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On June 13th, 1996, the leader of a Long Island UFO group was charged with conspiracy to poison local conservative leaders with the most absurdly deranged of methods. His motive? Retribution for the political cover-up of UFO activity in the area. Brad Abrahams joins us to tell this bizarre and melancholy tale of the alien obsessed John J. Ford. We unravel if John really was criminally insane, or if he was entrapped for getting too close to a real life, albeit more terrestrial cover-up. Jake reads some powerful UFO poetry, Travis daydreams about arcane murder methods, and Julian cowers in fear from his secretly sadistic co-hosts. It’s time to squeeze out some phosphorescent toothpaste and enjoy an episode of the Long Island X-Files.  

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Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by NAP (doomchakratapes.bandcamp.com) & Jake Rockatansky. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)


QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.


THE DARK SIDE OF THE UFO LEGEND - Linda Oxley Milligan https://www.academia.edu/61683017/The_Dark_Side_of_the_UFO_Legend 

OUT THERE - Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1998/01/11/out-there/89f520c3-bb7b-41d3-a991-6c4a1a2ff322/ 

THE LAW AND THE UFO MAN THE SAGA OF JOHN FORD - Jerry Cimisi https://www.floridaufonetwork.com/uploads/1/5/8/3/15834296/jerrycimisi_jford.pdf 

John Ford’s statement to the media (Part 1 of 5) https://www.ufoteacher.com/johnford/prelease/jford_prelease_i.pdf 

John Ford’s  attorney’s closing arguments: https://www.floridaufonetwork.com/uploads/1/5/8/3/15834296/john_fords_closing_argument.pdf 

And many many defunct sites via the Wayback Machine.



"It had lips because it kissed meeeee." It took some doing, but I found the video of "Janet".

No Relation to Henry

The lab is called BNL, you say? “IT’S BEEN One week since the aliens crashed Cocked your head to the side and said ‘what is that?’ Five days since the cops got you They said ‘you just did just what these local politicians said you were gonna do…’”

Jess C

Great ep, I enoyed it a lot after surviving the jokes about the beanbag chair murder. I love evil Jake:)