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Hello everyone,

It will be a short post to keep you up to date. I have a busy week, I'll be spending less time on the game than usual, but nothing to be worried about. I'll catch up the week after.

So, where am I with the v0.2? 

I got most of the coding done (which is a big part of the update; it introduces all the gameplay mechanics). The new locations are ready.

I had some tweaking to do on the three characters briefly introduced during the prologue.

New GUI is like 80/90% done.

Basically, it's missing the renders and the writing, the fun part to work on! ;)

The update is most likely to be ready for the second half of November.

Thanks for your support.



Are you going to treat this game like your previous slowly adding scenes and plot. Or are your updates planned out for this game beginning to end?