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Hi all,

Many thanks to the bug testers for the past couple of weeks. I believe the remaining reports are known/not bugs, so I'll turn my attention back to writing out the new scenes.

Most of the story from here will be dependant on wife dynamics. The game reads the wife variables (sexuality, liberty, and control) and adjusts your game path and the dynamic of the relationship. This also works in conjunction with certain choices you make, including the use of the 'Command' function. The first 2 steps of this release were crucial to ensure we're properly set up for future releases.

 To paint the picture on what's now being worked on; 

  • Updated dialogues based on Wife's dynamic
  • Additional sex scenes between you and wife, with considerations of relationship dynamic
  • Further development of the main 'debt' path
  • Wife Job Searching (4 possibilities, depending on the relationship dynamic)
  • Wife Seduction Side Plot
  • X Club Side Plot
  • Black Breeding Side Plot
  • & a handful of other side events.

I'll then tidy up the scene replays, have another round of bug testing (with a few select bug testers), before releasing v0.3.

Hopeful for this month.






so iv'e found a bug that was reported before where the option to end day isn't there after bribing kyle. it's sunday afternoon day 21, she is stable and kinky


How's the next update coming along?


It's been about three weeks since the last comment he replied to. Does anyone know if he's ok?


Short stint of poor health, thanks for the concern. Still working on this. August release is likely. I'm currently compiling the imagery that I'll be using.

Pham Long

i have been waiting for you about 4 months, update or not?


Ha... Apologies you've waited for so long. I have to stress - and I can't say this enough...; I appreciate your support, however, you should understand that you're not paying for a service. The game is free.


Hope ya get feeling better! Rather ya healthy than sick. Get better. looking forward to the update!


Hey Cray, maker of my favorite game, hope all is well. At least as well as can be in a world seemingly totally upside down. Any word on the next update? Nothing specific regarding target dates or anything, but hopefully just word that the update is still in the works. I've never been able to get the last update to work for me, the game still borks out after bribing kenny, it is Kenny right? So I've never seen the new school content. Anyway, really love your work, and looking forward to more.


Hi DWhit, It's been an unfortunate year - though I'm sure it's the same for everyone. Update is on the way - I've gotten myself a copy of Adobe Premiere so that I can produce some quality gifs for the game. There's a good 60 odd new gifs in this next update, though unfortunately I still don't really know how to reduce file size without losing quality. It'll be a pretty hefty download. Thanks for your kind words. I hope you enjoy the update, once it's done.


if you need a way to download gifs fast, ive got a way to do it fast. the source is sex.com. rightclick download the gif and since it will be in webp file, just use ezgif.com to convert it to gif.


same with gifs you make in pornhub, it will be downloaded as mp4 so use ezgif to convert that too


Hey Crayman, hope you're feeling better. Do you think you'll be able to make it by the end of this month?


I've mapped out the tasks - it's probably like 5 or 6 days. I got carried away with a lot of the drafted scenes and ended up with a lot more than I planned. I'll also need another final round of bug testing for replay features before I do a public release.