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Laying on duel-changing mats in front of Laura were her two littles, each of them squirming while waiting for their change. She smiled down at them. Both Julia and Amara had filled their diapers to capacity at the exact same time.

She saw in that moment the perfect opportunity to have some fun with them. Very rarely did the pair ever need changing at the same time after all. Once she had their onesies opened and their bottoms cleaned up from their previous accident the pink-haired gym leader unfolded two diapers for them.

Amara spoke up when she noticed the size along the wetness indicator of the nappy. “Uh Laura? Those are extra large, that’s going to be too big…” she said.

Next to her Julia giggled. “It won’t fit me, but Amara’s big butt might need an extra large!”

Amara gasped and acted offended though Laura knew not to take the teasing seriously. It was common for them to go back and forth with the jabs about each other.

"Maybe if you two waited you'd see what I have in store for you. Now stop fighting—and Julie, if you don't sit still I'm going to have to strap you down!"

It was enough of a threat to stop the energetic cheerleader's squirming long enough for Laura to slip a diaper under each of them. Rather than tapping the girls up though she didn't close the padding immediately, adding to their confusion.

When the stuffers came out and started stacking up in their diapers both littles started to understand that this wasn't going to be a normal change. "Let's see… one for Amara, one for Julie. One for Amara, one for Julie. One for Amara, one for Julie. One for Amara, one for Julie."

She alternated in her stacking of stuffers between each girl, watching their butts pushed up higher and higher with the extra thick extra absorbent stuffers she'd ordered. In total, she'd used eight of them and by the end, Julie and Amara's rumps were each boosted five inches into the air, held there by all the compacted padding Laura had piled beneath them. “Ahhh,” Laura sighed, "What a nice round number—eight between the two of you.”

Amara rolled her eyes, obviously sick of her caretaker’s obsession with the number eight.

Julie however piped up with a note about the number of stuffers. “You know, if you count the diaper it’s actually—umph!”

Amara was quick to quiet her by popping a pacifier in her mouth. She suspected her nursery mate was trying to get her caretaker to remove one stuffer but she knew better. Laura was more likely to make the diapers bigger and add another three to make them each wear eight.

Julie and Amara's bodies had to lay at an odd slope due to the massive padding underneath them and remained that way until the front of their nappies had been pulled up and taped shut. It was no surprise to see that whatever extra space the extra large diapers provided was readily filled by Laura’s massive stuffers.

The pink-haired caretaker helped them up slowly, pulling first on Amara’s arms and steadying her on the ground. Julie came shortly after. A smile immediately crossed her lips when she saw them standing together from a distance. She was seeing exactly the results she'd hoped for.

Neither of them moved mostly because the insane bulk of the diapers required them to bend their legs and squat just to accommodate their size. It was impossible to stand up straight with a literal bean bag chair’s worth of padding between their thighs.

Julie, the braver of the two, took her first wobbly step forward. “Nghhhh, so heavy…” she groaned, struggling not only with the awkward stance but also the weight of the monster diaper pulling at her hips.

She fell on her hands almost immediately, the front of her padding depressing underneath her body weight just enough for her knees to touch the ground. Julie shot a surprised look back at Laura, who was laughing at the tumble she took.

Amara herself tried to take a shaky step forward and failed, ending up right next to her nursery mate. “You don’t expect us to walk in these do you.” she said. It wasn't a question, but a statement. The water-type gym leader had already figured out her game.

Laura couldn’t get her answer out before Julie started grunting on the floor trying to push herself up from the ground. She twisted this way and that, contending with the size of her massive diaper and trying to use her personal momentum to get back up.

Laura had to admit it was impressive and made sense for the athletic cheerleader to fight against the imposed restriction of a weighty diaper. Eventually, Julie flipped around to her back and then rocked on the massive cushy sphere of padding until she was sitting up. Laura couldn’t help but clap for her. It was actually pretty impressive.

With her whole body tilted upright, Julie planted her feet firmly on the ground, lifting the crotch of the diaper off the floor and returning to her squatting pose that passed for standing in such a massive nappy. “Ha!” she cheered, celebrating her accomplishment.

Amara stared at her but made no effort to get up. She seemed content with crawling about. She rested the crotch of her diaper on the floor, leaning back to sit against the padding and give her legs a break from holding it up.

Julie stood still, holding all the weight of her diaper despite the strain. It appeared getting up had already drained a massive amount of her energy. “Oh?” Laura said. “Is my Jubilant Julie going to try and walk again? I’d love to see her give it a try.”

Obviously, the green-haired cheerleader took this as a challenge because Laura could see the muscles in her legs starting to quiver. She made the move to unsteadily step forward only to do a full flop onto her rear.

A huff escaped her lips and she looked back at Laura and Amara with arms crossed.

“Don’t worry sweetie~.” Laura cooed, “You’ll have plenty of time to try again. I’m not gonna change you until those are all filled up anyway. I figure it’ll give you a good two weeks. Be careful though—it’ll get really heavy with how much you wet!~”


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