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Looking at the phone in the center of her ring light, Inko turned, giving the best “coy” expression she could. It wouldn’t be in focus for long, just enough to tease her viewers a little until the main attraction took center frame. She knew her viewers weren’t here for whatever flimsy story she’d crafted for this post anyway.

They wanted the thickly diapered butt she swung into view. Pink cloth shelled in shiny plastic. Two ruffled wings extended from the densely packed absorbent core and held onto a landing strip with four tapes. She’d wrapped herself snug in the padding, making sure it hugged her wide hips tightly at the opening. The interior hugged her nethers, trapping her lustful heat against her.

For most of her viewers it was all that mattered but for the rest, her acting brought it over the edge. “Oh… Oh no, I don’t think I can hold it anymore Master! I’m going to—hnnnnnggggg!”

A boisterous fart rumbled against Inko’s padding, rustling it for the camera before her first push brought that solid log of mush into her diaper. She even employed her quirk in the shoot, using hidden hand movements to pull the back of her diaper in just so the “accident” her bowels were forcing out could tent out the back dramatically before the steaming shit fell and settled into the seat of her pants.

Her huffing enjoyment of the mess continued until she had no more to deposit. She turned back, trying her best to keep her sagging, stained diaper in frame. “Oh no master! I… I made a mess in my diaper. Y-You say you’ll clean it up after I finish my chores? O-kay~!”


Somewhere far away, on the other side of the screen, an admirer of Inko Midoriya’s ONLYbabs page panted heavily within a darkened room, loving the content their favorite lewd creator had just posted for the day. “That’s right.” they said, “Clean diapers come after all the chores are done…”

Watching Inko mess herself on camera stoked a horny flame inside the viewer staring at their screen. They dragged a hand across the screen, a gesture that kind of looked like they were trying to caress Inko’s messy diaper. “She will be mine…”


Back in the same house Inko had been filming her content in—in the middle of the day no less—Midoriya’s head drooped down, feeling the exhaustion of the day. The last great graduate of UA’s class A was hardly anything to write home about anymore, even with the amazing power of One-for-All.

Midoriya’s rank among former classmates was only that way because six of them had disappeared due to the machinations  of an organization called the ‘Nefarious Nursery’. The repercussions of this incident  quickly decimated the ratings of most of the female heroine graduates, leaving everyone else to fall in line behind the once top-ranked hero.

Midoriya stood, thinking back to the friends that came out of that program: permanently incontinent, having to relearn even basic education, and astoundingly horny for filling their diapers even after regaining some of their adult faculties. They were only to fulfill minor duties as heroes, serving more as diapered public servants rather than full-blown heroes.

“And even then, Ms. Midnight never came back either.” Midoriya said, cringing slightly at the high pitched voice. Even after all this time it felt impossible to get used to. Wallowing in depressed thoughts wasn’t going to help Midoriya fix what couldn’t be fixed though, so she stood up and began pulling off her shirt instead. Long green hair fell onto her back, tickling the skin as it dropped from the neck of the shirt.

Free from the shirt, the green-haired hero’s eyes fell on the window of her room where a wide-eyed man with purple balls for hair stared at her now bare breasts.

Izumi Midoriya screeched, covering her ample chest from the prying eyes of her ex-classmate. “MINETA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” she yelled. It was a useless question because the sticky ball pervert was already making a run for it after being caught obviously peeping.

Izumi honestly shouldn’t have been so surprised to see the little perv as it’d become a near daily occurrence since the day she’d been hit with the gender swap quirk that changed her from Izuku to Izumi and forced her to take an extended break from pro hero work. Getting used to her new body was difficult, especially with One-for-All still raging within it. She learned not to mind it, and even felt more comfortable as a woman at certain times.

That is of course until Mineta found out about her situation and started creeping on her. He seemed to have no interest in the rest of the female Class A graduates anymore. Without concern Izumi threw open her window, forgetting that she was still topless. “If you come back I’m going to boot you into the sun you perv!” she shouted.

With a hard slam the window closed, and Izumi turned back to her room to finish changing. Standing in the doorway with all the timid energy she usually had was Inko, her mom. “What happened?” she asked.

Izumi knew her mother was fully aware of the problem and just trying not to intrude too much. She’d complained about it numerous times after all. “You know mom, I just feel at such a loss.” She dropped into her bed, perched on the edge and looking down.

Inko moved next to Izumi, placing a comforting hand on her back and patting it gently. “I mean… Is it time to consider going back out there? I’m sure you wouldn’t feel so powerless if you took up hero work again.”

Izumi sighed. She knew Inko was right, but going full-on into hero work felt like too much. Just thinking about being  seen and judged for her change was overwhelming. “I-I did get an offer that would let me ease back into it with something like an internship. It would mean being away from home for a while and, well… you were invited too.”

She could see her mom’s eyes grow wide with excitement which cemented that she’d be taking the offer a particular hero had made weeks ago when the Mineta problem was first reported. Izumi stood and removed her suitcase from the closet.

“Well I’ll make the call if you want and we can go tomorrow.” Izumi said, “It’s a nice remote job in some woods so it’ll be like a vacation.”

Inko stood and clapped her hands. “Yay!” she said excitedly, “I’ll go pack.”


Inko’s bag rolled up the gravel driveway as she followed her daughter, throwing glances at the forested area they’d arrived in. It was gorgeous and a far cry from Mustafa’s little suburbia. Wildlife skittered in the brush, birds chirped and sang from the treetops that surrounded them, and somewhere down the way a brook burbled aggressively as water ran over rocks.

The lone intrusion on the natural beauty of the forest was subtle, a modern-looking estate built with lots of reflective glass and dark wood that would have blended in from a distance, perfectly hidden in the dense woods of the Beast’s Forest.

“Is this really the right place?” Inko asked skeptically, looking over to Izumi.

She confirmed it with a nod, remembering the location from the quirk training camp she’d undergone at UA. Her mouth opened to explain the relationship and just who’d offered her the job but before even a single word could leave the front door of the estate burst open.

Standing in a long skirt and loose scoop neck sweater is a woman with straight blond hair and a wide smile. Inko smiled back but immediately got a peculiar feeling from the stranger in front of her. She’d seen the woman on TV before, The Wild, Wild Pussycats had even been mentioned by her daughter.

What gave Inko the odd feeling was the smile on Pixie-Bob’s face. It was tilted up and combined with eyes that felt like they were staring into her soul it made her look menacing. This was all despite a very cheerful greeting. “Midoriya! I’m glad you made it, did you find the house okay?”

Next to Inko Izumi nodded and her voice remained quiet. “Yes, Ms. Tsuchikawa, it wasn't hard to find at all. I remember the way from the training camp.”

Inko caught the slight shyness in Izumi’s voice and it made her worry. “What’s causing her to be so tense?” she wondered, “especially since Izumi has met this woman before. It shouldn't bother her so much.”

“Ms. Tsuchikawa?” the blond woman said, “Midoriya you don’t need to sound so formal, you make me sound like an old woman…”

Her daughter’s timidness made a little more sense now because that one statement from Pixie-bob ran through the gambit of emotions. She was loud, hyperactive, and in the end got a little scary when her age came up. She came on strong. Inko didn’t have a problem with it but could see why Izumi would.

