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This is a short in-between story following the events of my code Geass Dungeons and Dragons Story. The full sequel comes out next month both this will be a nice appetizer.

“Shirley? What are you doing?”

Upon walking into the old council room, which had now turned nursery/D&D space, Milly saw the only person not turned into a giant baby by their previous Dungeon and Dragons game sitting at the head of the table, messing with her dice. She shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, letting her fresh diaper shift around her butt.

It was one of the rare mornings where she hadn’t deposited a garbage bag-sized load into the back yet and she was glad for it. She would have been slowed down too much otherwise and she had a feeling being able to move might serve her well.

Those green polyhedrons with teal veins shimmered under the light. Immediately Milly got nervous looking at them. There was power in those dice. They’d fully changed three people into diaper-dependent dorks, Shirley into the perfect lactating milky mommy who wanted to do nothing more than care for them, and Milly into the nudest hypermesser she’d always dreamed of being.

They affected anyone who sat at the table to take on the attributes of their character sheet. "As long as she's not messing with that it's probably okay." Milly said under her breath.

Apparently, she’d spoken a little louder than she'd meant to because Shirley stopped and seemed at the very least sympathetic to her plight. “Oh poor Miss Milly it’s okay, I like the character you gave me but I was reading through the book and I thought Mombarian Shirley would work better as an Aurochian."

Her attempts to calm Milly's worries instead had the opposite effect. The blonde was flummoxed, that sort of decision should have been discussed with her as the DM. She wouldn’t have said no but would have at least liked to have been consulted. That and the innate power of the dice made this a more dangerous decision than Shirley realized.

“Wait an ar-aw-key-an? I don’t think I’ve heard of that before? Was it in the player’s handbook?”

Milly knew it wasn’t, the question was meant to be more leading to try and get Shirley to understand what she was going for was out of the scope of her campaign. She didn’t mind the tanky Mombarian being OP but she wasn’t about to let her run in with a homebrew race Milly hadn’t even approved.

“No, I found them on a website but they’re like big ol’ half-minotaurs, I think it’s the perfect race for me to play!”

Shirley was intensely excited about the idea, so much so that she wasn’t really listening to what Milly was saying, like at all. It was a weird feeling of powerlessness. She’d been sitting at the head of that table only a week ago, babyfying her friends and twisting their lives into something unrecognizable. From her position across from Shirley, she got a little bit of insight into just how defenseless her players might have felt.

Milly got so lost in those thoughts that she briefly forgot about Shirley, who was still plugging away at her character sheet.

She overstated her last pencil stroke with a flourish that took her hand far away from the page, extending it out straight from her body.

Even the exaggerated movement couldn’t break Milly out of her thousand-yard stare. Only the green glow of her dice could and it was enough to snap her attention back to Shirley in time to see her frame broadening followed by a brutal snapping sound.

One of the reasons Milly had avoided different species for her players was because she was afraid of what the transformation process might feel like for them. Disintegrating their bowel control was one thing, changing their skeletal structure was another.

Shirley's features were obscured by a supernatural light that completely enveloped her body. Even without seeing the details it was obvious that she was growing before Milly's eyes.

The redhead made no sound and Milly couldn't even see what she was feeling through her expression. Another sickening crack could leave her to guess though.

What had been a lean swimmer’s frame was bulking out significantly. Shirley's shoulders were broadening to match her new monumental height.

“She did say it was a half-minotaur race... How exactly does that translate to a human body?” she wondered.

One last crack sliced through the air and caused Milly to wince, this one louder than all the others. Milly’s eyes slammed shut, almost like she was afraid to see what change had warranted such a visceral sound,

There was a loud thump from where Shirley had been sitting and it sent vibrations across the hard marble floor of the council chambers, rumbling beneath the blonde nudist’s feet.

Milly rushed to Shirley’s side, her massive diaper crinkling as the material crumpled beneath the pressure of her thighs.

“Ow…” Shirley groaned, “My poor butt. This hard floor can’t be safe for you toddling little ones, remind me to have it covered with some soft mats or something.”

Much to her surprise Milly found Shirley relatively unbothered on the ground. The chair the redhead had been sitting in had collapsed underneath her and the short distance from the wooden seat to the marble floor had proven to cause the majority of her ire.

The cracking Milly had been hearing and wincing at wasn’t coming from her friend’s body but rather the chair below her which was struggling to hold Shirley’s rapidly changing form. Milly herself was going to reach down to help her friend up but she herself wasn’t sure she’d be able to actually hold her up either.

Even with Shirley on the ground the pointed tips of her new horns extend past the top of Milly’s head. Her arm alone was almost the size of Milly's head.

The blonde was dumbfounded, her arms out to offer assistance that Shirley refused outright. “You’re not strong enough to lift me silly.” Shirley scolded playfully, pushing herself off the floor.

Shirley was huge, there wasn’t a better description for it.

By Milly's estimate, the redhead must have stood somewhere between eight-and-a-half and nine feet, with her body being nearly twice as wide as Milly’s.

