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Okay, as a creator it's my responsibility to take on the complaints of the guys that jumped ship. Obviously I can't do nothing about peoples financial difficulties or changes, I fall ill of those myself. 

This one interested me... " The creator wasn't engaging like I expected."

Now, I don't normally post something unless I have something to give you. The only other thing I can offer other than on topic stuff is polls of random stuff and Facebook type status updates. Maybe I'm missing a point somewhere. What do you guys think, you're the important people. What type engegement would you be happy with.

Someone posted that they were expecting "process videos". I have all the software obviously, but I do alot my work whilst dossing at my paid job. I could prob do at least one of these a month if thats what you want to see? 

Give me your advice guys, how can I make this better for you, without breaking my back in the process. I'm really new to this and October was my first full month, so I' really walking around in the dark. 

All your advice would be greatly appreciated 



process videos seem a bit excessive if you ask me. Personally I would suggest uploading more WIPs and doodles that aren’t exactly tied to Patreon stuff. Like say you’re sketching different girls for warmup or just doodling characters you like. Stuff like that.


ok cool, ive got lots of doodles and concepts that never quite made completion, I'll start uploading all the projects in various development stages. I didnt think people were into that i always thought it ruined the end product lol

pengin senshi

I'm not sure what more that guy was expecting. I believe you've been updating once a week on various topics, which to me is a very good amount especially in this stage where your Patreon isn't your full time job. Not everyone can be Sakimi Chan...

pengin senshi

I think I've watched a part of one process video in the last 3 years, so I agree that including a process video isn't high priority.


i should have your second piece done in a few days hopefully, i got sat off so im gonna do it then. yeah sakimi chan is a lendary artist, i really wanted to follow her but ill end up just absorbing skills and ill just end up a clone. artists are really really really succeptable to copying without realising, ive done it myself, so i try to avoid other artists and just try to be a little different.

Cassandra Dare (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-04 05:14:08 For what its worth, you're the first i've seen actually to come back with the results and directly ask us how we think it could change etc etc... I think that's a more than fair testament to your engagement with us! <3
2018-11-01 17:22:08 For what its worth, you're the first i've seen actually to come back with the results and directly ask us how we think it could change etc etc... I think that's a more than fair testament to your engagement with us! <3

For what its worth, you're the first i've seen actually to come back with the results and directly ask us how we think it could change etc etc... I think that's a more than fair testament to your engagement with us! <3

pengin senshi

The subconscious emulating of other artists is definitely something to look out for. (Hell, while I'm not an artist, I went through a period where I started to copy other people's accents...) Plus, we're got enough Sakimi Clones already, we don't need another one.


Thanku for that i never thought of it tgat way. Nothing is a secret to u guys the exit poll is there to tell me whats going on who is unhappy ect tbf its mostly financial difficulties that people bail. U owe me a charater btw