“Please call me Ryuko!” she insisted, “That way I don’t have to confuse us all by calling you both Midoriya. It can be Izumi and—”

Ryuko’s gaze turned to Inko and it sent a tingle up her spine, like electricity running wild. That teasing, weirdly threatening smile had something else behind it. Just that look confused Inko’s earlier skepticism, turning it into curiosity. She wanted to know what that other thing was, that little moment she’d caught in the glint of those blue eyes.

“—you must be Inko, this wonderful heroine’s mother. I have to say you look cuter than I imagined.”

The creeping blush spreading across Inko’s cheeks was completely obvious, and she felt like the red of her blushing cheeks was peeking in at the edges of her peripheral vision. “Well, aren't you just the sweetest!” Inko said with a girlish giggle.

She couldn’t stop herself. Something about Ryuko was magnetic. Inko couldn’t resist her hyperactive charm, not even with Izumi standing next to her glowering at her behavior.

Ryuko clapped her hands, breaking the tension of the moment. “Why don’t we get Inko comfy inside then Izumi and I can talk about the new hero work she’ll be doing. Only after a tour of course!”

True to her word Ryuko took the pair on a trip through the estate, a place with all the amenities any one person could ever need. Truly she felt unprepared for the luxurious nature of Ryuko’s home. Izumi had described it as a woodland retreat but this was closer to a mansion surrounded by nothing but natural beauty.

The tour ended in a long hallway with deep redwood floors that sucked up the light streaming in through the windows. Even in midday, the space felt like it had the warm lighting of early twilight setting in.

“Annnd this is where all the bedrooms are!” Ryuko explained exuberantly, pointing to a door at the end of the hall. “We’ll have Inko here and Izumi you’ll be over on the left and I’m down at the very end. Any questions?”

Inko had none, she was just so astounded at Ryuko’s kindness for not only taking her and her daughter in but also getting poor Izumi away from a stressful situation. Izumi however had lots of questions and asked them carefully once she was sure the tour was done but Inko hardly paid any attention. She was pushing open the heavy wooden door to her room.

As she looked over a comfortable queen bed and a beautiful assortment of furniture she turned back to Ryuko with one question on her mind. Two of the four walls were glass, peering out into the woods.

She was surprised to see the pro-heroine already staring at her, ignoring any questions Izumi threw at her. “One-way glass,” she said in the most simple, calming tone. “You can see out but nothing can see in. It’s like a big mirror.”

Instantly all of Inko’s worries were alleviated and she dropped her bags on the big bed that she’d be inhabiting for the foreseeable future. The door shut behind her, presumably to give her privacy while Izumi and Ryuko went off to discuss the new job.

She flopped into the bed, letting the comforter scrunch up around her. While she may have enjoyed all the sights and sounds of the estate, Inko was secretly worried that the tour was never going to end. She pulled up her skirt by grabbing the fabric in small handfuls until she revealed the crotch of her padding, still clean despite her bladder’s aching.

Now that she was alone she could alleviate that ache. With a relieved groan, she released the tenuous hold she had on her urethra, and hot urine splashed into the soft cotton crotch of Inko’s padding, a wild spray that swelled the material.


Once everything settled down Ryuko left Izumi to explore the grounds, given that she’d be the one doing the majority of her work outside all around anyway. With the younger Midoriya exploring and the elder relaxing in her room She had time to turn her attention to dinner.

In a pan, a beautiful saute of vegetables and chicken marinated in a menagerie of spices and a sauce. She flitted from burner to burner adding seasonings to the bountiful meal. Her hands danced over the food before drifting up to the secret spice shelf.

Only a few bottles existed up here, her most rare and secret ingredients. Two bottles slipped between her slender fingers, she was guessing that they were the right ones but it only mattered as long as she didn’t grab one specific bottle. Big letters on the side of each bottle were just enough to reveal what she’d grabbed. Part of one said ‘RELA’ and the other ‘LAX’.

“ohh I certainly picked a few winners didn’t I?” Ryuko chuckled to herself. She sprinkled a healthy smattering of the contents into one pan, making sure to avoid the other entirely.

Strange colors swirled amongst the gathered ingredients, marking the food briefly before the bevy of colors disappeared, dissolving with the heat. Suddenly one pan of food looked no different than another. If Ryuko wasn’t careful she’d risk mixing them up.

“Only the special mix for special guests.” the cook mused to herself, carefully dispersing the stir-fried melody from one pan into two bowls, and the other pan’s contents into a single bowl.

The push of a button on the intercom lit up the speaker system of the estate, bringing it to life with a crackling buzz.

“Dinner’s ready!” she called into the machine, stepping out of the room and into the dining room.


After a relieving release into her padding, Inko got to unpacking, stuffing her clothes into the closet, the few books she’d brought with her on the nightstand, and her pillow from home for comfort. That was only one bag though, the one Izumi had seen her pack.

The second bag was more secretive and almost double the weight. It’d been a slight struggle to carry it up the driveway of the estate, especially since she wouldn’t accept her extremely strong daughter’s help with it.

The duffle bag she’d brought was nearly as big as her and more awkward than anything she’d ever carried. She unzipped it, revealing the ring light stand and her entire collection of diapers and baby clothes.

The air of Inko’s baby stuff immediately wafted up to her nose, with the smells of baby powder and fresh, lavender-scented nappies causing her eyelids to flutter. For the first time since she’d arrived, Inko felt herself relax fully. Her shoulders untensed and she could swear had she not just emptied her bladder, urine would have started to pool around her crotch again.

The diaper she’d worn on the trip was a nice way to remind her of her crinkly comfort objects but that smell and the feeling of them in her fingers was something else. Now her windowed corner room could be called home. This was where her fans would see her now, and she’d be Big Baby Inko or Diapered Nurse Inko or even Nappy Maid Slave Inko for them.

An idea struck her like lighting at that moment, the perfect concept for a piece of content. Hurriedly she stripped away her skirt, leaving only the pink blouse and the sagging diaper. She was surprised to see how much it’d swelled. Apparently, she’d been holding back much more than she even thought her bladder could contain.

The entire front of her diaper was stained yellow, a creeping color that overtook the pink of her oversized adult nappy halfway up the front of her crotch and all the way around the back too.

With her squishy diaper on display, Inko shuffled to set up the ring light. Her phone sat in its little cradle in the center, recording her every movement.

“H-Hey everyone!” she said, putting on her best cheery camera voice. “I’m doing kind of a different video today for you because I’m somewhere different!”

Inko gestured to the beautiful room before turning back. “I thought you all might like to see not only my new ‘studio’ but also all the wonderful possibilities Big Bab Inko has in store for you! And for those of you who only come for one thing, I made sure you got to see my soaked squishy diapey the entire time.”

She grabbed the crotch of her nappy, forcing the soaked cotton core up against herself and gasping. It made her so much hornier than she’d meant it too. “It’s so warm in there… I had to hold it the whole car ride here and it made for such a big accident...”

The shiver of lurid excitement passed after a moment so Inko turned back to the massive duffle bag. “I brought all my goodies from my last place, every outfit, diaper, and toy I collected or that you, my wonderful fans, have sent me. I thought you might like to see them all. There’s so much here after all.”

