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In Imp City, there are very few nice places to eat. Being in the second circle was like that, it was more a slum than anything else given how lowly imps were seen. Loona however had managed to find at least one nice restaurant in the 'hell hole' she called home.

Tinted windows dimmed the brilliant blood-red sky of hell and created a more intimate environment bathed in amber. She'd gotten a corner table in the back, a nice little pocket of peace where she didn't have to be seen by everyone else except her guest.

"Glad you were able to come up from Wrath." the hellhound said. Her demeanor had an uncharacteristic nervousness about it.

"Well o' course!" the imp across from her said excitedly. "Anything for a cutie like you!"

Sallie May had joined the wolfish secretary regularly these days, coming up from her ring ever since the harvest festival. They'd made a connection that day and regularly saw each other since.

Loona was happy when Sallie May suggested going to dinner together. It'd been a nice change of pace from dealing with Blitzo’s annoying behavior.

The fact that she found most people annoying proved to be a persistent problem for Loona but she didn't have that with Sallie. There wasn't even the normal urge to pull her phone out at the table.

“So? What're you thinkin' of gettin' baby?” Sallie asked, eyeing the menu for herself.

Loona cringed a little at the nickname but tried not to let it spoil her good mood. “Something expensive if you’re paying like you promised.” she teased.

Sallie smiled. “Well it ain’t like I’m expectin’ big baby Loona pay. Seems like a very adult thing to do, which you do not ex-em-pli-fy.”

This earned another cringe from the hellhound. She hoped that nobody at any of the nearby tables could hear Sallie, especially since she was being so blatant with her wording. She may as well have been calling out Loona’s diaper right then and there.

She was fighting the urge to throw back a sarcastic remark or even worse, snap at Sallie. Normally she wouldn’t have minded the teasing quite so much but tonight it was getting on her nerves.

In an effort to keep peace, Loona stood, tugging at the short legs of her shorts. The length wasn't really the problem, nothing she could do would hide the puffiness underneath.

“Oh?” Sallie remarked, “Going somewhere?” she asked. “Can’t be the bathroom. We both know what’s under those short shorts.”

Loona turned back and practically growled. “I’m just going to get another fucking drink.” she said.

“Well then at least I get to see your big butt sway as you walk away!” Sallie called after her.

The break from her guest while at the bar was enough to calm down the hellhound, especially since she got to enjoy a splash of tequila and its bitter bite. She returned to Sallie at least slightly happier and a plate of food had been delivered. Apparently, her date had been nice enough to order for her.

“Just in time.” Sallie cooed, ‘Fore you start eatin' wait though, I think I have a bib here for you somewhere.”

Just when she thought she was fine Loona felt her eye twitch. Her crinkly bottom was about to hit the seat when she shot back up, slamming her paws into the table. She’d been barely able to even sit down before Sally made that comment.

“I’m not a fuckin baby!” she shouted. She’d tried so hard not to draw attention to herself in the restaurant but now every eye was on her. Even worse than that was the look on Sallie’s face, she dropped her teasing smile and had gone serious.

“Shit,” Loona cursed, “I’m sorry Sallie. I-I didn’t mean it.”

Apologizing for an outburst felt a little like a foreign concept to her but she wasn’t sure what else she could do. It wasn't often that she knew for sure she was in the wrong.

Sallie kept quiet, laying down the money for the uneaten food and walking out. Loona stood at the table for a moment, watching her favorite imp walk away in an angry silence only made her regret deepen.

Loona rushed behind Sallie, following her down the sidewalk. Apologies spewed from her snout but Sallie said nothing, walking with her gaze locked straight ahead. Eventually, they reached a familiar neighborhood. Sallie had led her right to the I.M.P. offices.

“W-what the fuck are we doing here?” Loona asked as Sallie pushed her way inside. She didn’t like being there when it was time to work, so showing up on the weekend was unheard of.

Once they were fully inside Sallie’s entire demeanor changed. She was smiling again even more deviously than she was in the restaurant. Apparently, it'd all been an act before. Without any words she started pulling at Loona's shorts, trying to get them down. "Oh hell." Sallie cursed, giving up on salvaging the garment and ripping it away. "I'm tired of these."

