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This week we chose three chapters from the infamous, Amazon-chart-topping book entitled QAnon: An Invitation to the Great Awakening. It was written by WWG1WGA, which is just a motley crew of QAnon influencers. There really is no way to describe how outlandish the authors’ various claims are. You’ll just have to listen. Get out your popcorn, but don’t butter up the pages. It’s the QAA Book Club.

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Is there any way to play these in a podcast app or playlist rather than Patreon web page?

Seth Aronovich

Go to the 'Overview' section on here, and get the link from 'AUDIO RSS LINK' on the right hand side


When they’re talking about “the most exciting time in human history” (great kp cover by the way Jake) it made me think. Here’s my theory. Or brain has limits. Extreme comfort and extreme survival. Extreme survival will break you and you and you do crazy shit. My theory is extreme comfort will also do the same. Think of the human brain thresholds not as a linear piston up or down but a circle. The thresholds sharing the same red line. If Life is so comfortable We are so far from our extreme survival evolved to state. Then maybe we start to develop mental health disorders and create chaotic situations like conspiracy theories. Q anon. Evangelical doomsday Christianity. Both of these beliefs thrive on being on the precipice of a earth shattering global consciousness shift. Both ends of the spectrum tend to root for death. It’s fucking weird.