One by one Inko pulled out outfit after outfit, hanging them in the closet after presenting them to the camera. She even used her quirk to shift the phone on the stand, making it follow along as her cute little soggy butt waddled to the closet each time.

After the clothes came the diapers. Case and cases of designs and sizes, all organized in individual bags. Inko decided to organize them in the wardrobe of drawers she’d been provided, keeping them all neatly separated so she could grab whatever design fit her mood.

Each selection of diapers had her bending over to fit them in the drawer, thus showing off the soggy stain on her rump. An extra bonus for her fans for watching this far. As she reached the last package of her princess pink diapers Inko bent down again, considering how she could spice up such a long video.

The piss-soaked padding had thus far gone cold and she’d love to feel the heat radiating up against her again. Just bending over caused the back end to creep up her butt, pulling the soaked crotch against delicate skin. It was the last pack and the camera had the perfect angle on her butt. No time would have been more perfect to end her video.

Inko let out a staged sound of surprise. A little “oop!” before bearing down on her stomach, hoping she’d eaten enough to supply a show. With a spare hand, Inko pressed into her chubby abdomen, providing whatever extra force she could to aid her efforts.

After 30 seconds filled with her own strained grunting a reverberating bout of flatulence trumpet out from Inko’s diaper. She let out a sigh of relief as the first slimy mass dropped into the back of her crinkly underwear, followed by another and even another still.

The spaces between her messy sounds filled with her own moans and grunts. She even threw a little acting into it. “Oh no!” she feigned, glad they couldn’t see the eye fluttering and smile on her face that came with her enjoyment of filling her diaper, “I didn’t mean to poop myself while putting away my diapers! Even worse, you guys accidentally got to see the whole thing. Ooh, it’s so warm too!”

Whatever enjoyment she was deriving from the accident was interrupted by a crackling from behind, causing her to whip around in surprise.

She expected to see someone in the doorway, catching her in the act of her embarrassing mess. Nobody was there, but next to the door was a small metal panel, one she’d missed in her initial examination of the room. The speaker embedded in it was the source of the surprising sound.

Ryuko’s voice cut through the room, sending a shiver up Inko’s spine, though that could have been caused by her sudden shift in movement while the last waves of mush dropped into her sagging diaper.

“Dinner’s ready!” the speaker said, catching Inko even more off guard.

“Oh no!” She said, righting herself and searching the floor for her discarded skirt. She snatched it up quickly, pulling it over the squishy diaper and making sure the back didn’t bulge out too much or the crotch didn’t dip below her hemline.

“There’s not even time to clean up!” she squealed, waddling out her bedroom door toward the dining room. Each step smushed the contents of her padding against her rear, making her wonder if she should have taken the time to change.


Ryuko stood expectantly in the dining room, placing all the bowls equidistant around a large round table. It was meant for ten or more to eat at it but this way she could see Izumi and Inko at the same time. She wanted to catch the reactions of the pair as her dinner passed their lips.

Izumi arrived quickly, as she’d expected of her with her super strength quirk. The girl’s eyes sparkled excitedly at the food, taking in the steaming bowl set before her. “I didn’t know you could cook,Ms. Tsuchikawa. This looks delicious!”

Ryuko was both amused by Izumi’s excitement about her skill in cooking and annoyed at the use of her formal name. She was serious when she’d asked Izumi not to use it. It made her feel old, a feeling she loathed.

She opened her mouth to scold the young heroine but before she could say anything Inko burst into the dining room from the door behind Izumi. She looked frantic and wild. “I’m not late am I?” she asked, scrambling toward the third seat not yet occupied by her daughter.

“No of course not!” Ryuko chimed cheerfully, pulling out her own chair. “I think the food is just reaching the peak of its perfection. I did cook it after all.”

All three of them took their seats at the table with the coy-looking pussycat watching her guests carefully. Izumi sat normally if not somewhat timidly. She still wasn’t exactly comfortable yet. Inko moved slowly, as if she was hiding something.

The faint smell that wafted from her was enough to tell Ryuko what and it brought an uncontrolled smirk to her face. The leak guards and odor-activated smell guards in her diaper were doing their best to hide it but they couldn’t combat all of the smell Inko’s mess was producing. Similarly, her slow movements weren’t doing much to hinder the squelching of that mushy mass or the crinkle, only drawing it out for those who knew what they were looking for.

“Let’s dig in.” she said, picking up the first bite and devouring it.

Izumi and Inko followed suit, taking bites without any hesitation. Ryuko’s eyeing of them swallowing their first bites relaxed when she caught on that Izumi didn’t seem bothered by the special spices she’d laced the dinner with.

Inko however was wide-eyed after her first bite, exchanging a perturbed look at Ryuko, one filled with all the knowledge that could bring her whole plan to a halt. She gambled, winking at Inko and shooting her a curved smile. If she was just as knowing as her, maybe Inko would catch on that Ryuko was doing a favor for her, providing some sort of twisted enjoyment for her guest.

Warilly Inko downed another bite of the stir fry, not breaking eye contact with her host the entire time. As if to reassure her Ryuko took a bite of her own meal, matching the energy of her guest. It made for a slightly tense yet  intimate dinner between the two of them.

When the meal was over Ryuko collected the plates and was thrilled to see that Izumi seemed none the wiser for her ‘unconventional’ additions. On the other hand, despite having realized what was in the food, Inko simply excused herself as being tired and shuffled off back to her room.

“I suppose you’ll be wanting to do the same Izumi,” Ryuko said, “There’s going to be a lot to do in the morning and I plan to keep you very busy.”

Izumi straightened before her, looking all the sudden very serious about her duty. “You’ve got it. I’ll be ready to go first thing in the morning!”

She was gone before Ryuko could appreciate her enthusiasm. “It truly seems she’s suited for hero work. The enthusiasm to get back to it despite the mundanity of what I’ll have her doing is boundless. What a shame.”


Inko closed her door slowly and deliberately, much like every move she’d made at that dinner table. Having to move with a messy diaper poorly hidden under her skirt was bad enough. She could barely believe she got through the dinner at the table, the slowly failing smell guards were letting the stench of her mess creep up.

Plus smushing it beneath her ass with every squirm only brought a strange lustful shame to her every movement. All this happening while Ryuko watched her with that predatory intensity left Inko shaken, a feeling only amplified when a familiar flavor danced across her tongue.

It was unmistakable, the tang of a natural muscle relaxer that targeted the lower body. Inko had experimented with it when she’d first started her ONLYbabs to make messing easier. It worked like a charm and made her incontinent after having consumed it for a week.

She wasn’t fully invested then and took the time to re-toilet train herself in case she changed her mind about making content. Now when she tasted it she didn’t hesitate for her continence—ABDL was already almost completely interwoven into her lifestyle after all—she paused because of who’d supplied the meal.

The knowing, sadistic, and daring look on Ryuko’s face was so many things all at once. It pushed Inko to say something, to reveal that she recognized the spice. When she didn’t, satisfaction had settled on her host’s features. She’d given the food specifically to Inko because of its muscle relaxant properties because she knew about her online presence. It left her wondering though—was it a gift in disguise or some kind of sick play against her and Izumi? Both were equally plausible.