The diaper underneath was no longer constrained by too-tight shorts, leaving it plenty of room to puff out. With the fluffy back end exaggerated because of the way Loona’s thighs rubbed together nervously, Sallie couldn't help but chuckle. The hellhound looked too cute.

Her partner exposing her diaper was all it took for a switch to flip in the Loona and she instinctively popped her left thumb into her mouth, suckling on it.

Sallie smiled at her companion’s instant littlefication. “Sorry I brought ya to work on your day off.” she said, “I jus' couldn’t wait the entire walk home to deal with that little outburst. This was much closer.”

The hellhound nodded, thumb still in her mouth as she dropped down. Normally she stood a fair bit taller than Sallie and her way of showing babyish submission was by getting down onto her level. This often meant either crawling or sitting on her padded rump, even though that still only brought her to the imp's eye line.

“I’m sworry fo gettin’ mad…” Loona said, doing her best to articulate the words around her thumb. She wasn’t ready to take it out because it made the tough feelings of her outburst easier to process.

Sallie May swooned at her adorable response, falling into her fluffy diapered hellpup happily. With her spare arm, Loona reached around and hugged her tight.

“I can’ stay mad at chu cutie,” Sallie assured her, hugging her back sweetly to let her know the outburst was okay. ‘I know you was just puttin' on a tough face.”

When Loona had accidentally discovered Sallie’s enjoyment of cute girls in diapers by wandering in on her using the computer she felt something inside her flipped. She herself had enjoyed thick padding behind closed doors before, but just the idea of sharing that with someone made her want to punch a wall.

Until Sallie May.

She told the imp all about her padded desires right then and there, admitting that she enjoyed padding for the first time ever. It was quick to turn from friendship into a relationship, with Sallie taking on the role of both girlfriend and caretaker.

While she may have been comfortable with Sallie, there were still times in public when she liked to push Loona, teasing her or playing little pranks that might reveal her babyish nature. Loona herself both did and didn’t enjoy it. While she may have just been a diaper-loving hellpup on the inside, she still had a tough outer image to uphold.

“That bein’ said,” Sallie May said, breaking the silence of the hug they shared, “I can’t just let you get away with throwing a big ol’ tantrum like that. Go ahead, stand up.”

The mischievous imp herself stood, gesturing with her hand that Loona should do the same.

Confusion spread over the diapered hellhound's face but followed the command. At her full height Loona towered over her imp caretaker, between the two, it was clear who controlled the room. For one Loona couldn’t take her thumb out of her mouth when she got like this but Sallie also had a confidence in her step that commanded respect.

The impish domme reached out to cup the puffy crotch of Loona’s diaper. Without even needing her to say anything the hellpup shifted her feet and spread her legs, making room for Sallie’s hand without her even asking.

The pressure of her hand pressing into her diaper turned her breathing ragged. Just the baseline excitement of Momma Sallie’s touch sent shivers through her and that wasn't including the anticipation of what could be coming next.

Sallie kept her command simple but the joy in her voice as a single word passed her lips couldn’t be understated.

“Pee.” she said, a wild smile revealing sharp teeth as she said it.

“Mmmmpphhh” Loona mumbled behind her thumb, flexing her abdominal muscles inward to put pressure on her bladder. The multiple tequilas from dinner sloshed within her body and that little bit of force was enough to send them out forcefully.

Urine poured from her body in a steady stream, splashing against the cotton of her diaper. The core of the padding worked to absorb her urine, almost as if it was trying to drink it up thirstily but it struggled to keep up, with a little piss pooling around Loona’s crotch for a moment. Eventually the absorbent core started reducing the pool but for a moment the wolfish girl was practically swimming.

That spreading warmth earned a moan from Loona, who squirmed in place. Her movements had the bonus effect of rubbing the crotch of her swelling diaper into Sallie’s hand, which rubbed against her in a pleasurable way.

