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Hello everyone,

I couldn't find any interesting title instead of 'Monday post' so, I'll stick with it and start numbering them.

First week fully focused on the game, no major issue to report. One annoying little bug that prevented from loading previous state got on my nerve but it's now resolved.

Still working on the writing part (the last part), I'm expecting to have all dialogues at the end of the week.

Those few days off really helped. I'm having a lot of fun working on the game, setting up the characters and the new environment.

You guys voted for a Christmas scene in the next update, and I have a few ideas in mind, not sure which one I'll do yet. Personally, I would say it can't be a successful Christmas without a spanking somewhere in the mix, so yeah, probably at least some kind of spanking content and more.

That's all for today, 

See you soon & thanks for your support.




We voted for a Santa event, not a Bogeyman one 😝