Her thoughts ran amok as she thought about the various possibilities until she focused on her phone in the center of her ring light. It was still recording after all this time. Inko sighed, reaching for the device to shut it off. The footage she’d taken could wait till the morning, but her hand stopped mid-air, halted by a churning in her body.

Inko’s stomach grumbled loudly, almost as loud as the fart she’d ripped for the camera earlier. It was thunderous and an outward signifier of her need to void. She could only compare the twitching rush in her bowels to snakes speeding through a tunnel, working their way to the light.

“Ooh it’s working fast…” Inko whispered, making the snap decision to leave her camera where it was. Rather than stopping the recording she stepped into the lens's line of sight, stripping away her clothes with renewed vigor.

Her bowels moving on their own was unlike any urge to mess she'd experienced so far. It was an unreserved surge that let her know that not just a muscle relaxer had tainted her food. Ryuko had added something else.

Inko scrambled her naked form onto her bed, pulling the camera behind her and using her quirk to keep it trained onto her. She was laying on her back, the crotch of her diaper perfectly in the center of the frame for her fans. With a little strain she reached down to her knees, moving carefully so her big release wasn’t ruined before she was ready.

Inko pulled her legs up feeling her stomach cramping in response. She didn’t care. The very stained back of her diaper remained on full display as she lifted her legs giving the imaginary audience a clear view of the disaster zone she was about to make.

Inko groaned one final time before the churning turned to one powerful cramp, wracking her stomach with the most intense feeling she’d ever had in her ABDL life. Then her sphincter twitched and there was a brief and still moment before the most forceful explosion of filth Inko could imagine rocketed into the back of her diaper.

She couldn’t help but yowl at the feeling of her ass being forced wide because of the mess. The added weight pulled at the tapes of her nappy as she deposited the dinner from tonight, and breakfast, and whatever snacks she’d enjoyed, and presumably half her colon into her pants.

She’d never pooped like this before. It was more than she thought the human body could produce and she was still going. Even in a stress testing video she’d done Inko had never pushed a diaper’s capacity to its limit more than this accident had.

Above her the digits of her feet curled, signifying something else building besides the mountain of stinky mush in her pants. The built-up lust was so quickly becoming more than she could handle and her moaning twitching sped up to a full-blown shake as she yelped again.

The building heat and muck in her diaper moved all over, driving Inko to orgasm. With little care for how much noise she was making, Inko yelled and spasmed uncontrollably, Dropping her legs to the bed and riding the electric release of her orgasm all the way to the end.

Only when she was breathing heavily and shivering from the afterglow in a diaper that stretched down beneath her knees did Inko hope that nobody in the estate had heard her. She pulled her phone to her with her quirk and was unsurprised to see it struggle slightly in the air.

Her ability to attract small objects was kind of like a muscle, when she could barely stand it was only slightly easier to use it. She stopped the recording.


Somewhere in the estate Ryuko sipped a drink while leaning against a small barrier that reached the middle of her chest. She was enjoying her own entertainment for the evening after dinner and relaxing with a cocktail.

A ding on her phone drew her attention away from the form beyond the barrier. She pulled her phone out to see a new alert from her ONLYbabs, a video from Big Bab Inko was just uploaded. Ryuko was impressed. Dinner had ended only a couple of hours ago and she’d still managed to get it uploaded before it got too late.

With a shivering excitement, she clicked into the video, watching as Inko unpacked her haul of diapers and clothes into the room she’d been provided. It was interesting to see what her guest had brought. She even found herself excited by the amount of diapers she stuffed into the drawer.

“She’ll have plenty while we work out our little program.” Ryuko mused. “Those diapers are going to become ineffectual pretty quickly though.”

She considered the problem as Inko shoved the last diaper into her drawer, only to see her pause. “Ohhh what’s this?”

The back of her diaper filled out noisily on camera, an act that gave her an endless amount of satisfaction. “Look at poor mousy Inko filling out her padding so helplessly. What a sight!”

She watched the show intently all the way till the end when an unexpected crackling sound interrupted the display her favorite Big Baby was providing. At the very end of the clip Ryuko heard herself, just the very beginning of her dinner call.

“Ohhh it can’t get any juicier. She messed herself RIGHT as I called for dinner. That was a fresh load in her pants when she sat down! How wonderful—wouldn’t you agree?”

She looked to the figure beyond the barrier for confirmation. Even if she had the ability to comprehend what Ryuko had said, her mouth was completely blocked by a muzzle, making any speech unintelligible.

“Oh it doesn’t matter. Seems like things are moving much faster than I thought they would. I’ll have to expedite the installation tomorrow.”


The first week at the estate quickly separated the guests who’d arrived. Izumi spent most of her days  relishing in the new hero work she got to do, even though it held none of the excitement she was used to in her previous day-to-day life.

It mostly consisted of guiding people through the Beast’s Forest as a hiking guide or clearing debris from fallen trees or landslides. One-for-All made these tasks a breeze, even though she was feeling strangely weaker than she normally would be..

Mostly she decided against worrying about it, attributing the loss of strength to her months of inactivity after her incident. Izumi figured her abilities would sharpen with time. In fact, it was one of the reasons she’d decided to come out here and work under Ryuko in the first place. It was more important to her to get back in the groove.

Ryuko herself stayed busy, not just with her duties as Pixie-Bob of the Wild, Wild Pussycats but with personal projects and attending to her new guests as well. She even had to guide Izumi some days, propelling her along various trails and locations in the Beast’s Forest.

She was also adamant that she make dinner for her guests, adding her own special seasoning each night to the mix to further her progress. It was satisfying, watching as another meal was so carefreely eaten by the pair. Inko herself still seemed skeptical but ate without revealing anything each time. It was as if she was knowingly dosing herself each time.

This suspicion was confirmed the next night when after dinner a new video popped up on her ONLYbabs watch feed, one with Inko holding her own legs in the fetal position while the back end of her diaper exploded in size. The blonde couldn’t help but notice it was the same one from the previous night’s dinner.

“She went straight to her room and filled her pants like a good girl. Puuurrmmm, how salacious.”

The only thing she regretted was having to try and set up her traps in the dead of night. It would have been much easier in the day and she wouldn’t have had to worry about noise.

The only one who remained aimless was Inko. In a place like the estate she wasn’t expected to do any chores while staying there. In fact, the one time she’d attempted to do some dishes Ryuko chastised her.

“Inko! What are you doing?” she asked.

Inko was surprised by the outburst and nearly dropped the dish she was scrubbing. “Uh, oh! I’m just trying to stay busy is all. I haven’t had this much free time in a while so I thought I’d help out.”

While Ryuko’s reaction wasn’t mean and even dripped with a relaxed timbre Inko could still hear the stern backing in her tone. “As much as I appreciate your work ethic, I want you to relax! I invited you here so you wouldn’t have to work. There’s a gorgeous spa in the estate, a pool, and even a fully equipped rec room. I expect you to make use of these things! If you ever want to use them privately all you’ve to do is tell me and I’ll make sure no one interrupts you. The one thing I won’t allow… is work. Understood?”

This had Inko nodding seriously. She wasn’t trying to draw her host’s ire, after all. Something about the way she spoke made Inko shiver. She had such severity in her words.

