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Meat as manliness. We explore the origins of “soy boy” and the rise of internet sensation Liver King (aka Brian Johnson) who looks like a cartoon caveman on steroids and calls himself a lifestyle coach, CEO, and “primal” — all while owning a mansion, a fleet of vehicles, an array of guns and even a private jet. Behind his carefully crafted social media shenanigans, of course, Liver King owns a dozen companies selling a vast array of supplements to his followers.

Manclan is a new podcast series by Annie Kelly and Julian Feeld exploring the digital world of masculinity influencers, esoteric manliness rituals, and alpha men. Covering everything from pick up artists to weightlifters, from New Age health perverts to neo-fascists, it’ll also be touching on the pre-internet history of masculinity and men’s movements.

Thank you for supporting us on patreon! You'll have access to all of Manclan as it comes out!

Cover art by Jess Johnson (http://instagram.com/flesh_dozer)
Theme music by Nick Sena (http://nicksenamusic.com)
Editing by Corey Clotz. Additional music by Pontus Berghe.




Our ancestors were cooking before they were human. Cavemen had already been cooking for millennia by the time they were "men." We coevolved with fire, and our whole physiology has been shaped by use of fire. We aren't coated in our own fur and we have entirely different guts than the carnivores that eat raw kills. I mean we all know this is stupid shit but like, some fun facts here.

Jess C

This is so great but also inflicting massive psychic damage. As a lifelong vegetarian tired of dudes telling me eating steak will improve my chronic incurable illnesses, I am both very triggered but also enjoying this a lot. Amazing!!! Can't wait to hear more.


What an absolute goon.

Andrew Plummer

Love the new series....feels like you are getting behind some of the issues that underly the attractions of something like Q?

Aimee Buxton

I used to be into the paleo/ancestral movement which then led into being big into CrossFit. And this guy sounds like so many libertarians I had the displeasure to know. The way he raises his kids sounds like Sevan Matossian who’s a POS I wish the world knew more about.


This dude sounds like The Ultimate Warrior whenever he talks


I need the next chapter I keep refreshing ever couple hours lol

Brandi Ray

The way this guy treats his staff makes me want to [redacted]. And his bullshit oh these "tribes" don't have a word for sorry...get fucked.

Joe Wakefield

Fingers crossed there’s a hodge twins episode


Just look up the image of Gout Crystal. Yikes! Sharp shards protruding through the skin from crippled joints. They call gout the rich man's disease caused by meat and alcohol. Sadly, he'll either suffer that or a heart attack.

Martin Belderson

At the end of November, the Liver King admitted he's been taking $11K worth of steroids a month to maintain his body shape. I'm not laughing. Yes, I am.


Only getting around to this now. …good Christ, the audio and comedy on this guy’s show is incredibly bad. It’s like terrible ‘80s public access.