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As you know the video game is nearlly on us, I've seen a build and seen it running and its quite something, its totally uncapped, so we'll do a vote evertime a stage is complete, as to what you want, for example, theres a fighting level, some puzzle stages, side scrolling shoooting, its not just one thing, its similar to those games Ocean used to make on the Amiga. Ill get Ryoko to record it, we're just adding enemies and programing the AI then the first stage is all yours.

For those that own OC - I'm looking for some characters, pilots ect as playable characters, so if your interested email me a sketch or description, if i use it youll get full recognition and mentioned in the game :)

Got another pic update coming in a few hours, so dont adjust that set



Sounds great! Looking forward to the results. More great things to wait for, so I can't complain. Guess I could email and see if any of my OCs work as guests. Won't use Alias, since he'll be appearing in a pic here.