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Hi all,

I've been wondering about this lately. It's a familiar debate no doubt, though I wonder which way the tree falls when it comes to a porn game. 

Being a porn writer first and foremost, linear is far easier, though the versatility of certain engines is so appealing and always pulls me away from a traditional cyoa style game. To me it's more immersive, but what I've learned is that it's very easy for gameplay to be repetitive & boring - especially when most of the players just want to see the porn.

I still find it more interesting to create porn games rather than just a linear cyoa story... Though maybe too many of these porn games fall into the same pattern of a schedule-simulator? I personally don't mind that, though I can see how that'd be boring to some.

I want my next project to be refreshing and interesting. I have the story already - it's sexy & interesting (IMO, at least). It's something I'm ready to jack it to. But what's the best way to tell the story, I wonder?

It's a poll, but I'm interested to hear comments too. 



Rasmus Gjesdal

I think the control app should be finished first and the bugs fixed. (Can't do the school.)


I think that's not pertinent to the subject matter, but cheers for opinion!