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Hello everyone,   

I have more info on the rework and what will change in Beta-3. 

Current Beta-3 changelog:

  • 3 New events
  • New GUI, added a top bar with more info. 
  • You can see your exact stamina. 
  • You can see for how many days you are at full stamina. 
  • Numbers of days without chores is more visible. 
  • You can see how many days without chores you used. 
  • New feature "Dialogues count", when talking to a NPC it will not count as an  hour but will add +1 to this counter, when it reach 4 the game add one hour. 
  • The door in the corridors now each have 3 buttons to quickly peek/enter/knock  in a single click. 
  • There's a stamina icon and how much is needed on actions that require  stamina. 
  • When Chloe is sick there's a new icon to show this status on the new top  bar. 
  • I reduced the cooldown on most of the events. 
  • I added Saturday as cleaning chores day, this day can't be skipped by using a  "day without chores". 
  • Increased the success chance on some events. 
  • Added some "hard reminder.” i.e. If Susan and Rachel are waiting for you and  you are in the corridor MC will say something. 
  • The progression window now works per save and is not global. 
  • The progression windows show if you need a good or bad mood. 
  • Added a new feature "Notebook,” when a character says something important or  when you do some actions leading to an event, it will add an entry in the  notebook to guide you to the next step. It replaces the pseudo-hints available  before.   

Still under development :  Characters mood rework,  I want the player to know  when an NPC's mood increase or decrease. I'm also still balancing it to be easy  enough to control it as you wish without too many struggles. 

I'm planning to release the next update on November 5, I had an  unplanned task to do for the end of the month at work, I had less time than what  I thought for the game development but everything should be back to normal  now. The rework is almost done but this update will have less content than what i wanted.





Lookin Good ;)


I agree, right on was is needed

George J.Lekkas

Bravo! Very nice and organized work :)!


Awesome game man ! love this game ! keep it up !