This left only one thing for Inko to do and that was to make ONLYbabs content. With the offering from Ryuko to use the various rooms of the estate she was able to explore the depths of her fantasies more than ever before. She had a backlog of videos she wanted to try. Diapers in the Pool, Picking up a Diapered Cutie in a Bar, Your Messy Stepmom Diapers You.

Each day Inko made a new video, editing and uploading it that night for her followers. Her level of engagement with them  was also waaay up. She now had extra time to answer their messages, flirt with them and even take a few special requests.

Never before had she gotten a chance to provide so much for her fans. Not only that, but they were beginning to repay it in kind. Video suggestions kept flooding in. People offered to buy her new clothes and diapers. She had to make a wish list just to satisfy them and it even led to a whole new avenue of content because she got to show off her baby clothing halls to everyone, which kept more ideas flooding in.

All this compounded with Inko’s new incontinence. Her messes were regular, completely unpredictable, and most enjoyably much, much bigger. Whatever Ryuko was slipping into her food was borderline magical—not that she minded at all. The helpless release in her pants that could happen at any moment made her giddy.

She’d taken that step away from it back when she first started but the reins weren’t in her hands anymore so she didn’t need to worry about anything. She even wondered why she still made ONLYbabs content if she could live for free in the estate. If she was truly honest she could have admitted that it was mostly for the enjoyment of it.

She justified it to herself as saving money for the future though.


Almost a full two weeks passed before a thought struck Inko, a strange little twinge of wonder through the constant haze of pooping herself, cumming, and receiving praise from her followers. “I-Is it just my food that’s spiked?” she wondered.

After the first night in the estate she didn’t question Ryuko’s motives, instead enjoying the side effects of them. It was easier to let herself slip into babyhood rather than struggle against the flow. That was until she thought about Izumi.

She hadn’t noticed any extra puff around her daughter’s waist or even any awkward movements. She imagined if sudden incontinence had struck her too she’d come and tell Inko, though no such interaction had occurred between them yet.

For her own peace of mind she stood, pushing off the bed and landing on shaky legs. It was becoming progressively harder to walk. Between wearing double diapers to avoid blowouts and the regular doses of muscle relaxers, Inko was forced to toddle about. Occasionally she’d even fall onto her squishy bum because of it.

“I need to go check,” she reassured herself, slipping open the bedroom door to the darkened hallway timidly, “I won’t tell her anything, but I just… need to make sure she's okay.”

Inko took an unsteady step into the hall, looking around nervously. She couldn’t pinpoint why she suddenly felt so uneasy in the space but in the nighttime, it had a very different vibe. The darkened windows that kept the hallway in perpetual twilight made the space impossibly dark at night. Never before had she been scared of the dark but now she kind of wished she had a flashlight or something.

She knew Izumi’s room was only ten or so feet down the hallway and toddled carefully. She felt a little like she was being watched through the shadows. With each step, she had to remember to breathe because unconsciously she was holding her breath.

Then she stopped, having taken more steps than she meant to. Inko wasn’t sure if she’d gone too far down the hallway or not far enough. Only the walls were there to orient her but she didn’t see a door on them, only bare plaster. Either end of the hallway was shrouded in darkness.

“I-I must have gone too far.” she mumbled, putting her hand on the left wall she knew Izumi’s door would be a part of. Slowly she trailed back, fighting against her fear that the darkness would swallow her up.

Inko got so preoccupied by her strange mix of fears and worries that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was stepping and only felt something on the floor depress under her weight when it was too late.

She had no idea what the thing was, where it’d come from, or why it was in the estate but immediately after stepping on it the darkness of the hallway was swept away because a blinding light filled the space as something popped out of the ceiling.

Inko’s eyes slammed shut to avoid being blinded and because she worried whatever was coming would hit her.

It didn’t and when she opened her eyes they struggled to adjust but only for a moment. The thing that’d swung down from the ceiling was a TV, one that showed off a black and white swirl that drew her in sooo invitingly.

Inko fell back, her gaze locked on the screen. It was like her mind was being filled with cement, drowning all her thoughts in a sludgy gray that carried only one sentence. It filled her head, telling her to ‘relax and be a baby.’

She couldn’t argue with that, it sounded like such a good suggestion to follow as her eyes glazed over. A happy little grunt filled her throat as she felt the warmth of urine soak the front of her diaper. She’d only just changed into it, but it hardly mattered. She was only preparing to fill it up anyway.

Little farts rumbled out her backside as she prepared to release so much more than piss into her pants. She leaned forward while still peeing, rubbing the molten core against her sensitive labia. She was lost to the hypno screen trap when a small voice came from behind her.

“Mom? What’s goi—” The words trailed off and a small thump indicated that whoever was speaking hit the floor in a manner similar to her, caught up in the screen. Inko lost consciousness as the back of her pants expanded.


Izumi awoke groggily in her bed, blinking away the sleep from the previous night. It’d been a heavy slumber, deep and dreamless. It made getting out from the comfortable blankets on her bed so much harder too.

Slowly, she swung one leg off the bed, then the other, stretching stiff arms. An All-Might shirt hung loosely off her body, its hem trailing over the plastic landing strip of her padding.

Izumi looked down at the front of her nighttime diaper, shrugging at the yellow spot spread across the front. “Ugh, at least I just wet last night.” she groaned.

Suddenly she paused, her muscles tensing. Something was wrong, and a forming headache backed up that theory. Izumi’s instincts were trying to warn her of something, but she didn’t know what.

With a new skepticism in her environment, she crossed to her dresser, pulling a fresh diaper from the top drawer so she could change before today’s tasks from Ms. Tsuchikawa. The padding she picked up crinkled lightly, something that made Izumi shudder a little. She couldn’t place why but the diaper in her hand felt weird.

“Am I… have I ever worn diapers before?” she wondered, turning the folded plastic in her hands as she studied it. She honestly couldn’t remember the details of when she’d started wearing them. She knew the why of it, but the when was a blank spot. It made sense given that a few days into her stay at the estate she’d been having to rush to the bathroom frequently, something about the place’s food upsetting Izumi’s stomach apparently.

Ryuko had joked about diapers being a possible solution, but she had no idea when that suggested solution became reality or when she’d started wearing them full-time. It was wrong but also right that the disposable underwear crinkled between her thighs. She thought about taking them off, but it also felt unbearable to do so. Izumi belonged in her diaper.


Inko herself just barely remembered the Hypno screen in the hallway, but when she woke up in her bed the next morning she did remember it. The swirling patterns had filled her head with such wonderful calming thoughts and pulled her into a state of bliss.

She almost wanted to ask Ryuko if she could have it installed in her bedroom.

Another week of content creation passed by for Inko, with her quickly considering it to be her new normal as she settled into a groove. However, on a random Thursday, she crawled on the ground for a video, babbling babyishly and squishing a diaper beneath her that’d survived through three accidents already.

When she was done she tried to stand, to grab her phone and stop the recording, but she couldn’t. Inko’s legs shook as she tried to stand like normal, rejecting her weight and forcing her back down to a crawl. The muscle relaxers had finally done their job, making it so Inko had to crawl like an infant.

No amount of her panicked, she remained utterly calm as she leaned back onto her squishy bum, what must have been almost five pounds of shit propping her up in her triple diaper like a small stool.