Sallie herself was mostly just enjoying the feeling of the crotch of her hellpup’s diaper swelling against her palm. Something about her willingly pissing herself at Sallie's command gave her a satisfying feeling of control. Even better was feeling the results of her command as tangible weight in her hand. The low hissing of it, the way the crotch of her padding spread with a wet heat in her hand, the little writhing movements from her plaything.

“Now that’s a good little hellpuppy.” Sallie May cooed, letting the warm padding squish around her hand, and engulf her fingers with its growing bulk. Little whines escaped from Loona’s snout as Momma Sallie's hand rubbed the soggy crotch.

The wanting noises only increased when Sallie’s fingers slipped away from the crotch of her diaper, leaving her to beg for more as her dominant partner stepped away. “I hope ya didn’t think you was getting rewarded for your outburst Little Loony. I’mma need ya to bend over for me so we can get on with the fun part.”

Whatever begging whine Loona did before caught in her throat. She wasn’t going to argue with Momma Sallie because she knew exactly what was coming. Any pleading would still have her assuming the position and adding to the number of swats she’d receive.

With her diaper squelching between her legs with every step, Loona bent over her desk, presenting the rear of her padded rump to the room.

Sallie Mae found herself admiring the stain that crept up the back of the hellpup’s diaper. It was a delightful signifier of how badly she’d soaked her padding.

With a happy little skip she snagged a chair from the corner, pulling it up alongside Loona. The difference in height between Sallie May and Loona made it so her protruding diapered rump would have rested against Momma Sallie’s horns; she needed the boost.

From her purse, Sallie took the handle of her favorite punishment aid. Producing it from the bag made a satisfying swish sound. A massive two-foot-long paddle that shouldn’t have been possible to fit in the small space of her fancy clutch.

Holes drilled in the flat face of the plank of wood made it fly through the air with a satisfying whistle while also reducing drag. That swish sound alone made Loona rock back and forth in preparation for an incoming smack. Sallie’s smile only grew as she brought back the paddle. When it swung forward her feet lifted off the chair, nearly swinging the imp into the desk. She wrestled control just enough to stay in place and land a solid blow on Loona’s diapered butt.

The smack of the paddle resonated throughout the office, making a loud *crack* backed by a squishy noise of her soiled diaper’s soaked core.

Loona herself let out a happy howl, the feeling of her cheeks reddening underneath the padding made her uncontrollably excited. She could care less whether or not somebody in the office could hear her unfiltered noises because she was enjoying it so much.

Sallie wound herself up again, giving another smack to Loona’s bottom, then another, and another after that. The hellpup’s howls only increased in intensity with each blow until a shivery shake overtook her.

With ten spankings in Sallie felt satisfied that she’d got her message across and pushed the paddle back into her purse. “All done Loona!” She said happily, taking a seat in front of her in the comfy, somewhat dilapidated desk chair at the I.M.P. secretaries’ desk.

She got an amazing look at Loona’s panting face, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and a line of drool dribbling onto the desk below. She gripped the sides hard with her claws digging into the wood like she was still bracing for another blow despite Sallie sitting right in front of her.

“Think ya done learned your lesson Loony?” Sallie asked, putting her feet up.

The hellpup nodded, dragging herself up from the desk. Her thumb went right back into her mouth. She waddled around the furniture, coming to stand next to Momma Sally. Aftercare was always important and Sallie made extra room on her lap for Loona to sit. She wasn’t even remotely bothered by her size, she’d gotten used to cuddles with her 'little'.

The babyified hellhound curled her tail between her legs and nestled against Sallie. The imp felt the diaper squish against her thighs as Loona got cozy in her lap the padding had already started to cool to a lukewarm temperature.

“Sorry I got so mad.” Loona said with a blush, all of a sudden getting very serious.

Sallie could feel that she was trying to impart sincerity in her words, dropping the babyish act and was letting her know that outside of punishment and their ABDL relationship that she felt bad for making a scene. Sallie nuzzled her face into Loona’s fur, reassuring her of their connection. “It’s alright, cutie pie.” Sallie said, “I know how easily you get embarrassed, next time I won’t go so far.”

Loona’s head tilted down toward Sallie’s and she looked at the imp. “I love you mommy.” she grumbled behind her thumb.


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