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A special edition episode that explores two post-truth, dystopian subjects. The first is renting friends, family, and other people. Particularly a thing in Japan. The second is a guy who injects a variety of substances (including stem cells) into himself and partakes in outlandish, extreme workouts just to operate at "peak performance." This was a fun one. Apologies for the short episode, it's been a big week for us, we'll make it up to you, we promise.

Thank you SO much for supporting us. Our love for you knows no bounds. If you aren't already in the discord, go here: https://discord.gg/ckbgujz and you can hang out with the gang and chat.




Wa-wa-wait... So, this guy injected himself with HIS OWN stem cells? HOW?! I thought the only place adults have *stem* cells is in the brain *stem.* Can you actually extract cells from your brain stem without killing or crippling yourself? I have so many questions, and this is only one of them!