Inko started by posting her new video, giving her followers something to devour. In the description she decided to try something, adding a line at the end. ‘If a certain young looking kitty cat is watching, Big Bab Inko would love to see her.’ she wrote.

With nothing else to do, she waited. Several private messages flooded her phone, most of her followers wearing cat ears and making cute faces. None of them had the mischievous smile she was looking for though. She was missing the one face she was waiting for in those messages.

It appeared in her doorway instead.

Ryuko’s blonde hair bobbed approvingly along with her head as she nodded. Her smile remained prominent on her face. “You called?” she asked.

Inko nodded timidly. She had an idea of how this interaction would go in her head but she didn’t have all the confidence she needed to get the words out. Ryuko remained intimidating to her.

“I kn-know what you’ve been doing.” Inko said, placing a hand on her diaper as if it made any sort of point about her claim. The inhuman amount of mess inside was her fault after all.

“Ohhh I know you do. I’ve been seeing all your content over the past few weeks. Some of my favorites if I do say so myself.”

Inko blushed at the compliment. “Why do it?” she asked, feeling the questions start to overtake her timidness.

Ryuko shrugged noncommittally as if she hadn’t rapidly altered Inko through special spices and hypnosis screens. “What can I say? I’m a fan. I thought you might like to experience all the fantasies you were always hoping for. I funneled you outfits, gave you a place to indulge, and took away any pesky potty training that held you back. I really went and made you into Big Bab Inko fully.”

She said it so nonchalantly that Inko was taken aback, unsure of how to respond.

“You’re not going to tell me you didn’t love it, are you?” Ryuko asked, letting her mask slip a little. There was a hint of worry in her voice, a consideration that maybe she’d taken it a touch too far.

Inko shook her head. “No,” she said, “I loved every second of it.”

The blonde’s smile returned, almost twice as wide as before. “You did huh?”

Inko broke down, losing herself in gratitude for her feline-esque host. “I loved it sooo much Ryuko! I didn’t have to worry about anything. I got to be the stress-free baby I’ve always wanted! Oh the clothes were wonderful, so many diapers too. I’ll never be able to get over using them like I have. Going back is going to be so hard.”

She was practically gushing, an excited outpour caused by getting to share her experience with someone who understood. Suddenly she wasn’t alone. Ryuko understood her desire for diapers.

“What if you didn’t have to go back?” the blond said.

Inko looked up at her in disbelief and curiosity. “Really?”

“I might be convinced to take in a cute chubby diapered kitten.” Ryuko responded coyly.


Izumi wandered aimlessly through the estate, unsure of what to do. She’d looked everywhere for Ryuko to report to her after her round of forest clearings. When she realized she couldn’t find her temporary Heroine boss she looked for her Mom. The possibility that she’d know where Ms. Tsuchikawa was was slim but she was starting to get slightly desperate, on all accounts it seemed like the house was abandoned.

“Hello?” Izumi called, walking forward while trying to keep her diaper from touching the skin of her thighs. It left the poor heroine looking ridiculously bow-legged but she’d already soaked the interior of her nappy while trying to lift a log and hated the clammy feeling of cold urine against her skin.

No one answered her, leaving Izumi to check literally every room in the house that she passed. It was laborious, especially with her borderline goofy stance but very quickly she narrowed down the doors where Ms. Tsuchikawa and her mother weren’t until she was left with one. A single door at the center of the house that she didn’t recognize.

This was odd to Izumi. She’d arrived at Ms. Tsuchikawa’s house nearly a month ago and thought she’d seen every nook and cranny of the place, yet here was a room that appeared out of nowhere.

She opened it without hesitation, calling out for her employer as she’d done at so many other doors. This room was not empty.

The space Izumi walked into was massive, with vaulted ceilings lined with lots of skylights. It was as if the room was split into two sections, one a five-foot wide walking area that surrounded a chest-high wall.

Ms. Tsuchikawa stood leaning against the wall, looking in beyond it. Izumi stepped forward and more of the center square of the room came into view, The floor was tiled with soft colorful puzzle pieces the cribs along the side—three of them exactly—the changing table on the opposite side, and of course a scattered collection of toys, some appropriate for the baby-brained and some more suited for adult activities.

Izumi turned to the blonde confused, looking for some sort of explanation. This was a scarily accurate recreation of what the girls who regained their ability to speak described of the Nefarious Nursery.

Ms. Tsuchikawa smiled back at Izumi, seemingly pleased with her shock. “I’m glad you made it!” she said enthusiastically, “You’re just in time for the show, you may want this though.” She held out a cotton mask to Izumi, one meant to cover her mouth and nose.

Izumi ignored it. “What do you mean show!?” she asked, “What’s going on here?”

Her host only laughed and pointed to the center of the massive nursery.

Izumi couldn’t believe she’d missed the two figures in there earlier. Clad in a shiny black latex onesie with paw-shaped booties and mitts was the missing hero Midnight. She was squatting, with a bulgy diapered butt positioned directly above another person’s head. Laying underneath in a similar latex suit and dumb-looking paws was her mom.

“MOM!?” Izumi yelled in confusion, clearing the wall. She ran toward Inko, trying to stop whatever weird display was about to happen.

Behind her, Ryuko chuckled, “You really should have taken the mask.”


Inko lay beneath Midnight’s diaper excitedly. She’d so easily agreed when Ryuko offered to turn her into a diapered kitten. Ryuko mused at how happy she was to add Inko to the nursery. She already had a wonderful little skunk and now her favorite Big Bab would join her.

Their lively conversation had continued as she slipped Inko into her new diaper, one thicker than she’d ever experienced. A full foot of padding poofed out in every direction and compacted tightly against her.

She’d called it a ‘Permapamper’, a diaper designed to hold every mess Inko could produce and grow to contain them as she piled more in. It made the green-haired woman hot just thinking about it. Over the diaper the latex onesie went, with a cat tail poking out the back and a pair of ears on a headband. The last little touches were the booties and mittens shaped like paws. They locked tightly around her wrists and ankles. The material inside them was thick, obviously meant to make grabbing things near-impossible and walking a challenge.

“This is cute…” Inko said with a blush. The symbolism of Pixie-Bob acting as if she was her kitten wasn’t lost on Inko—in fact she kind of liked it.

Once dressed she was brought into the nursery, introduced to Smelly Skunk Midnight and told that if she wanted to stay all she had to do was lie down. There was no hesitation from Inko who rolled onto her back and let Midnight squat over her. She had an idea of what was coming but couldn't be sure. Still, the uncertainty of it was somewhat enjoyable.

She heard someone talking across the room and even a voice that was recognizable. Inko hardly cared though, the anticipation caused by the diaper above her holding all her focus. All the way up until she heard the word “MOM!?” shouted.

“Izumi?” she thought briefly before the padding dropped down and enveloped her entire face. She breathed in deeply, relishing the smells of latex and plastic-backed padding before a rumbling fart caused it all to quake above her.

Now she understood fully and expected the stink of Midnight’s flatulence to be unbearable, but to her surprise it smelled more sweet. The gas that invaded her nostrils wasn’t unpleasant at all—in fact, Inko breathed in even deeper at the smell. Then came the heat, and the added weight.

