0.5.3 Patch Released! + Admiral Custom Image (Patreon)
2019-04-21 17:48:43
Patch 0.5.3 is now live for all patrons!
I also added the Admiral Custom Image in the post. The ability to decide which image gets made is a new tier reward. Out of the many suggestions by admirals, this scene won the poll, so here it is.
0.5.3 Changelog:
- Extended Rachel's ending.
- Added many talks during the island trip.
- Added a slider to change the textbox opacity in the preferences.
- Added the current progression to the saves name.
- You can now press "space" to exit a talk menu (experimental, on the island only.)
- Fixed a bug preventing you to distract Emily and Chloe after coming back from the island.
- Fixed Rachel being able to catch you enter rooms during the night.
- Fixed some typos.
- Fixed the "Can you come tonight" dialogue with Susan. It will only be possible if you did "Sacrifice" at least once.
- Fixed a bug on an island that makes some day not count in the day counter.
- Some other minor fixes.
0.5.3: Windows & Linux
0.5.3: Mac
Thanks everyone!