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Hello everyone,

I'm not doing so great lately. I'm exhausted, between personal issues (nothing serious, just time-consuming), my work and the game, it feels like I don't have time to breathe.

I need to change my routine. I can't keep going like this. I'm sorry for the delayed update, as you know I usually release it faster. 

I still made some progress on the game and it's getting closer to the release. I WILL release it during the first half of December. To do that, first I'm taking a couple of days off to think it through and cool off. Then, I'll focus only on The Patriarch for 2 weeks, putting my work on the side for that time (Let's hope there won't be any emergency and they can manage without me).

Sorry about it guys, this kind of bad news for you.  Also, I last week I said I'll stick with the Monday as a minimum but it doesn't seem enough to me. It's especially unfair to higher trier patrons.

So, from now I'll make sure to post one preview for the Patriarch tier each week and another for the chosen. It doesn't take much time and that the least I can I do.

As always, I can't thank you enough for your support.

See you soon.




We're following you for quite some time, we know you do your best, even if it takes time. Choose quality over alacrity and we'll be behind you 😉


Take care of yourself first, and keep work-life balance. I found out that you acheive success not by working more hours, but working more effectively taking the time to distance from work is part of being effective.


thank you for the hard work. I talked to Kronii and Ame, they said we have plenty of time. so breathe and take all the time you need.


Don't worry, no matter how long it takes. We are waiting, there are still bad times to come with new covid mutations. Health is the most important thing, so take it easy and take a break. Only when you are well again, continue working on the game. We have time and a break will do you good.💖

Abraham McNeil

Completely as a joke, have you tried cocaine?


take your time


don't worry, take your time and think about being well. ;) But as a punishment, you'll be putting an extra dose of femdom into the game ehehehehe :P


It's okay, but there are more content to be updated as compensation.


Take your time and look after yourself! We don't gain anything if you burn out :)


It´s just the lack of spankings in your game lately I tell you! Otherwise you know the drill and what ThL said...take your time and we still love you ( in a totally manly way of course!)