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Reaper/Soldier/Cassidy – Reaper is found being a pissy slut by Soldier and Cassidy and they take full advantage.

Part 1 (Patreon Link)

Part 2 (This Part)


This isn’t some kind of important deal going down inside Overwatch. This is just two horny fucking idiots that have agreed to meet up so they could fuck without any of their idiot little friends bouncing around and interrupting them.

Reaper shudders bodily. He is still sweating with desperation and pain, even though the nanites try and work against that. As they tend to elevate his body heat anyway, their efforts are just in vain.

His claws slowly dig deeper into the soft wood of the closet he’s hiding in, eyes burning as he unblinkingly and with hatred watches Cassidy bully the old Soldier to sit on the table. It is groaning beneath his body weight and shaking quite precariously – but it stays put beneath the onslaught of the two men as they keep biting kisses into each other’s mouth.

It doesn’t look… loving, per se. It looks like two guys that have been horny for a considerable amount of time and have tried – and failed – to curb their need with handjobs.

Reyes vaguely remembers how it had been back in Blackwatch; always someone around who could take offense to you getting it up with anybody, really…

They are talking in low, growling voices; probably just some inane dirty talk, but Reaper can’t focus on what it is because his bladder is so fucking full and aching and-

He can’t take it anymore. If he wants to do his job properly, he needs to take care of his body’s needs… and that means… that means…

Beneath his mask, Reaper’s mouth opens, his tongue lolling out as he slowly, bit by bit starts to relax his muscles.

The nanites apparently are more than on board with that decision because their agitated buzzing that had filled his head like a swarm of bees for the past hour, suddenly is silenced.

All he can hear is the low, rumbling voices of the men not quite an arm’s length away from him, as he starts to piss himself like a damn that simply collapses underneath the impossible onslaught of water.

There are tears of pain and relief in his eyes. He can hear the thick stream of his own piss as it quickly starts to wet through his tight pants and runs hot like blood down his legs.

Spit starts to drip from the lolling tip of his tongue, his claws dragging against the wood and leaving gauges behind.

When the door to his closet is ripped open and he all but falls into the arms of the old Soldier, he only vaguely recollects his low groan of absolute, pure bliss as his bladder finally empties itself and the pain is washed away bit by bit.

His muscles are weak and trembling. The nanites are quiet. Maybe they haven’t so much as allowed him to relieve himself, but have simply ceased to function in the wake of his body’s absolute capitulation.

He’s hanging in the old Soldier’s arms and can just stare at them with dumb, empty eyes as his mask is ripped from his head and their faces swim into view. They watch him with odd expressions that he could not try to place even if he had two brain cells left to rub against each other.

“He’s pissed himself,” he hears Cassidy’s deep voice drawling before he corrects himself: “Nah… he’s still pissing himself. Fuck, got the bladder of a damn horse on you, don’t’ya?”

“What I’m more interested in is what the fuck he’s doing here.”

“Well… I think that part’s kinda obvious. Those freaks at Talon just fucked shit up majorly. How long’ve you been waitin’ here, huh? Ugh… I don’t fucking care. Come on… I’ve got an erection like a damn baseball bat and I ain’t gonna let it get wasted because Talon decided to show up and make an absolute ass outta themselves.”

“What the Hell do you mean?”

“I mean that he’s fucking hot and he’s pissed himself like a little damn puppy dog and I wanna try and see what else I can make him do.”


They must not have come completely unprepared. They got shackles on them that they bind Reaper’s arms with behind himself, making him all but defenseless as his body keeps being pathetic and weak in the wake of his absolute disgrace.

They comment on it too.

“Something with those nanites must’ve fucked up. Otherwise he’d been dust and gone in the wind already.”

“Or maybe this is some kinda ploy? Come on… let’s pat him down for communicators.”

They do a lot more than that. Within moments, Reaper’s ass is out in the open, his cock swinging free and wet with piss beneath his belly.

Of course Cassidy is all into this kind of shit. His fist is around Reaper’s dick, fingers pinching the spongy tip until he feels himself starting to get hard. It’s the unexpected touch mixed with the abject relief of finally having been able to empty his bladder.

“This is fucking hot…”

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Soldier comments calmly. But he must be into it as well, otherwise he would have shut this whole thing down before it even began.

“I’m just so damn horny, and he interrupted us. Why don’t we have some fun? Send him back to Talon with a belly full of cum, hmn? I’m sure they’ll appreciate us taking care of one of their pets the good way.”

Soldier is not arguing against it, even though he growls like he just wants to make sure he remains in his status as a miserable old goat. Someone smears slick between Reaper’s cheeks and a thick cock noses up against his hole. The nanites briefly flutter through his body then; some kind of last ditch effort to do… something, but they’re thoroughly in disarray and quickly settle back down.

Someone else is grabbing him by the back of the neck and forcing him to look at them. It’s Soldier’s grim face; the erection still hanging out of his pants gives him away, though. He’s all bluster and shit but when push comes to shove, he is just as much of a fuckboy as anybody else.

He stares right into Gabriel’s eyes as Cassidy pushes into him on a low, throaty grunt.

Reaper’s muscles are lax and capitulating. It feels like he won’t have any agency over his own body for a long time to come. Not after having to hold in his piss for such an excruciating, extended time. Just the thought of how blissfully good it had felt to finally release himself – even if it had been to soak his own pants – is getting his cock to perk up with interest.

He vaguely pulls on the shackles but there is no hope for him to get out of them any time soon. Cassidy fills him with cock nice and slow but it is less the knowledge of his enemies fucking him and more the feeling of the heavy dick pressing against his bladder that pulls him a little bit more into the realm of lucidity.

Apparently he still has some piss left inside his body. As Cassidy fucks into him, it dribbles out of him pathetically. A few drops must hit Cassidy’s furry thighs because he groans deep and throaty and comments with a rasp in his voice: “Yeah, fuck, that’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for-”

The old Soldier, as if knowing what had happened, hisses: “You’re disgusting.”

Doesn’t mean he’s not pulling Reaper’s mouth onto his dick and makes the poor table creak quite ominously as he rams it as deep into the back of his throat as it will go.

Reaper has got no instructions about what to do when he got fucked by the enemy. He can’t even contact his operator again anymore; so what else is he supposed to do but suck dick and arch his back so Cassidy an ram into his guts at a better angle that makes his eyes roll into the back of his skull and his bladder feel very full again all of a sudden.

The more he dicks him, the more he starts to piss again; drip after drip hitting the ground in messy splotches as the two golden Overwatch boys talk about what the fuck they should do with him once they’re done.

They won’t kill him; he’s fairly certain about that. Overwatch is too pussy to do that.

What they are not too pussy for, apparently, is destroy him on their cocks.

Cassidy pummels his bladder until there is just no way for him not to let loose once more, insides relaxing and the hot, steaming piss just lazily dripping from his cock.

He’s almost sad that he won’t have more to give them… but then there is the old Soldier, and he is starting to fill him up again almost immediately.

It just takes Reaper’s overheated brain a bit to realize the old goat is actually pissing down his throat. But he drinks it without complaint, eyes glassy and without a thought behind them.

Without the nanites to guide him and a human operator to order him, Reaper is just a brainless fuck toy for these men… and going by the rate that they’re fucking him, they might just be inclined to wait until his bladder is nice and full once more.


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