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Hi all,

It took a couple of dozen hours or so longer than I'd intended, but the bug test is done now. If you feel up to the task, please go ahead and download to bug test.
Please note: There is no new content in the bug test release. I've set the foundation of the new game build - which means all future releases should be more stable (though I will rely on you to report bugs where relevant). If you recall the plan for v0.3, this is the 'halfway point', though honestly, it's probably more than halfway considering how much there was in getting to this point. Also note, the 'new' functions of the gameplay shouldn't be too evident at this point, because I've only included existing passages...

Also to the leakers: if you don't mind clearly articulating wherever you leak to that this is a bug test and therefore the points above are to be considered.

Next I'll be working on writing out the core story & debt path, and some of the misc side plots.

Please report bugs either as comments here or on Discord. 

Update 20.June: New Link



[BUG TEST] Control App 06.20.2020.rar



Do you think we'll get 0.3 somewhere around next month? I'm eager to play the next update 😏


He asks me for a key to be able to download it. What would it be?

Chris Widnall

same what is the dycription key?


found a bug in the download link :p it's missing a part


Can we get an email with the decryption key 😂


Same can't download lol


I need dis Key plllls TT


Apparently Patreon disables links with embedded keys from Mega. Full download link: https://mega.nz/file/C2xjkCbL#Pv4XJdFOH1rT8PDIZ5M9tCjFHKZdpF-H9ounHljz70w Key is: Pv4XJdFOH1rT8PDIZ5M9tCjFHKZdpF-H9ounHljz70w


Have not been able to start the model path as even after she agrees you never get the option to tell your boss.


Thanks Texan! Easy fix, just an incorrect variable. I've updated the download link.


It’s telling me I have to request permission now.


I got stuck in a loop, I return from work and can interact with the neighbour or end the day. If I choose the neighbour one of the options is displayed as "Error: child tag <> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <>" and if I select "Nothing" I get a "Error: the passage "Front Yard" does not exist" error. If I go back to before interacting with her, I can choose the other option (End the day), which shows the step-father moving in, but that loops back to the previous screen.


For me I get stuck in a loop with neighbor and craig moving in. I figured out my image problem, so deleted said comment. but as of now this bug test seems broken unless im downloading it wrong.


Error: the passage "Home" does not exist (after debt system is triggered)


Error: neigh_scene is not defined

Chee Yong

Loop with neighbour and criag moving in with money cheat enabled. Dead end with debt system path.


The first neighbour scene triggers on day 8 when you get home from work.


Reported bugs are fixed - new link is attached.


not sure if this is a bug but cheats doesn't unlock all scenes last time I checked.


can't talk at school with dennis, and modeling system with the wife is bugged. cant talk to anyone and it automatically has the modeling events clickable with a red text box saying "Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <


so far step-dad route isn't starting hes not moving in.


The link asking Emily if she work as a model never disappears. Also found that clicking for Dildo II event through the sexual interaction link just has two error tags, one about <<set>> bad evaluation and the other is child tag <</link>> was outside of a call to its parent macro


I catch kyle peeping every day on the weekend and nothing comes of it


1_After Emily has agreed to pose as a model. The page where there would be a list of the various types of modeling, are already all unlocked from the beginning and therefore creates a super casino on the page and the various errors. 2_ After passing the scene of surprising Kyle spying in the pool, he should unlock on another day the scene of infiltrating school, but it does not happen, because every time you are in the pool with Emily at the weekend, you are constantly witnessing the scene to always surprise kyle. And therefore it does not trigger anything. 3_ The scenes already seen do not unlock in the "unlocked scenes" list on the Laptop. 4_ If you doubt Craig al Barbeque, after a while you witness the scene of when he shows up at home that should begin the path related to the character, but nothing happened other than that scene. However, if you trust your stepfather, this "initial" scene doesn't even trigger. 5_Errors various in both paths related to the events with the neighbor. 6_ The "unlock all scenes" trick doesn't work completely. 7_ At least to me ... the debt application scene never occurred. These are the various errors that I found in version 06.17.2020


I seem to be in a loop of wife agrees to model, inform boss (get bonus), then never get to discuss going forward with the wife I just end up asking her to model and then boss again giving another bonus over and over. on 6/17 version.


Bug test updated. I believe I've taken care of most of the bugs that were reported from 06.17, though some of them I couldn't identify (either from the description, or because they didn't appear as bugs). I should also note the below have been reported, though are not bugs; 1 - Can only bribe the neighbor. It's coded this way. You can 'scare' him if your control is 8, which is difficult to achieve so early, though not impossible. It's planned to lead to a 'Bad End', anyway. 2 - Make a Porno is incomplete. You can currently only make a porno via command on the control app, which forces a branch into action for the modelling route. You will eventually be able to make a porno without the app, though it's not written yet. 3 - Laptop Replays aren't working. I haven't connected the replays on the laptop - I'm first going to finish the new passages before I do this so I can do them all at once. Some of the bug reports came up clean for me - though involved referals to the day tracker. Example: The step-dad moving-in scene occurs on day 8 and from the 'Go Home' Passage. It should always trigger. So if some of you aren't able to see it, then it could be something to do with the day/time system. Please keep this in mind with the bug-searching! It's so far come up clean for me, though. Thanks guys - big appreciation to you bug-testers. Crayman


Error: <>: bad conditional expression in <> clause: neigh_scene is not defined <>\ [[Break into the school->Weekend - School break-in (teacher event)]] <>


Can't get any of the routes to work. Craig moves in, but no scenes with him. Modelling doesn't work. Caught Kyle snooping, only bribing is available and once that is done, scene with Mary triggers and that's the end of the route, which keeps on looping. So, to keep playing I can't go to pool. It's a mess.


If you talk to everyone at the Graphics Design job, time moves so much that you can arrive at home after work on the morning of the next day, then the only options is to sleep during the "night" and it moves to the next day after that. Also, here is a screen shot of a bug: imgur.com/a/PlkJJEx