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This is one of those characters that look a million times better when coloured, so stick with me on this one lol its gonna be good. I'll do one without the camera filter too 




I'm digging it! :D


I kept her native art style, i tried in mine, but she looked too serious and grown up, so shes in her classic anime style


Works for me. You have a gift man, I'm pretty sure most artists can't switch styles like you do.


erm... im not sure about that, its a vanity thing. alot of artist like to develop their own look, they want people to see and know their style. I'm different, because i target pop culture, i have to use the style that gives a convincing representaion of the character... in short, i not only rip off other artists, i totally corrupt their characters lol


I guess I've never attacked the idea from that perspective before... it sounds pretty dark when you put it that way. I like dark though so no problem. Lol