gerudo that had been standing outside the room. In her muscular arms is a Hylian girl, dressed in the traditional light Gerudo clothes.

A real beauty, even dirtied up like she is now, with quite a few bruises and scratches on her.

“We found her just outside the border. She must have been attacked…”

The Gerudo carries her inside and carefully lays her down on the bed inside the room. This being an, albeit tiny, hotel, there is no nice examination table, so the doctor has made due.

He stares at the unconscious girl on his bed and licks his lips.

“I see, I see…” he mutters softly and takes a step closer to the girl before noticing that the Gerudo women are still there, watching with tight apprehension on their features.

He hectically waves a geriatric hand in the general direction of the door.

“Well? Out! Out with you, I say – I need complete quiet to inspect this poor girl. Let me do my work, will you?!”

The warriors straighten a bit in attention, their expressions morphing into more of a professional indifference – though their eyes keep flicking back to the girl as they slowly turn and make their way outside.

The moment the door is closed, the doctor slides the bolt into place. Not that the rickety wood would put up any fight against the might of a Gerudo warrior… but he does not intent to alert them to anything untoward happening in here.

He rubs his hands together as he turns back around. The girl is still lying unconscious on his bed.

He moves closer and gently lifts the veil that has been hiding half of her face.

“OOoh hoo hoo,” he chuckles under his breath. “Aren’t you just a little beauty, girlie? Mmhh a bit flat for my tastes but…”

He lets his fingertips move across her stomach, feeling surprisingly tight muscles underneath, voice trailing off as his gaze moves to her crotch and the… bulge that the near see-through fabric of her harem pants is clinging to.

“...nh?” the old doctor grunts in surprise, brows furrowing as he hooks one gnarled finger into her waistband and lifts it up just enough to have a peek underneath. What he sees instead of a perfect little mound is a perfect, pink cock sitting right there.

This wasn’t a vai at all. It was a young voe.

The doctor swallows down a sudden rush of saliva.


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