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Music swelled around her. Meanwhile what was around her was changing from her boring living room to a multicolored nightmare of vibrancy. The woman shifted uncomfortably, feeling unfamiliar in her body as she tried to understand just what was.

‘W-W-Where am I?” the woman asked, turning to her left to escape a menagerie of twirling objects and shapes. An eyeball flew by her, prompting the woman to fall back onto her rear. Something around her butt ended up cushioning the blow. The ground beneath her seemed semi-hard but beneath puffed-out pants she felt something soft with thick material encircling her groin and plasticy material holding it onto her hips.

The legs of her pants billowed out because of their design but the crotch did it because of the thick garment underneath.

“A…diaper?!” she questioned. With all the flying stuff around her, it was hardly the weirdest thing she’d seen. Rather than ruminating on it, she pushed herself up. To her right, a bright red door stood tall, the word ‘exit’ called to her.

The woman may not have known where she was but she knew that she desperately wanted to get out. This place was a nightmare and she wanted to be free of it. She rushed to the escape only to have it dissolve into several cubes just before her hand fell on the handle.

Just like that her escape was taken from her, leaving her to stumble back into a line of animated characters that looked like they were straight out of a cartoon. They collapsed to the ground like dominos.

The music filling the air all around her stopped, and she sat in a semicircle of cartoon characters with their expressions ranging from concerned to annoyed.

One of the figures, a purple rabbit in overalls with a permanent smile plastered across his face, looked up at a pair of chattering teeth with eyes in the maw of its plastic mouth.

“Caine,” the rabbit asked, “is this one of your NPCs or is this a new sucker? ‘Cause if it’s a new character we’re going to have to redo this whole theme song.”

There was a distinct air of irritation in his voice which made the woman cringe slightly.

Another figure, who kind of looked like the wooden blocks of wires you see in a pediatric dentist's office, confirmed that they wouldn’t do that again. Their voice sounded distinctly feminine.

The chattering teeth wearing a circus ring master’s outfit acted shocked. “My My! It appears a new human has entered this realm!”

The woman gripped her head, digging her fingers beneath the eyelid of her new form and feeling it pull. She thought it would hurt but it didn’t, her skin was oddly flexible. “How do I… Take this… Headset off?!” the woman exclaimed, feeling her stress levels rise. She was panicking and as she panicked a cramp hit her stomach. A painful pang that threatened to send her to her knees.

“Just keep grabbin’ at it.” The rabbit said, “That worked for all of us.”

The woman continued freaking out, even going so far as to grip the stem of her eye only for the organ to pop back into place effortlessly and with a wacky cartoon sound.

“W-W-What’s going on? I-I-I put on some kind of weird headset and now I’m here.” the woman proclaimed. She jumped to face the semi-circle of people. “Who are you people? Why can’t I take it off? Where Am I?”

With each question a rolling cramp rumbled up from her stomach, earning several groans of discomfort. “Why does my stomach hurt so bad!?”

The last question seemed to send confusion through the group who looked back and forth amongst each other. They seemed familiar with her other questions but the concept of her stomach hurting was a more outlandish proposition.

A character that looked like Raggedy Ann got sent to a psych ward stepped forward, holding up her hands in an effort to show that she was non-threatening. “Let’s just try to calm down.” she offered. “Everything’s gonna be okay, new stuff. We’ve all been through this. You just need to get your head to—”

“What the @(#% is going on!” When the woman tried to curse, a sound that seemed to be a car crash mixed with a cartoonish boing replaced her profanity. Below that another noise sounded out, a trumpeting fart that managed to be only slightly muffled by the thick underwear she was wearing.

“Guh, Wha—”

The teeth in a suit flew down at her, explaining that she was now a member of the ‘AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS!’ and that profanity wasn’t allowed. To test this the woman fired off every dirty word she knew. Each one of them elicited a wacky sound.

Nobody seemed willing to mention the other part. The rumbling fart that shook her padded underwear’s plastic shell was drawing some concerned looks but zero comments. The censorship was apparently normal but a common bodily function did not.

On top of the fart, her stomach seemed intent on somersaulting again and again, leading toward something worse than a fart. The woman continued to deny her new reality after that, stating that it was a dream and that she just had to play along. The rabbit seemed to half-heartedly humor the idea.

Afterward, she was taken on a tour of the grounds. The whole world appeared to be a weird carnival and an unending digital void full of nothing.

“I’d prefer you stay in the circus grounds, where I can keep my HUNDREDS OF ALL SEEING EYES ON YOU.” the teeth proclaimed. Through her panic, the woman realized he was the one the rabbit had called ‘Caine’.

“Uhhhh. I-is there a b-bathroom?” the woman asked.

“A bathroom? There’s no such thing here! Nobody has such obscene bodily functions here at The Circus!”

Just before they shifted back into the tent she saw that same red door again, keeping her from enquiring after a toilet given the state of her frustrated gut. A flash of freedom was taken from her once again as they reappeared amongst the crowd.