Midnight’s diaper grew lumpy and heavy as she pushed a massive load into it, apparently determined to fill the entire space of her diaper with a mush that smelled as sweet as her earlier flatulence and replace any and all air Inko might get.

Inko’s whole world became the back of the ex-heroine's diaper. It overtook her mind, filling it like that hypno screen had before, with a thick concrete slurry that replaced any and all thought. This time only one word existed in the brain-clearing muck.


Inko’s body readily obeyed the command even if mentally she couldn’t and the muck in her brain started to drain, pushing into the back of her diaper with force. With it went every single thought she’d ever had.

That simple command destroyed every ounce of adult thought she had or ever would have.


Izumi was too slow to clear the space between the chest-high wall and the pair in the ‘playpen’ nursery. Midnight’s body rumbled and vibrated before a loud burst of gas escaped from her body, followed by her lewdly filling her diaper.

She stopped and averted her gaze for a moment, the sight of her mother in such a degrading position nearly more than she could handle. While sitting on Inko's face the back of midnight's diaper started to expand backwards with an impossible amount of matter. Even more surprising was that she kept going! It looked like the stinking gunk pumping into her padding wasn’t going to stop and the creeping sag caused by its weight would consume all of Inko, not just her head.

Izumi moved to flip her off of Inko, or try and stop the avalanche of shit into her pants that threatened to cover her mother. She froze in place, her body tensing at the whiff of something hitting her nose. Rather than the smell being unbearable and rancid, it was sweet and drifted into Izumi’s nose like an invasive virus.

She leapt back, immediately feeling her body react to the smell. “Is this… Somnambulist!?” Izumi asked, surprised to see it activating because of the 18+ hero using her diaper. Yet, there was also some doubt. Izumi didn’t feel sleepy because of the aroma coming off of Midnight. Her stomach was churning and she felt a familiar urge to use the bathroom…

“It’s not quite the Somnambulist you’re familiar with,” Ryuko called from behind. “When poor Nerumi here went through the Nefarious Nursery her quirk actually mutated. Now instead of making her sleepy, it makes big babies—more specifically, it makes you shit out an essential part of yourself.”

“W-What!?” Izumi yelled, snapping her attention back between the pair in the center and the traitorous kitty cat. “So what’s going to happen to her?” she asked, pointing to the squirming form under Midnight.

“Oh I suspect all her adult thoughts will be filling out her diaper in three…two—”

Before Ryuko could even finish, Inko’s diaper exploded in size, expanding out by a foot, then two, then four as her body seemed poised to try and match Midnight’s output. It was past her knees now, the stained crotch creeping across the floor as her body reached the limit of the amount of mess it could produce.

“Looks like she was more eager than I expected~!”

The odor of Inko’s explosive hypermess mingled with the sweet smell created by Midnight’s Somnambulist pheromones, bringing about the stink that Izumi had expected when she first saw her former teacher start to fill her diaper.

“I’m surprised to see you just standing there Izumi,” Ryuko said behind her, “You don’t have to be under Midnight’s diaper to have her new quirk affect you. Just being that close means it’s probably already making your body start to churn with what you’ll inevitably fill your diaper with.”

Izumi turned in shock, she’d intended to put some distance between her and the pair. If she could just clear the barrier and leave the nursery she’d be able to possibly get help.

She didn’t even make it a single step before something whipped up from underneath the foam mats beneath her, wrapping around her limbs and immobilizing her with surprising speed.

It felt gritty against her exposed skin and moved constantly. Tendrils made of dirt had sprouted from the ground and held her in place.

“I suppose it was a good idea to leave exposed soil underneath the mats.” Ryuko bragged, jumping the wall and moving toward Izumi, “My earth flow proved to be more useful than I thought.”

Struggling in her bonds proved to do very little for Izumi, the grip too tight and any strength granted by One-for-All waning fast. Izumi realized then that she hadn’t been paying enough attention to her own condition. Her quirk had been weakening for a while, a majority of her strength required to be devoted to not shitting herself right then and there.

“What have you done to me?” she asked, giving her most defiant look to Ryuko.

The blond remained as cocky as ever, moving toward Izumi with a latex suit that looked to match Inko's and a diaper that was far thicker than anything she’d ever seen before.

“Actually,” Ryuko said, a very matter-of-fact tone taking over her voice, “I only put laxatives and muscle relaxers in your food. I’m assuming you’re talking about the reason you’re in diapers and can’t take them off. That’s all you. You enjoyed seeing so many of my hypno screens that I didn’t even have to put them on you. You did it all by yourself.”

“But why isn’t my quirk working!?” Izumi cried, obviously growing desperate.

“Oh, I don’t know. Somnambulist perhaps? Maybe your quirk is what’s being converted. This isn’t really an exact science.”

The bluntness of the answer caught Izumi off guard, but she didn’t have time to be shocked about it because the tendrils of earth holding her started to manipulate her limbs like a doll while Ryuko pulled off her clothes.

“Before you make a big mess we’ve got to get you all dolled up in your kitten outfit!” she said excitedly.

Izumi pulled and yelled, doing whatever she could to break free to no avail. Before she knew it Ryuko had her clothes changed and dropped her back to the floor. The earthly tendrils snagged the foam puzzle pieces as they retreated, completing the colorful pattern on the floor once again.

“Ready?” Ryuko asked.

“For what?” Izumi responded nervously.

“Why, to join your new sister Inko as a diapered kitten of course!”


With the experience in heroics against villains that she had under her belt, Izumi had heard quite a few insane phrases and monologues—never anything like this though. She was dealing with the shock of utter defeat. Without even realizing it she’d been playing into Ryuko’s sinister plan.

“Y-You invited me here just to regress me like the rest of my former class was?” she asked.

“No.” Ryuko said, “I brought you here so cutie-pie Inko here could be the cutest chubby kitten in the world. You as her sister are just a bonus.”

Izumi wanted to move, but rather than rushing forward her legs gave out underneath her, leaving her to drop helplessly to the ground. Her stomach was gurgling loudly and the twitching of her bowels caused poor Izumi to shake uncontrollably.

The smell Midnight produced was only slightly delayed by distance. Izumi felt her muscles weaken, her willpower drain, and all the years of training she’d put in to make One-for-All hers start to accumulate as a physical feeling.

It was like a block in her stomach, a solid lump being forced into a space that was far too small to contain it. Her guts churned violently, trying to process the mass at a breakneck velocity to keep from bursting.

Even kneeling proved to be too much so Izumi laid back as a last ditch attempt to find some form of relief from the pain. With her legs spread wide Izumi cradled her stomach, trying to work her way through the waves of cramping.

One particularly bad pang hit and Izumi was surprised to feel herself start to pee. Not only was the torrent much like a pipe bursting, but it felt so different from her previous accidents. It was like fire spreading across sensitive erogenous zones.

Exploring her changed body had been a big part of coming to terms with her new gender, but those explorations didn’t compare to the explosive sensations that peeing just  granted her. It was like one orgasm piled onto another because each minute the urine rushed from her body and splashed against her new insanely thick diaper, she cumed again only to have it stack with the orgasm she’d just had


All she could put together was a loose collection of consonants and vowels that didn’t even resemble language. Her feet found the ground beneath her, planting themselves as her legs pushed upward. Her arms lay flat but her diapered rump and back lifted away from the floor, her body’s twitching reaction to what she’d been feeling.

