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Hi all,

This here's going to be a bit of a lengthy post, so please excuse me for the wall of text. If you can be bothered to read it all then let me know by replying here or on Discord - tell me how happy you were to read this.

Firstly, let me state that this is a positive announcement.

After much consideration and thought into so many aspects of my day-to-day, I've come to the conclusion that I really want to spend more time on my creations. I began writing as a hobby and I've always approached this project with that mentality. I just wanted to practice writing in a certain way, I never imagined that my stories would appeal to so many. At this point it can no longer be just a hobby. I want to spend more time on this and have it be a bigger part of my weekly routine.

Note that I use the word 'want'. That's because I (like many) have an active life; a family, a full time job, a weekend job, and a list of other competing priorities. That will never change, and I'll always be restricted by time. This project could never be my top priority because I have a family to feed, but at least it can sit on top of the 'other' list pile. Keeping that in mind, I've had some thought about the future. So here it is...

The Control App

It's been a long journey working on the control app, and there's plenty more to go before we have a 'v1.0' release.

We're currently around 70% complete with the Control App. All the 'filler' content is done, and what's left are main story paths. Once the 'main route' is complete, we'll have a v1.0 release. Whether this is final or not is undetermined, and I did have some thoughts for Patreon-exclusive v1.x special releases, with new scenes and hidden paths. We'll see how that pans out. Though once v1.0 is out, Control App will be mostly concluded as far as the public releases go.

Future Adventures

At this point in time, I have a second story & game planned. I'll share more information as the initial ideas are solidified, however the themes will be similar as the Control App. It will be in the same universe, but with a very different story, different characters, and a more tense dynamic.

I have a lot of other loose plans too, though all at the mercy of time economy.

Changes to Patreon

I neglected to use Patreon's 'goal' feature when it was available as I'd never had the desire to set financial objectives and incentivize pledges without a fair exchange of value and increased productivity, both which I didn't have the means to offer. 

At this point I'm prepared to make some exchanges, though the feature no longer exists and I feel skeevy in setting up monetary benchmarks. So I'll just say this, it's possible that one day Patreon pledges will outweigh my weekend job income, and my priorities will shift again. So please keep that in mind if you're a long-time voyeur. 

On a final note, I'll be adding some more Patreon exclusives. I figure that's the best way to thank my supporters. It'll probably start slow, but my hope is eventually we have a more regular routine of exclusives. I'll announce these when they're made. Note this won't affect the current tier list - everything that has been offered will remain as they were.

Thanks for following this project, I hope you're excited for what's to come.




Read it all! Sounds cool. Looking forward to 1.0+ and new game.