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Hey guys,

I'm circling the final details of some branches in this game, and it has me thinking about what comes after (though it's some time away).

As you might know, this game started from a passion of writing erotica. I can't anticipate ever wanting to stop, though I don't have any interest in endlessly prolonging my stories... Once I believe the story has ended, I will end this game, however I won't stop writing.

So the natural progression is to begin a new game and story once this one has ended... What that is, I'm not sure yet. It'll definitely be in the same genre. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of time to decide.

Some of my loose thoughts are;

  • A prequel / sequel game following another character in the Control App game.
  • Multiple linear stories akin to traditional 'Wife Adventures' stories.
  • Completely new IP - maybe something in the space of dark magic.

I've also been toying with the idea of hiring VOs. It doesn't quite work with the current game, but maybe future games will be more compatible (if budget allows - VOs are expensive it seems.).

I'm interested to know your opinion though, which I hope at least some of you are willing to comment and elaborate your thoughts.




A sequel would be nice . P.s. if you need more content for the X-club path, Blacked released a new video with Sybil on July 3rd.


I support you for your writing style/storytelling. I can see all the ideas being good. So no matter what you do after i Will keep being a Patreon. Keep up the good work.


A traditional 'Wife Adventure' story with two or three different paths would be fantastic imo, especially if it's done the right way (with build-up and slow/moderate story progression). You're also a good writer and that's always a big positive. So, fingers crossed that you've got some juicy ideas in mind ;) Keep it up!

Jase C

Hey, was my post deleted, or did it just not come through? If the latter, I'll repost, so you can get my feedback.


Hey game looks good. I think I would like to see a game with similar dark themes. I personally am a huge fan of blackmail, corruption, ntr. One topic I love is the "bully" schoolkid dynamic. For example, a game using the SugarCube 2 engine that explores the relationship between MC and FMC, who is a student at a local high school. Similar to "John and Rich's Family, Love and Stranger" game. https://subscribestar.adult/johnandrich There's something fun about watching a man lose grasp on his loved ones. Something intriguing about breaking down a prideful, beautiful, and moral woman with good potential in life. And have her be dragged in the filth of cruel real life by the intervention OR inaction of the player. I am very interested if you want to hash out some ideas over Discord or something. I am a pretty good programmer / writer myself. I love to help you for free. Feel free to DM me if interested, we can set something up.


I'd thought about doing a school-setting prequel game... Of course, all the students being adults. I try not to look at other games for inspiration too often, I'm scared it'd lead me astray. Are you on Discord?


There is a story on chyoa that has an interesting plot. Maybe that could spark your creativity to do something better, with decent pacing ;) https://chyoa.com/story/Arousing-Suspicions.36787