All she could do was howl and shake violently, not just due to the complete overstimulation from accumulated orgasms but also from her bowels working overtime. The internal pipes of Izumi’s body trembled and contracted all on their own. She had no input of the quakes wracking her body as she felt the first wave of her energy-converted-waste making its way to stuff the back of her diaper full.

A massive, arm-thick turd pushed through her, an unstoppable giant forcing her sphincter wide open and lazily pushing into the massive ‘Permapamper’ Ryuko had put her in.

It was a challenge to continue holding herself up as the snake of shit coiled slowly into the back of her diaper but poor Izumi’s limbs weren’t obeying anymore anyways. She was stuck in that position like her mind could only focus on one thing at a time—and it’d chosen messing.

With a heavy *plop* the mush broke off, leaving a moment's reprieve where a humiliated heroine could relax her limbs. Izumi’s raised bottom fell, sinking into the diaper that she’d already would have considered overfull were it not for the thing’s stretching capabilities. It shifted beneath her, sliding along the floor and reaching mid-calf, already threatening to overtake Inko’s huge diaper.

“It’s over…?” Izumi asked shakily. She got her answer a second later when she realized that while the cramping had lessened, it wasn’t even close to finished..


With the solid matter out of the way, a continuous burst of stinking soft mush exploded violently into the back of Izumi’s diaper. The padding filled quickly, exploding in size to contain the mess and stretching the crotch of the latex onesie.

She’d seen the impossible in Inko and Midnight’s messes, but they didn’t even compare to the deposited load from Izumi. The sensations of hot muck and her twitching body pushing as hard as it could sent her into overdrive with pure pleasure threatening to fry her nerves with the intensity of what she was feeling.

Her eyes crossed, her teeth locked and her hands curled into ineffectual fists as she started to cum again, the simple act of messing adding the sensation of one orgasm onto another, and then another and another.

When she finished the diaper she was wearing was bigger than her, and must have weighed nearly a hundred and fifty pounds. She’d produced so much shit that it would have been impossible for most people to move. Not only that but she was exhausted, the exertion of pushing so much excrement through her body was more daunting than any battle she’d ever faced.

“I-It’s a g-good thing I h-have One-f-for-All.” she thought, straining with what little energy she had left to activate the quirk.

Nothing happened, her quirk failing to trigger and her body remaining still. She was reminded by what Ryuko had said, that her quirk was possibly being converted like Inko’s mind had been. If that was true all the accumulated power of One-for-All now existed entirely in her diaper, turned into an almost literal mountain of stinking shit.

From the edge of the room, Ryuko clapped happily, much to Izumi’s ire. “That,” she called, “was really an amazing show! And just think, I was live streaming it all. The whole internet got to enjoy it.”

Izumi felt that she should be embarrassed about the announcement but had no energy to devote to it. She was still trying to figure out an escape through the post-orgasm haze and the aftershock quakes affecting her body.


It’s hard to argue with the results.” Ryuko said happily, dropping her chin into her palm to watch Izumi’s quaking form in the center of the playpen. When she saw Midnight up for sale by the Nefarious Nursery she’d purchased her immediately, thrilled to see a longtime crush turned into a baby-brained plaything.

Her brain had been melted beyond recovery by Mommy Dominator and Naughty Nanny’s program, so unlike the other captured heroes she didn’t have a chance to rejoin society. The cherry on top for Perverted Pussycat Pixie-Bob was finding out about her quirk's mutation. The pair of regression-focused villainesses were kind enough to warn her and give her a synthesized immunity pill for its effect.

She remembered the way Nanny had spoken to her, with that calm and expectant tone. “I think you will quickly become one of our best customers.” It was almost like a threat, one that sent excitable shivers up Ryuko’s spine. She aspired to be their best customer from that day on, purchasing all her baby-making supplies from them. From hypno screens to giant cribs to ever-expanding diapers, the pair had supplied her with it all.

She watched excitedly as the pair In the background started to creep closer. Midnight and Inko had been watching patiently while Izumi messed herself, the wonder of such a large hypermess holding them at bay. However, with the theatrics done they were released from their hesitation.

The instincts of primal horny hypermessing were starting to take over, the other parts of their hypnosis and conditioning that told them to get off in their diapers by any means necessary. From the floor Midnight pawed at a vibrator until her mitted hands finally found purchase around it, grasping it unsteadily

Laboriously she climbed on top of Izumi’s mountain of padding, roughly trying to place herself near the defeated heroine’s crotch. She was slightly off but plopped down happily on the diaper anyway, figuring that she’d gotten close enough. With little burrowing movements she moved the vibrator between her and Izumi’s hyper-filled nappies, flipping the switch clumsily.

All of a sudden it was like somebody was using a jackhammer in the room, with the vibrations of the supercharged toy shaking both muck-filled diapers and even the floor beneath them. Ryuko knew it had to be super strong to stimulate through such big padding but even she wondered if it was a little overboard.

Midnight ground against both Izumi’s diaper and the vibrator, starting to ride the ecstasy of sexual gratification, one of the only things her mind could even process at that point.

Inko decided to take another route and pushed herself up on shaky legs. Ryuko couldn’t help but be impressed given how much she’d struggled with walking before going completely baby-brained. She positioned her swinging diaper just above poor Izumi’s face, apparently choosing it as her grinding spot for this session of hyper horny humping.

For just a moment Izumi locked eyes with Ryuko. The message conveyed in that look told her she’d done everything perfectly and even if she wasn’t as mindless as the other two now, she would be soon. All Izumi’s face said to her was “Please, I-I can’t cum anymore…”

It wouldn’t take her many more orgasms to reach that point.

Ryuko turned towards one of the cameras above her, making a point to do a cute pose for them. “I hope you’ve all enjoyed the main event of today's live stream! Just you wait ‘cause I’m gonna be adding to our lovely little baby pet nursery here soon! I’m thinking of getting a bunny, a froggy, and an adorable flying squirrel. We aren’t even close to done so be sure to check in on my 24/7 stream every day!”


Seeing the broadcast of her sweet Izumi turning into a diaper dependent hyper messer while two other big babies humped on top of her filled Himiko Toga with lots of different emotions. It was exceptionally sexy but at the same time, it made her intensely jealous. She wanted to be there but also watching it on the stream gave her a voyeuristic thrill.

“What a wonderful sight…” she mused, choosing to focus on the sexier aspects, “To be there, to even be one of them would be so fun.”

The idea of being able to join in the pile of diapered shenanigans got Toga more hot and bothered than she’d thought it would but another twisted idea quickly took it over. “I don’t just want to be there,” she realized. “I want to be a part of Izumi’s torment. Oh how adorable I would look as her diaper. I could be her Permapamper, and be squished and filled by her. What a terribly wonderful thing that would be. “

From behind Himiko in the darkness she heard a sound, and whipped around with a knife in hand, ready to slash at whoever had entered her room. However, her arm sagged before she could even make the full turn and exhaustion caused her eyes to flutter.

A tall figure started to step out of the darkness. “I can help with that wish my dear.”



Yesssss this came out wodnerfully