“Was that an exit door?" she asked.

Caine and the others assured her there was no such thing with the toy teeth insisting it was a case of ‘DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS!’

“How about we talk about something else?” Caine offered. “Like your name.”

“My name?” the woman asked. “My name is uh—”

The concept of a name made sense to her, she even had a memory of being called something at some point but even the first letter of it eluded her. She fully could not remember her name and she was falling into complete dread again.

“Uhhhh OHHH, Oh god. Ngh. Why can’t I remember my name!?

That lost detail seemed to be the point of overload for the woman. Not knowing her name was the confirmation she needed that all of this was so horribly real and all the panic and existential dread set in for her. Apparently that hysteria affected a lot more than her ability to think too. Her stomach responded in kind and the roiling turmoil reached its peak.

Lewd sounds that felt like they may be against the toothy ringmaster’s rules about profanity emanated from the woman’s rear as her sphincter stretched to accommodate a monster expulsion of semi-solid waste.

Her diaper caught her accident, expanding to accommodate the weight deposited inside while keeping the heat trapped against skin. Based on the faces around her the smell was escaping rapidly. To see cartoon characters cover their noses in disgust was a strange sight but the nameless woman was far too distracted by her forceful hypershit.

Her body was pushing what felt like pounds of mush into the back of her nappy which sagged lower with each wave.

“Nghhhhh whyyyyy?” she groaned.

“Caine?” The bunny asked, “What’s with the $#!^^!$@? We don’t do that here so why's the new gal filling her pants like that?"

The chattering teeth hung in the air with his limbs limp. He was doing his best possible impression of staring in disbelief. “I-I don’t know. She shouldn’t be able to.” Caine said. His apparent bravado seemed curtailed by seeing something out of his control. “Explain yourself, How are you doing that!?”

She was so busy gritting her teeth and groaning that the woman couldn’t explain. Not that she knew what was going on anyway; her body’s apparent need to fill the puffy pants was as much a mystery as anything else.

The strain on her body caused by the intense bowel movement started to affect more than just her shaking knees. Apparently, she had a bladder in her new form too and the cramps had her flooding her pants along with filling them. Urine sprayed across the front of the diaper’s padding which it worked to absorb as fast as it could. The core bloated with her wetness, sloshing as she swayed on unsteady feet.

The puffy jester pants over her diaper exploded because of the accumulated pressure after several uninterrupted minutes of release. Its bulk swung free once it was broken from its cloth confines but that ridiculous movement also seemed to mark the end of her explosive accident.

“Th-that was. Caine, what the heck was that.” The rabbit asked.

“I don’t know Jax.” the teeth said, obviously confused, “Sure seemed weird though. Anyway, your name!”

He moved from one topic to the next at a rapid pace but given that the woman was mentally stuck on the topic before she dumped half her body weight into an apparently infinite capacity diaper she hadn’t moved on from the topic either.

“Uhgggg. What’s my name?” the woman asked, swaying unsteadily.

Like the unnatural accident hadn’t even happened Caine pressed on. With the others here it made sense. He’d obviously coached others through this multiple times and she had to admit his method of pressing through any confusion was moving the plot along rather well for everyone involved.

“Don’t you worry your little head.” He assured, patting the woman on the head. She wanted to shrink away from it but the massively full diaper spread her legs wide and kept her from moving even an inch.

“I really don’t like being touched.” she thought.

“Your new name can be anything!” he continued. Immediately after that statement, his eyes turned into computer error screens and he listed several things she couldn’t make her name. This included lewd and profane words and copyrighted content for some reason.

“So what’re ya thinkin’?” Caine asked.

“Huh? I don’t care. Just pick anything.” the woman groaned.

“Let’s see!” Caine replied and a giant slot machine dropped from the sky to smash into the ground. Its wheels were already spinning and letters were whizzing by. It stopped suddenly on a jumble of consonants that didn’t actually spell anything.

“What do you think of XDDCC” Caine asked. The pronunciation was little more than a phonetic jumble of nothing.

“Uhhhh” XDDCC said.

“You’re right, terrible.” he replied, slamming his cane into the lever of the slots again and setting the wheels spinning. The letters that appeared at least spelled something this time. “What do you think of Pomni?” he asked again. She noted that there was markedly less excitement in his voice this time.

“Uh sure, I think I just—” Pomni started only to be cut off by the dentist's office toy.

“So is nobody going to talk about the 4u9%!#& weird thing that just happened with the new girl. We don’t use the bathroom here. I don’t have a nose or anything but it sure smells like she $#!^ herself.”

Caine stuttered in the air. “Zooble, please! We can’t have that kind of language. Still, you’re not wrong, that certainly was odd. What do you think Pomni? Any ideas?”

Pomni was stuck not because of the absurdity but because the diaper was too heavy to move with. “I-It’s not part of this?” she asked. “I just thought it was all part of this. Oh, god am I weird even here?”

Jax spoke up with the snark that Pomni was starting to learn was his trademark. “Yep, looks like it.”


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