From beneath her long red hair floppy bovine ears twitched, reacting to every little noise around them. From behind her, a tail flicked out, the base of it connecting to the point just above her rump.

Horns, cow ears, Shirley’s insane new height, and a tail would have been enough for Milly to panic. They were strange developments, ones that she couldn’t explain away like the various personality changes she’d caused in her other friends. However, all of that paled in comparison to the second set of breasts that'd appeared just below Shirley’s original bust.

Four tits were squeezed into her leather Mombarian bikini top which had replaced her normal blouse during the transformation.

Milly was stuck in wordless awe, her jaw hanging open as she stared helplessly at her friend. Shirley herself was occupied conducting her own examination. She ran her newly enlarged hands over her shoulders and down her torso.

They fell on her hips, which she wiggled back and forth excitedly. “Looky Milly, a tail! Isn’t that fun?”

She couldn’t answer, the blonde was far too worried about the ramifications of this change, what it meant for her and everyone around them. The new massive cow woman was bound to draw attention.

Shirley cocked her head in concern when she saw her friend unable to answer and turned her attention away from her new body to the diapered girl in front of her. Milly didn’t react to Shirley’s lightning-fast scoop until it was too late and she was hoisted into the crook of the giant woman's arm.

“You okay Milly?” the redhead asked, bouncing the blonde up and down.

The rocking was enough to break the awestruck silence that locked Milly into a placid state. She started squirming in Shirley’s arms.

“Yes, I’m fine, let me down already!” she complained, reaching the end of her patience.

She had finally settled on an emotion for her current predicament. She was annoyed at her friend. Milly couldn’t get it out of her head that what Shirley had done was nothing short of dangerous and stupid.

She opened her mouth, intending to explain the severity of the situation to her friend. She’d have to quit school and assume a new life and there was no way she'd be accepted by society now that she’d gone and done this.

Milly didn't get a chance to let a single scolding syllable out before Shirley pushed one of her nipples into her mouth and stopped her objections.

“All that fuss!” Shirley exclaimed, “Somebody must be hungry, your timing is perfect cause you get to be the first to try Moo Mommy Shirley’s milk!”

Milly’s brow furrowed at the idea, wanting to fire back at her friend about not being a baby. Her mouth was full of milk before she could respond, forcing her to swallow. The torrent didn’t slow either, just as she gulped down one mouthful of Shirely’s warm breast milk another was squirted into her maw to take its place.

“Is she trying to drown me!?”

Milly was swallowing as fast as she could while trying to work out just how Shirley was able to shoot milk directly into her mouth. She wasn’t even suckling and it was pouring in so fast that her stomach was already starting to hurt a little.

She groaned, letting a little drip of breast milk escape down her chin. She was officially full and wanted Shirley to give her a break. She tried telling her hand to tap the redheaded giant’s arm, at least to let her know she couldn’t handle anymore but her limbs wouldn’t fully obey her demands.

Over the course of several minutes, her head was starting to feel swimmy. She thought it might be because of a lack of air but in reality the milk was making her feel intoxicated.

A short reprieve came in the form of Shirley’s teat leaving Milly’s mouth, allowing her to take several gulping breaths in an attempt to clear her head. The fresh air didn't prove to fix her milk-drunk state and she was being shifted before even fully catching her breath.

Shirley’s other left nipple had found its way into Milly’s mouth and the same aggressive stream that’d already started to bloat Milly’s full tummy resumed.

“Ngghh, gotta… poop. Can’t hold anymore!”

Using all the strength her weakened body had Milly bore down, pushing her body to turn the rich breast milk into mush as fast as she could. Her added ‘hypermesser’ feat made her process food extremely fast and emptying her stomach was as simple as flexing her abdominal muscles.


The seat of Milly’s diaper exploded against Shiley’s hand, warm mush piling into the back and expanding the beach ball-sized padding into something more closely resembling a garbage bag full of chunky oatmeal.

Milly’s eyes crossed, the strain felt so exhilaratingly good. Without even thinking about it she was suckling, drawing in as much of the milk as she could. Whatever Shirley supplied Milly forced out just as fast, her waste pushing the seat of her pamps beyond what she even thought possible.

Shirley didn't even seem bothered, not by the added weight or because Milly pooping herself violently in her arm. She just hummed happily, apparently just glad to be able to feed her giant diaper filler.

Milly was starting to fall asleep from all the exertion by the time Shirley had switched her to the right set of breasts. Just because she was slipping into oblivion didn’t mean the flow of milk stopped, nor did the ongoing mudslide entering the back of her diaper.

“That’s a good Mills, go down for a little nap nap, when you wake up I’ll change you into some fresh padding and we can talk about the campaign I’ve been planning. I think it’s my time to take a turn at the head of the table. We’ll have to get a new great big chair though!”

“…Shirley as… dungeon master? I-I can’t even imagine what she’d have in store…”


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