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Hello everyone, thanks for your patience, I think that in this post I will explain a bit some of the projects that I have in mind and why I have discarded others ...

I've been feeling sick to my stomach since December and I'm just getting better, that's why I haven't taken commissions and drawn fewer comic pages.

The comics project with the OCs gardevoirs I will not do it in its entirety, this is because I had differences of "creativity" with the owners of the OCs and I could not be free to make the comics as I wanted or make the r34 a My way, that's why Dr.Voir from nanosheep is the OC that I use the most, because she is a good partner of my professor because of the doctors theme, that does not mean that I stop doing gardevoirs comics, only that I will select less to other OCs and I will try to use mine.

(i will do fanarts of the Gardevoirs OCs this and next month)

This Dr.Voir comic is a color and ink test in addition to testing the speed at which I can draw per week, I will do a longer one with Dr.Voir some time later.

The Braixen comic will continue next month, and the hypno version ends this month.

Any questions or complaints can be put in the comments, my intention is to provide lewd and entertainment.

Patreon March Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oBqR7_C31SkWtP8QMRCW6e7gWG2SdEZs?usp=sharing

