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This denizen of the Krispy Universe is a unknown type of slug that despite not being a native to the caves and nests of the lewdemorph, is quite the opportunist and has adapted to the new environment quite well. One can even say that the slugs are a parasite to the parasites due to them finding out that the human female makes for an excellent and easy way to reproduce their species, thus making them compete with other sexual parasites within the nest for the limited available fertile wombs, whether it be to lay their eggs or to hijack and mutate the human female eggs, the world of the nest is one of fierce competition for the propagation of their own species. 

This particular slug species belongs to those that enjoy hijacking and mutating the eggs of other species for their own use. Standard procedure back on their homeworld was to wait in swampy murky water, and latch onto any large passing creatures that happened to swim by. Once attached they will inject a powerful aphrodisiac that will put the creatures in blind haze of lust. Once the venom has taken hold and the victim becomes receptive to copulation, the slug will slowly penetrate and enter the vaginal canal rear end first. During this and the next occurring process the host continues to be wracked with powerful orgasms. Once the slug finds the cervix it will force it open slightly so as to not cause any discomfort to the host before injecting its splurge of parasitic sperm into the womb. Once the sperm has taken hold of most of the female’s eggs they will mutate them into the slugs own species, and several days from the insemination, dozens of juvenile slugs will be birthed from the host. 



Rick Meredith

I absolutely love this! The story makes it so much hotter!