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Okay,  so I'm gonna start on March's early, I'll start with the few guys that have paid early, and since Facebook have put me on another 30 day ban for putting a plate of Dogshit in rate-my-plate again, I've got lots more time. For those of you that added me on FB you know I love pissing off daft and stupid people, so I'm not ignoring you, I'm just in jail. lol If you wanna add me, go ahead, but be warned I hunt snowflakes for fun. 

I've gathered the characters so far, I've got two more to get, but so far, this is the list for this month coming. Looks like we're getting some good sexy gaming girls this month. So far these will be all anime styled, if the requesters want something western ei J scott campell, adam warren styled ect I'll let you know.  

  •  Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII (Vote Bonus)
  •  Celes (From final fantasy 3 
  •  Cissnei from FFVII Crisis Core    
  •  Juliet Starling
  • ????
  • ???? 


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