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I’m happy to announce something BIG! Introducing the Krispy Token! With this shiny internet coin you’ll be able to purchase stickers, livestream sketch requests, auction give aways, and even more to come in the near future! Krispy tokens are earned every month, and the higher your reward tier, the more tokens you get! Rewards can only be bought in the discord server however, so if you haven’t joined yet, be sure to now! Massive shoutout to Satibel on discord for making this all possible!

Reward prices and Tokens per month for each tier are as follows!

$1-10 tokens

$5-50 tokens per month 

$10-100 tokens 

$20-200 tokens 

$50-500 tokens 

100 tokens for one livestream sketch 

200 tokens for 5 non-lewd custom stickers.

500 tokens for 5 lewd stickers 

2000 for patreon commission



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